Prophet Julie Green - Revenge in Washington Is Growing - Captions

2 months ago

This video from November 13, 2024, revolves around offering encouragement and scriptural support to people experiencing delays in answered prayers. It emphasizes the importance of standing firm in faith, citing scriptures like Galatians 6:9, Isaiah 55:11, and 1 John 5:14-15. Julie assures viewers that God is aware of their struggles and will answer prayers in due time. The latter part of the script transitions to a prophetic word, detailing the growing tension and corruption among political leaders in Washington, D.C., particularly targeting figures like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and others. It predicts significant political upheavals, exposure of crimes, and forthcoming whistleblowers who will reveal deeper layers of corruption. Julie also highlights the role of faith in weathering these political storms and encourages viewers to stay firm and vigilant.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 11-13-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Encouragement in Tough Times and Prophetic Insights: Stay Strong in Faith

In this live stream from November 13, 2024, Prophet Julie Green offers encouragement for those facing challenging situations, emphasizing the need to stand in faith and patience. She shares scriptural references from Galatians 6:9, Isaiah 55:11, and 1 John 5:14-15 to remind viewers that God's word will not return void. Julie also discusses the turmoil in Washington, the political shake-ups, and prophetic words about key figures. Lastly, she addresses personal healing and highlights the importance of trusting in God's timing and promises.

00:00 Introduction and Opening Remarks
00:10 Encouragement and Faith
01:00 Scriptural Guidance and Faith
01:32 Standing Firm in Faith
04:25 The Power of Prayer and God's Word
09:24 Guarding Your Words and Staying in Agreement with God
11:44 Prophetic Word: Revenge in Washington
19:35 Scriptural Support for Prophetic Word
38:58 National Interests and Border Protection
39:44 Blame Game and Political Infighting
40:21 Cover-Ups and Corruption
41:24 Panic in the White House
44:21 Biden and Kamala's Revenge
46:38 Political Betrayals and Sabotage
49:49 Whistleblowers and Exposures
58:32 Hollywood and Washington Connection
01:01:12 Ministry Announcements and Warnings
01:05:02 Healing Prayers and Miracles
01:10:59 Closing Remarks and Encouragement

Video Info:

COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International
PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org
Today’s Scriptures:
Gal. 6:9
Eph. 6:14
Isa. 55:11
1 John 5:14-15
Jer. 1:12
Ps. 35:1-10
Ps. 33:8-10
Ps. 138:7
Ps. 41:11
Isa. 54:17
2 Cor. 2:14
Ps. 113:4
Heb. 13:8
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
James 4:7
1 Tim. 6:12
Heb. 10:23
If you're standing in faith and it seems to be taking a long time, don't grow weary or start questioning if God will answer. He can and He will.
God has been saying that He has set up traps against the enemies.
Everything your enemies are doing that is meant for harm and disaster for you, is actually falling back onto them.
The enemies will not prosper in their ways.
Keep standing and stand therefore.
Speak, declare and decree the Word of God.
Keep standing on the Word of God and what He has been saying. God is working and His words are coming to pass.
The enemy will never triumph over you!
God is above and rules over ALL nations.
A shift is taking place both politically and spiritually.
Every time your enemies take a step against God, things will get worse for them.
God sees everything. No one can hide from Him.
Your enemies are not done sabotaging each other.
God is doing a political reset.
God is saying to hold on because He's not done yet with what you see.
3 R's God is doing: removing, retribution and restoration.
God is exposing everything and the truth will be revealed.


Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday, November 13th of 2024. And I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live stream once again today. And I want to give you some encouragement because again, we're seeing so many emails coming in with, with darkness, discouragement, heaviness terminal situations, life and death situations on many different types of occasions,

marriages, children. And so there's so many people that are standing, they've been praying and they don't understand while things aren't happening when they want it to happen. They thought, okay, if I'm standing, I'm praying, I already should have had my answer by now. And so there's always that question.

Why do certain things take so long? I don't understand why this has been going on as long as it's been going on as God not hearing my prayers and start to get to fear, to worry, doubt, don't believe you start to question if you're doing things right, you start to question if God's ever going to answer you in your situation.

And so I want to give you a scripture is called, it's in Galatians. Galatians six and verse nine, Galatians six and verse nine, and it says, let us not lose heart, grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right. For in due time at the appointed season, we shall reap if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.

So a lot of times if you're standing in faith, you're standing on the word of God, whether it is for your health. Whether it's for a job, whether it's for certain finances to pay a certain bill that's past due, whether it's a freedom in your children because you see your children go in the wrong direction, if it is bringing your marriage back together again, whatever it is, there are so many people that are standing, they're fighting that good fight of faith, and then because it takes so long, Then they start to grow weary.

They start to lose heart. They start to ask questions. Why is this taking so long? And those what ifs or why is it taking so long? And all those questions that you may be asking yourself is taking you off your faith. It's taking you away from having your heart fixed on God. Satan's always going to want to give you all these questions.

On, is the word of God working for me? Is God hearing my prayers? Is God going to answer my prayers? How long is it going to take? I don't know how long it's going to take for God to answer your prayer. There is no, like, you know, quick solution. Sometimes when we're walking through that valley of the shadow of death, we shall fear no evil, because there's things that the enemy tries to attack us, and he also tries to delay our prayers being answered.

And one of the things we also know is that it's always the darkest. It's always the most pressure. It's always the most, period of time where you could easily faint and lose heart. That's why in the scriptures it says right here and let us not lose heart and grow weary. So if he's telling you this in the scriptures, that means you're going to have opportunities.

To lose heart and grow weary while you're waiting for things to be answered. Again, in this nation alone, four years, we had to wait for our prayers to be answered. Some of them have, and some of them we are still waiting on. But again, it's not fast food. It's not instantaneous. Some things you can get miracles instantaneously.

Yes, but a lot of things we get with answered prayers are by standing on the word of God, by speaking the word of God, holding and fighting that good fight of faith. So sometimes our answers are not right away. And that's when you have to stand and stand there for, as it talks about in Ephesians six, stand and stand there for, there's people ask, how long do I have to stand?

And I heard Jerry Saville says one time, so you don't have to stay in anymore. Well, how long is that? Until you have your prayers answered. Well, how long is that? I don't know, but God is always Faithful to perform his word and so you know that if you're going into prayer You're giving God his word in Isaiah 55 11.

His word does not return to him void So if you're in prayer and if you turn to Carter I did not give you this scripture because it's just coming to me right now is 1st John 5 14 and 15 1st john 15 and the reason why this scripture is important Because people grow weary and lose heart or faint because they don't see instant results Why i've been standing on the word of god I've been speaking the word of god and it doesn't look like my situation is changing.

It looks like my situation is getting worse That's what your enemy wants you to focus on So what I want you to do is focus on the word If God says in Isaiah 55 11, his words do not return void. So if we're in our prayer closets or wherever you pray, you pray on your work every day in the car, you pray in your shower, you pray in your, I literally have a walk in closet I walk into and I pray in sometimes.

And so there's a lot of times where I, if I need a war and I need to cancel out everybody else that's, that's around in the house, I got to go in this closet, shut the door and I pray. My children have known I've gone in there many different times. You have to sit there and you wait on to the Lord. You wait until you, he gives you that answer and you get that answer so strong in your heart.

I don't care the circumstances that you're facing and what's going on in your life. You are focused on the word of God. You know, no matter what God, I am not going to be moved by what I see. I'm not going to be moved by the enemy. I'm not going to be moved by those bad reports. I'm not going to be moved by how I feel or what my thoughts are telling me.

I'm only going to be moved by the word of God. I receive the word of God and I thank you for that answer. And so in 1 John 5, 14 and 15. This is how you have confidence and not losing heart and growing weary while you're waiting for your answered prayers. So it says, and this is a confidence, the insurance, the privilege of boldness, which we have in him.

We are sure that if we ask anything, make any request according to his will. Now that is a big thing right there. If we're asking God according to his will. Not our will, His will. Because there are some times that people are not praying according to the will of God and that's the reason why you don't get your prayers answered.

So you have to pray God's, the prayer to God with the Word of God. That's why, you know, since I've been on social media and I got here, On here every day encouraging you. That's why I'm giving you scriptures to back it up because if you're praying You can pray with confidence Because lord, this is what your word says It also says that you're actively watching to perform your word He talks about that in jeremiah 1 and verse 12 So if we know that we have that confidence in the insurer if we ask anything According to his will in agreement with his plan He listens and he hears.

So that's how you know you can get rid of that question. Is God hearing me? You can also get rid of that question. Will God answer? God will answer you if you do not grow weary and faint and give up. So be, do not have or have that I'm not gonna quit. Have that mindset. I'm not gonna quit. I don't care of the adversity I come up against.

I have a no quit attitude. Have that attitude firm and strong in the word of God. Then verse 15. If we ask, since we sorry. If we If, sorry, I'll say it right, I promise. And if, since we positively know that He listens to us and whatever we ask, we also know with settled and absolute knowledge that if we have granted us in our present possessions the request made of Him.

This is really key. These scriptures right here. Write these down. Isaiah 55 11. Galatians 6, 9, and also 1 John 5, 14, and 15. And because if you have these steps, you have these scriptures in front of you, you can have that boldness when you're in your prayer closet. I'm giving God's word back to him, and his words were not turned to him void.

I'm going to give his word back to him, and he's going to hear me, and he's going to, I'm going to have that confidence that he's going to answer. So this is how we change our attitudes. When we're in prayer about something that we've been standing for, praying for a long time, but we haven't seen the answer yet.

But another thing, while you're standing, guard your mouth. Remember, life and death and the power of the tongue. So as we're praying to God in one way, this is what he showed me one time. I was praying to him, giving him his word, I had confidence in prayer, then I come out of that prayer closet, and that's it.

And I would speak the opposite because of frustration. I was overwhelmed. So I didn't realize a lot of the times it was my mouth that delayed my answer to my prayer. And a lot of people think, you know, they blame it on somebody else. And sometimes you got to look yourself in the mirror and go, okay, watch your mouth.

Staying in agreement with God. That's where a lot of times Okay. So I've corrected my husband. He's corrected me. I've even had my children. If I said something, especially my oldest child, he'll say, mom, you shouldn't be saying that. And that's good. I want people to correct me. If I'm saying something that's contrary to the word, I want to be corrected that way because I don't want something to be in agreement with me of the wrong thing, because I don't want the wrong result.

I want to stay in agreement with God, whether in my prayer closet, it. Or if I'm talking with family, we're having a dinner, I want to have my mouth in alliance with God's word, not how I feel. So that's how we keep our hearts fixed on Him and that we don't grow weary and faint when we don't see an instant result to our prayer.

There are times where I prayed for something, it took years. when But God was faithful and I always got those prayers. I did not give up on why? Because God's faithful. So have that confidence. Don't have that question mark. Get rid of that question mark. When you're going into prayer. I know if I'm giving God's word back, I know he's going to hear me and I know he's going to answer me.

Okay, so I'm going to get to this word today. This was what the second one from November 9th. Okay, this is when he wanted me to get out today and said yesterday. This is the second one from 11- 9, November 9th, and this is called Revenge in Washington is Growing. Revenge in Washington is Growing. For I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, my children, the shaking that has begun in Washington is about to get worse for those who are against me.

They have tried to turn a page to stay in power, and they failed miserably. There's a civil war going on behind closed doors in D. C. Because they're on all out panic, seeing how the majority of citizens in this nation have rejected their narrative, their agenda, and their version of what they wanted the United States to become.

Seeing they have lost miserably, they are trying to play clean up, and destroy any records of the crimes they've committed. They're trying to wipe out their servers, emails, text messages, phone calls. They're trying to hide their phone, their, sorry, their money trails of corruption. They have continued to deny the truth and put this country into a state of collapse.

The White House is in an all out panic because they don't know how to clean up, clean up every crime scene in time of everything they participated in before My David returns back to power. The Puppet Masters are turning on the Puppets, for failing them from keeping President Trump from returning to the White House.

Your enemies don't realize I have infiltrators in their midst capturing every moment and everything they are doing to cover up their corruption against this nation.

I have their servers, emails, phone conversation, text messages, videos and audio, proof of it all. There is nothing they can hide from me, says the Lord. The Biden will try to continue to get revenge for what the left has done to him. Kamala is about to do something that Biden won't see coming. There is growing tensions between Pelosi, the Biden, Obama, Chuck Schumer, and many of the deep state mob bosses and their puppets.

You will start to see more betrayals and more sabotaging going on in Washington before they're all removed. They're all in survival mode, trying to figure out how to stay afloat. The Biden will continue to defy his puppet-masters, and his last jabs to see them fall like he has. Revenge in Washington is growing where no one trusts each other.

What Washington does not realize yet is that everything they are planning to disrupt, the transition with My David and certifying the election will not go their way, but just the opposite! More whistleblowers are coming forward to prove the indictments came from Obama and all the swamp rats in Washington.

There will be proof of every person in Washington who collaborated and went with these plans and who was paid to move these indictments forward. You will see governors and AGs standing up in defiance of My David. Everyone will fail because they will all be exposed and removed by Me says the Lord.

Letitia James and Kathy Hochul:

All the stench that comes from your state, of all the crimes you have both allowed to take place - there is a whistleblower coming to expose all that you have taken part in. You will not only be removed, but you both will be imprisoned for the crimes you've committed against your own state, and against this country. Gavin Newsom: you will soon be removed from being governor because judgment is coming for you.

All what you have done against this nation and your dreams of becoming president will soon disappear. The whistleblower is coming to expose you and all you hold dear and it will be ripped from you. Gavin Newsom, you are finished, says the Lord of Hosts. My children, the swamp rats are about to be forced out with the truth that is about to hit the airwaves.

Some of these whistleblowers have been held back until the Trump cards were played at the very right time. Another whistleblower will blow the doors off the DOJ with proof how they were connected to the assassination attempts against My David.

An explosive truth is coming to destroy what your enemies are trying to hide everywhere. It will come out in the open that your enemies what your enemies have tried to bury. My children, everything is about to change in this nation as you know it, because this is a time of removals; but it's also the time of restoration and retribution of everything they have stolen from you, says the Lord. Governors will fall... Senators will fall... Congressmen and women will fall... Every dirty politician will fall, because nothing can hold back the truth that will destroy all their lies that have kept them in their positions.

Hollywood is about to be torn apart because people are coming out to expose the filth that held it together and the chokehold they've had over this nation is over. The influence and the ability to help Washington is all about to be torn apart. And every actor in Washington playing certain parts -- Everyone will be unmasked, says the Lord.

My children, the movie that has been played out in front of you is about to come to an end. Everything and everyone will be revealed and justice will be served. Something significant is about to take place in Colorado. A rat's nest of corruption is about to be exposed -- Who has allowed those gangs to take over,

and who in your government Is paying them. I will completely expose Washington and all they have done to bring in murderers to destroy your nation. This wall of corruption is about to crumble before your very eyes, saith the Lord of Hosts. Now, I want to go over. The first scriptures I want to go over to you regarding this prophetic word is in Psalms 35 1 through 10 and I'm going to read this....

if I can find where I put it In the CEV translation,

Psalms 35, 1 through 10 out of the CEV translation, verse 1. Fight my enemies, Lord. Attack my attackers. Verse 2. Shield me and help me. Verse 3. Aim your spear at everyone who hunts me down but promises to save me. Verse 4. Let all who want to kill me be disgraced. And put to shame. Chase away, confuse all who planned to harm me.

Verse 5 send your angels after them and let them be like a straw in the wind Make them run in the dark on a slippery road as your angels chase them I did them no harm But they hid a net to trap me and they dug a deep pit to catch and kill me surprise them with disaster trap them in their own nets and Let them fall and rot in the pits You They have dug.

I will celebrate and be joyful because you Lord save me Every bone in my body will shout No one is like the Lord you protect the helpless From those in power and you save the poor and needy from those who hurt them one of the scriptures that really Stuck out to me when I was reading this is in verse Not verse 8 in verse 8 Surprise them with disaster, trap them in their own nets.

God's been saying that he's been setting up traps against the nation. He's been setting up traps everywhere. Sorry, he's been setting up traps against the enemies when they're trying to attack the nation. I'll get that right. And so as he's been setting up these traps, he's been saying that they've been falling in every single direction.

So all the ways they're attacking this country, all the ways they're trying to set up traps against us, they're being set and attacked and trapped in their own traps. They're being stuck. Why? Because they are going against God. And just how Pharaoh was doing all that damage against God's people. He tried to destroy them, weaken them, enslave them even more, make their lives a living hell, and everything he was doing, he was setting a trap against himself and his own people.

That's why you saw those plagues. That's why you saw that judgment. And so everything they were doing against God's people is actually being done unto them because God is a God, a justice. He's a God of judgment. And when his enemies try to come against his people continuously, traps are set. And they will be caught in those traps.

And so again, it says, surprise them with disaster, trap them in their own nets, and let them fall and rot in the pits they have dug. So all the damage that they wanted for us, all the destruction that they wanted for us, they're the ones that will fall by that destruction, and they are the ones who are going to fall by all their corruption.

They will not prosper in their ways because their ways are against God. Let's go tPsalms lm 33, verse 8 through 10. Now, I have gone over this one many different times. This is gonna be the classic amplified because another thing that God has been telling us, again, not to put our guard down, I just saw something.

Three hours in the morning this morning, I just saw something. Because I get up very early, and I saw something that was not surprising, but it goes along with prophecy. And it's about how they're trying to sabotage President Trump on his way to office. Now, we're not surprised by that. This is what I, the headline that I saw.

They're trying to sabotage him in so many different ways. People are already apparently trying to defy him, which we know we see this whole thing was going on with Mitch McConnell, but there's people in the Pentagon. There's people in all these different ways, whether it's in the house, whether it's in the Senate, no matter what they are.

They're trying to defy him and sabotage him before he gets into office. That's why God's been saying, they don't want a smooth transition. Don't let these obstacles fool you. They want to cause more damage. Don't put your guard down. But also, we need to be declaring and decreeing these scriptures that he keeps reminding us of on a daily basis that our enemies will come to nothing.

Psalms 33 and verse 8 Let all the earth fear the Lord let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him for he spoke and he was done It was done. He commanded and it stood fast Verse 10 the Lord brings a council of nations to nothing and he makes their plans of people of no effect They're plotting they're planning.

They're scheming Sabotage, they're trying to undermine him Sabotage him, you know that there's they're sending their own swamp rats You To try to be a part of his establishment. Or sorry, to be a part of his administration. They're trying to send the establishment people into, get embedded into his new administration.

You notice what they're doing. Guys, I think we're going to go down without a fight. So what our job is to do is to call out all these swamp rats, all the rhinos, all the infiltrators, all the spies. Call them to be exposed. Call all their walls down. Call them to be destroyed by truth. That's what we want.

We have to keep standing and stand there for. Stand until we see all of it. There's a lot of people writing in and asking questions about certain prophecies. It doesn't look like they don't understand how certain things look one way, but it really is another way. God's not done. So even prophecy again, it's in part, it's not all done.

We can't put our human reasoning on it. Well, it looks this way. So it looks like I don't understand what the prophecy was meaning. God will reveal to you when He is done with it all. He's not done. Some things look a certain way when God says don't go by how things appear to be. Because how things appear to be It's not how they are.

And so we have to step and focus on God. Okay, Lord, you've been warning us about them trying to sabotage. You've been warning them about, they're trying to do something behind the radar. They're looking good on the news right now because they don't want any more people turning against them. They're acting one way when they're really behind closed doors doing something else.

But he said, the Lord brings a council of nations to nothing and the plans of the people have no effect. That's what we're supposed to be declaring and decreeing all the time. That's why he keeps giving us the scripture over and over and over. Let that scripture get so deep down in your heart, when you hear the enemy doing something, this scripture automatically comes up out of your spirit, and you start speaking, declaring, and decreeing it.

So instead of you responding one way, negatively, you respond with the Word of God, because that's what God wants you to do. That's how you war, and that's how you stand, and fight that good fight of faith. And that's also how you Do not grow weary go to Psalms 138,

Psalms 138 and verse seven.

And this is out of the Amplified. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me. You will stretch forth your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand will save me. God, look right here, he says, Though I walk in the midst of trouble, so David was crying this out, Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you will revive me.

He knew that God was with him. would revive him. He knew that God could be trusted. You stretch forth your hand. Now get a powerful revelation about the hand of God. Do a deep dive in the scriptures of all the references to God's right hand and how powerful that revelation truly is. Because when we're in times of trouble, we're in times of distress and frustration, if you know that God's right hand wipes out the enemies, cuts them off, removes them like they were never there, you realize that God will save you.

Then you won't, again, grow weary or lose heart or faint while you're waiting for the final outcome that God has for you. And that, that outcome that he has for you is hope. He has a, you will find that good fight of faith because he's got a good life for you to live. You will stretch forth your hand against the wrath of my enemies and your right hand will save.

Remember how God said that they're going to return on each other? You They are turning on each other right now as we speak. I just found out from one of my team members that apparently Kamala, remember she got a billion dollars, a billion, in her campaign. And somehow, someway, in the course of her short little campaign, It didn't last very long.

She's 20 million dollars in debt. God said follow the money. There is gonna be some big things happening with money. The money trails. God even talked about a prophecy not that long ago about her campaign and them siphoning money through that campaign for other things. So we're gonna start finding out more about Of what that has to entail and then there's also god has been giving many prophecies in the last three or four years about cnn msnbc Well, apparently those two News networks are in major trouble cnn Is laying off hundreds of people and even their big time journalists.

I think chris wallace has he just stepped down from cnn god has prophesied the collapse Of cnn and the collapse of the mainstream media. So apparently since president trump won Well, a week ago, you could say, because it was after midnight and on election night. So, the mainstream media is collapsing into viewership.

God said that was gonna happen. So we're seeing a lot of prophecies. That he prophesied two, three years ago, coming to pass right now, again, because we've been standing. Because we've been having our hearts fixed on him. Because we haven't been growing weary. Because we're standing on the word of God and what God has been saying.

And yes, we will work on those videos and get those out at some point. But God is working. These words are coming to pass because God is speaking these words. He's giving me these words to give to you. I'm not, these are not my words, they're His. And that's why He's faithful to perform these words. That's why you're seeing them come to pass.

Go to Psalms 41 in verse 11. He gave me a lot of scriptures and Psalms again. Psalms 41 and verse 11. But this I know that you for, for a favor and delight in me because my enemy does not triumph over me. So the enemies right now are turning on each other. They're trying to turn they're also trying to do things against us.

But this we know, our enemies will not triumph over us. And I even underline that and put the word never. Our enemies will never triumph over us. And so no matter what they have, and what kind of things they're using, they're never going to triumph. But I want you to say, don't just think about this scripture politically.

A lot of people do think about things politically right now. I want you to think about this in your own personal life. You've been attacked by your enemy in every which way, shape, and form. But I want you to declare my enemy will never triumph over me. I want you to say that on a daily basis, when there's pain in your body, if there's things going on in your mind, if there's things that are going on in your family, I want you to say the enemy is never going to triumph over me.

Why? Because no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I want you Why? Because in 14, he always causes me to triumph. We have to start going from a victim mentality to a victor because we are world overcomers. You can read that in 1 John 5. All right, let's keep going and then I'll go back over this prophetic word.


113 and verse 4. That's where I was going. Psalms

113 and verse 4. The Lord is high above all nations And His glory above the heavens. God is above all nations. So no matter where you're living at, and you have a rogue government, just like we've had a rogue government for so long, God is the one who, right here, He is above all nations. All nations. That's why we're seeing revenge.

They're turning on each other. That's why we're seeing panic setting in. That's why we're seeing them scattering. That's why we're seeing them in all out desperation mode. Because they thought this nation was truly in the bag. They thought this nation was theirs. They could do whatever they want. And they're realizing they're losing their control.

It's out of their hands. They don't know what to do to fix it. Why? It was never in their hands to begin with. God allowed them to look a certain way and feel a certain way and it made me seem a certain way to them. But really, God is in control of the nations, but now. I don't know if you haven't noticed, but in this last week, there has been such a shift, politically and spiritually, that God said was gonna take place.

And we're seeing it, over and over and over again. It's like, I think it was, wasn't President Trump said a long time ago, we're just gonna get tired of winning. We're not gonna get tired of winning. We're gonna keep expecting winning because we are on the winning side. And I know what he meant is because we're gonna have so much winning, you know, we're just, we're gonna be just winning after winning after winning.

We have this last week. It's amazing what has taken place all around the world with all these different world leaders that are all of a sudden changing their tune. Not that they're not going to try anything. Some, some of them, because some of them will, but they're changing their tune in optics because they really see we're in trouble.

And watch what happens with Mexico because God's worried about that one too. Okay, let's go back over this prophetic word. I might give you some more scriptures when I go along with it because sometimes after I'm reading it over again he gives more to me. So again, the first paragraph, For I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, my children, the shaking that has begun in Washington is about to get worse for those who are against me.

They have tried to turn a page to stay in power, and they failed miserably. So, every time They take steps against us. Every time they take a step against God, that's when you're going to start seeing things get worse for them. Remember God put the Biden and Kamala on in the spotlight for a reason. For this very thing.

They're failing miserably at their narrative, at talking people in and thinking that Bidenomics was working, talking people in saying the border is worse, was worse under Trump than it is right now. I don't even know how people can literally believe a lie or even tell a lie like that. Oh, the economy's better and stronger than it was before.

People aren't that stupid, but they thought they had enough people brainwashed to believe all this stuff. So God is saying it's going to get worse. Because they've hardened their heart, just like it got worse for Pharaoh before he, he was, he was done for. They keep going the wrong direction, and the shaking is gonna keep continuously getting worse.

In dc, he says there's a civil war going on behind closed doors in dc because they are in all out panic seeing how the majority of citizens In this nation have rejected their narrative their agenda and their version of what they wanted the united states to become They wanted it a socialistic communistic They wanted it to join the one world government.

They wanted people to believe and not have, not have patriotism anymore. I mean, we're called Nazis because we want America first. I'm sorry, but every country in the world wants their country first. And you should want your country. You should, you should have the interests of your country first. First and foremost before you have it for anybody else.

And so every country has a right to have walls and protection and have borders. But they want you to think the exact opposite of what is common sense. And so he's saying that they're saying they have lost miserably because they have. There's a civil war going on because they didn't expect to lose.

They failed so miserably. Like I just, I just heard Nancy Pelosi say it was basically Biden's fault. And a lot of people could come out against Biden apparently saying it's his fault. He should've stepped down sooner so they could have a primary and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's the blame game. God said it was going to happen.

They're literally like have claws out blaming each other for this. Miserable. Miserable failure of that fake campaign. It wasn't even legal the way they did it. It was a coup. It was a coup, but they didn't care. So he says their agenda and their version of what they, what they wanted for the the United States to become.

So no one was falling. Sorry, I hope I don't get the hiccups. No one was falling for their version. Well, some people were. Just not the majority. And so, they're, they're seeing, they have lost miserably, they are trying to pay cleanup and destroying the records of the crimes they've committed. What does that remind you of?

That reminds me of, as soon as the Lord said that to me, it reminded me of Hillary Clinton, when she was destroying and bleaching all the stuff that she was doing, and destroying all the phones, and destroying all those computers and all those servers and everything they had. They're trying to wipe out their servers, emails, text messages, phone calls.

They're trying to hide their money trails of corruption that they've continued to deny the truth and put this country into a state of collapse. So right now, they're like in Hillary Clinton mode. They're trying to cover their rare ends. They're trying to destroy it. They're trying to bury it. They're trying to wipe it clean.

They're They can't. They can do it, but there's other copies of this stuff. They're not going to be able to completely destroy the things they're trying to hide. The White House is in an all out panic because they don't know how to clean up every crime scene in time of everything that they participated in before Mike Davis return to power.

Remember, they weren't expecting him to return to power. They impeached him twice, they indicted him five times, they tried to kill him twice, They tried to take him off the ballot. They tried to do everything. They weren't expecting this. So now they're trying to, they're behind the eight ball, now they're trying to clean up.

The puppet masters are turning on the puppets for their failure, for failing them, excuse me, from keeping President Trump from returning to the White House. So now the puppet masters, like Obama, is blaming Biden. What's your fault? Or they're blaming Kamala because it's her fault. They shouldn't have picked those two to begin with.

But they did. It's their fault. Your enemies don't realize I have infiltrators in their midst capturing every moment. And everything they are doing to cover up their corruption against this nation. God says, more than once, He has it all. And so no matter what they're doing, they're doing their blame game, they're caught in all the traps that they set, for someone else, They're falling on their own and they're in panic.

They're confused. They don't know what to do. They are in a weaker State than they were a year ago than they were six months ago And they're in a weaker state, especially they were a week ago because they weren't planning This victory is still a shock to them. So they haven't come up with a Russia collusion or anything yet But don't be surprised.

They try to come up against something and you know, try to discredit him try to destroy him You before Inauguration Day. Now, apparently, Judge Mershon delayed the sentencing again until after President Trump leaves office four years from now, which is ridiculous. They tried, they wanted him in prison.

It failed. God said he, there was a prophecy that God said he was not going to prison. No matter how it looked like, no matter what kind of control they thought they had, he was not going to jail. They still want to try to do it though. So if they wait till after he, after he's done with his presidency, it's all gonna fall apart.

Just watch. It's all gonna fall apart. Then God says in this next paragraph, I have their servers, emails, phone conversations, text messages, videos, and audio, proof of it all. There's nothing they can hide from me, says the Lord. You can't! He's omnipotent! He's everywhere! You can't hide things from God. So people who think that they're, they're smart enough to hide things from God, they're really stupid.

You can't hide from God. And then he says, the next paragraph, that Biden will try to continue to get revenge. I saw a picture in a, like, a short little video my team was talking about, how apparently Jill Biden came out in a red suit after she voted. Red is basically the color of the Republican. And so I think that was a huge slap in the face to Kamala, because if you're gonna wear something that bold, you're gonna think about it before you wear it.

I almost wore a blue undershirt. 'cause I just like, I really liked that shirt on election day. I was like, oh no, no, I can't wear that. That might look like I'm making a statement. So I made sure I did, I wear, I wore a burgundy instead of that blue one. 'cause I was like, well I don't want people to think that I was, you know, voting that other way.

So I even thought about it and she was out in front of way more people. They're getting revenge, and they're smil Why is she smiling more now, and why is Biden all of a sudden smiling now when they've lost the election? They want revenge. So he wants to continue to get revenge for what the left has done to him.

And then I heard something, I think it was yesterday? They were talking on CNN or MSNBC or something, it was outlandish, it was absolutely insane. They're wanting Biden now. to step down for at least 30 days or the rest of the time between now and the inauguration day to give Kamala, like, a chance to be president.

Because she campaigned really hard.

I don't even know where these people get their train of thought. It's the most ridiculous So now they're trying to get him to step down from being president for the rest of his term. These people are not done sabi sabotaging each other. And then Kamala's about to do something that Biden won't see coming.

I So watch what she's doing to him because he's doing stuff to her. She's going to do stuff to him. This is going to be very entertaining before inauguration day. There is growing tensions between Pelosi, the Biden, Obama, Chuck Schumer, and many of the deep state mob bosses and their puppets. You will start to see more betrayals and more sabotaging in Washington before they are all removed.

Now, again, political reset. He's talking about that all being removed. Not just some of them. You think of people like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, who have always undermined. The rule of law, our constitution, President Trump, us as citizens who we are their boss. God's not going to allow them to stay. I don't care how much longer they have for their terms.

They are 80 some years old. They need to retire. I think it was that one senator out of California, Dianne Feinstein. Wasn't she like, 90. She was not coherent. The last couple of weeks she served. There needs to be term limits. We need to continue to pray for that too. The enemies are in survival mode, trying to find out how to stay afloat.

The Biden will continue to fight his puppet masters and his last jabs to see them fall like he has. He's so mad, he doesn't care, that his democratic party falls. They stabbed him in the back. Revenge in Washington is growing where no one trusts each other. They shouldn't.

What Washington does not realize yet is that everything they are planning to disrupt the transition with my David and certify in the election will not go the way they want. That way their way, but just the opposite. So again, they're trying to say they're already talking about stuff Apparently God is saying I don't care what they try to do to sabotage him or undermine him or defy him and won't work More whistleblowers are coming forward to prove the indictments came from Obama and all the swamp rats in Washington Those indictments are gonna be pinned to the establishment, to Obama, you know Biden's, but again, Biden's not always coherent, so it wasn't his plan.

He went with that plan, but that was definitely not his plan. Oh, I didn't realize Chuck Grassley and I was 91. Thanks, Chris, for that information. I had no idea. There's a lot of these long time establishment or even people, I don't know if Grassley's part of the establishment or not, I'm not saying he is, but always, there's a lot of long time government politicians, and I'm sorry, but if you are in your 80s like that or 90s, you shouldn't be in office.

Okay? There should be an age for retirement, especially out of the government. Again, term limits. If a president can have term limits, so should House and so should the Senate.

More whistleblowers are coming forward to prove the indictments came from Obama and all the swamp rats in Washington. There will be proof of every person in Washington who collaborated and went with these plans and who paid to move these indictments forward. So again, we haven't seen all of it.

We've seen the crumbling of the indictments. God said it, last year. You were going to see the indictments crumble before your face. They were going to come to nothing. And as you can see, the indictments have come to nothing. They didn't stop President Trump from coming into office. They didn't bankrupt him like they wanted.

They tried to destroy his reputation. They tried to stop him from being elected. Everything these indictments were, were there for, failed. But now we're going to find out what happened. You will see governors, AGs, standing up in defiance of my David. Everyone will fail because they will all be exposed and removed by me.

God is the one who do it. If God can remove Pharaoh and all of his army and all of his men, God's the same God. He can remove all these people too. How is he gonna do it? Do not know. I did not ask him that question. And I think it's better surprising anyway. It's a better surprise to see what God's gonna do than us trying to figure it out.

Letitia James and Kathy Holkel. Now Letitia James is at AG in New York and Kathy Holkel is the governor of New York. He says, all the stench that comes from your state of the state and of all the crimes you both have allowed to take place. There is a whistleblower coming to expose that you have, what you have taken part in.

You will not only be removed, but you both will be in prison for the crimes you've committed against your own state and this country. And the reason why I said who they were is because some people watch from out of country. So I wanted to make sure that they knew who they were. They're out of New York.

And they're evil, evil, evil. And then Letitia James, like, right after President Trump, I think it was actually Wednesday, after he was Won the election. She came out in defiance. And apparently some of the other governors did too. I don't know who all came out, but apparently other, other people did too.

And they, you know, they're trying to put their big boy pants on or big girl pants on and act like they can, they have all this power and they don't. They just want to, again, try to say that President Trump and, and American people who voted for him, mind you, all of us, They're not going to comply with the law.

Well, that's not going to work well for them. Gavin Newsom, you will soon be removed from your, from being governor because judgment is coming for you. Oh, what you have done against this nation and your dreams of becoming president will soon disappear. The whistleblowers are coming to expose you and all, all you hold dear, and it will be ripped from you.

Gavin Newsom, you are finished. He's talking a lot with Gavin Newsom. He's not going to stay in the position he's in. He's not going to become president like he wants. He wants to be The reason why they didn't pick him to replace the Biden is because they didn't want him up against President Trump. So they want him to be up against somebody else they don't think is as strong as President Trump.

So they're probably looking for him in 2028, but it's not looking good for him. With what Guy's saying. My toe and the swamp rats are about to be forced out with the truth that is about to hit the airwaves. Some of these whistleblowers have been held back until the Trump cards, not one, Trump cards, were meant to be played.

So again, there's a lot of things that are being held back right now that has not been done yet. There's a lot of exposures, a lot of removals. Something about Kamala and the Biden is going to be so massive, I've said this before, I'm going to say it again, They stole that election. When God does this political reset, it will be like they never were president or vice president.

They'll be ripped from that ticket. Even the 2024 ticket. But it looked like they were in it. It looked like they were a part of it. If they weren't a part of 2020, they wouldn't have been on 2024. That's why God has to go back to 2024, or 2020, and rip it. apart and you say, well, then we'd have to have another election.

No, you don't because president trump won 2020

so again Certain prophecies people are waiting for him to come to power. It looks like it didn't go a certain way and god's saying hold on He's not done yet With what we see. Even though they walk away in January, and they're not president and vice president anymore, that doesn't mean Guy's not done, because he ain't.

Another whistleblower will blow the doors off the DOJ with proof how they were connected to the assassination attempts against my David. So, no matter where, and all these different people. Oh, I'm so excited with some of the people that President Trump's picking in his cabinet. So excited. And so we continue to pray that he picks the right people, of course, but we have not seen the fireworks yet.

We have not seen the decay and the total annihilation Of the swamp rats and of the deep state because once all this is exposed Those who are there and it looked like they were elected if you committed treason You won't be able to stay in your political seat of power So a lot is going to take place in this next four years specifically I think it'll happen before that.

I think i'll be quicker than that, but god is not done So we have to just hold on god's not done Explosion of truth is coming to destroy what your enemies are trying to hide You Everywhere. Our aliens are trying to hide stuff everywhere. In different countries, they're trying to hide money, they're trying to hide crimes, they're trying to hide all It doesn't matter where they're hiding it, because you look at Luke 8, 17, and Luke 12, 2.

Everything that is hidden will be made known. My son, everything is about to change in this nation. As you know it because this is a time of removals But at but it's also a time of restoration and retribution of everything So just like in the book of exodus when you saw removals Because you saw removal, but you also saw retribution and you saw restoration.

Guys do the same thing now, removals, retribution, retro restoration. Don't be just satisfied that we won the 2024 election. There has to be correction of everything that's been leading up to now. And it's just not an election that's going to save. It is more than that. That's why I said, don't get caught up.

With just the election. Governors will fall. Senators will fall. Did I read this part? Governors will fall. Senators will fall. Congressmen and women will fall. Every dirty politician will fall because nothing can hold back the truth that will destroy all the lies that have kept them in their positions.

Election fraud, election interference has kept them in their positions. Lies. Deception. Kept them in their positions and God's saying they're going to be ripped out of it because they're not. Truth is going to be revealed. That's why we are celebrating right now. But just think, after this shaking, because there's going to be, obviously we know that the enemies are not going down without a fight, but once Trump gets into office, wait to see how many people who are in government positions right now, there'll have to be another reelection, there'll have to be another election, or what elections were, and other people won, and they can prove it, people will be restored in their positions.

It's gonna be phenomenal. It's too good to be true. No, it's not. God is absolutely good. Hollywood is about to be torn apart because people are coming out to expose the filth that have held it together and the chokehold they've had over this nation is over. Again, Hollywood plays a major part in Washington and that's the reason why we see so many people in Hollywood that had to come out.

Be paid, mind you! To endorse Kamala, I think Oprah got like a million bucks. God knows what all these other celebrities got and some of them were on the P. Diddy list that came out to support her. So again, Hollywood is connected with Washington. That's why you see a lot of Hollywood elites stand up for the Washington swamp because they're, they are also part of it.

It's not a coincidence. The influence and the ability that Washington is, is all about to be torn apart and every actor in Washington playing certain parts. Everyone will be unmasked by me, sayeth the Lord.

My tour of the movie that has been played out in front of you is about to come to an end. Everything and everyone will be revealed and justice will be served. Yeah, okay, he was just, Chris was just sending me a text about the P. Diddy and the Epstein list. That's why a lot of people were doing what they were doing with Kamala, because that list has come out, and they're trying to save their own tushies. They're trying to save their own behinds from being in trouble.

Because they thought if they endorsed her, she got in, then they'd be spared. And that's not the case, because she didn't win, she lost. So, yeah. Something significant is about to take place in Colorado. A rat's nest of corruption is about to be exposed. Who has has allowed those gangs to take over? They were allowed!

And who in your government is paying them? I will completely expose Washington, all that they have done to bring in murderers to destroy your nation. This wall of corruption is about to crumble before your very eyes. Says the Lord of Hosts. Oh, the people he's put in place for the border and for homeland security and for all he's the Secretary of Defense, good picks.

We're going in the right direction. But again, it can't just be people. What we have to know in this country, we have to know the body of Christ. The body of Christ has got to keep standing up and keep fighting and pushing back and keep resisting the enemy and all that they are doing. We have to resist.

The enemy that way he must flee. Okay, and before I pray so I do not Forget I do have announcements before I pray because I keep forgetting to make these announcements I will not be on with pastor day today Okay, I have something that has come up and I cannot be a part of his show today So I do apologize.

I am so disappointed I would love to be a part of that show, but I cannot today. So I will not be on with Pastor Dave at 11 o'clock. So I just want to let you guys know that and then also I was made aware That of course you guys know that there are fake people that are trying to reach out to people using a fake email address it says Julie Green Ministries.

No, it's not if people are reaching out to you by email and asking you for money You know, that's not us. Okay. We don't ask for money. We have never reached out to people and ask for money. The only time I've ever asked was that you help people like with like Peter Navarro, Rudy Giuliani or people like that.

But I've never asked for money for us personally. Never, never have. That's not how God designed this ministry. So people are reaching out to you by email. If people are reaching out to you by Facebook, there's like 200 fake Facebook accounts. So if you are on Facebook right now, you know, if you're on YouTube right now watching, you're not watching our official channel.

That is pirated. Okay. Those people try to steal money from you. So I want you to be aware of these things that we, if you people are reaching out to you by, by chats, by comment sections, by emails, by asking you for money, it is not any of us here at JGMI. We do not reach out to you and ask you for money.

We do not solicit like that. That, that is not what this ministry is about. So I want you guys to be aware of it. Do, because God provides for this ministry. That's how we, we trust and believe that God provides. That's why we don't burden you with it. Now so many people have been given into this ministry.

We thank you. We pray over your gifts. We pray over all of you that God blesses you abundantly more than you can ask for a thing. But anybody who gives in this ministry is that because we asked for it. And we just thank you, thank you, thank you, because your gifts have been going out because this ministry is blessed to be a blessing.

We go out and we help so many people. I don't talk about it all the time because I don't want people to sit there and think I'm doing this just because we want a pat on the back. A lot of things that we do to help other people, we will tell them. Don't sit there and acknowledge that it was us because we want you to make sure you give glory, glory and the credit to Almighty God.

Because it's God's money. It's not ours. And so this ministry has helped so many different people. But again, It's because God is the one who's doing it. And so it was such a blessing to have all of you Thank you, but I just want you to know we're not going to reach out to you and beg you and ask you for money We're not we're not going to do that.

That's not who we are Okay I want to clarify that because a lot of people have been emailing the in with problems with trolls all over different and then when the comment section was down off rumble You That also was not us. That was a glitch in the Rumble system. We don't have control taking comments down like that.

And then they were coming back up eventually. So again, we don't have control over the live chat being taken down after the video, live stream, and we don't have control over the comment section if sometimes you see it glitching and there's no comment section there. Those are just things that were glitches, and they know that Rumble fixed it.

So I just want you to be aware, we are not, taking those down The only thing we ever take down is people who are being nasty And who are spreading lies and who are not here to spread the word of god. They're here to start issues So, all right So I just want to clarify that Of who this ministry is and and I know a lot of you guys know that but heavenly father right now in jesus name I lift up every person at the sound of my voice and father god You were given that scripture earlier about people growing weary and losing heart and I know that people under tremendous pressure To give up and quit on their prayers on things they've been standing for things.

They've been believing you for Because it looks like they've taken a thousand steps backwards or a hundred steps backward It looks like they're in a worse situation than they were when they started praying and father god I know that's the enemy and how he does these things, but I thank you that you're Children that we stand and fight that good fight of faith That we will not grow weary and lose heart that they will not give up on the prayers that they've been standing on No matter how long they're standing on it.

I thank you that you are a faithful god You are a god that's faithful to your word. You will perform those words father god. You will not fail them You will not forsake them. So I thank you father god. They have more confidence Assurance and boldness as they're praying to you They know they're giving you your your words that you are faithful to perform those words So father God, I thank you that they have a newfound boldness To stand that they will not waver no matter what the enemy is trying to do to toss them to and fro that they will not be Moved and I break that spirit of heaviness off of you right now by the power and the authority of the name of Jesus Jesus All that depression, I break that power off of you.

Those, again, we're getting so many people with suicide and we proclaim and decree that you will live and not die and those thoughts that are telling you that you'll be better off if you weren't here. That is a lie from the pit of hell and we break those thoughts right now in Jesus name.

There's also somebody That has a major, major hip issue. It's like, in the middle of your back, you are in excruciating pain, right in the middle between both of your right and left hips. It's like the very low, low part of, I shouldn't say low back, but it's in between your hips. You're in excruciating pain, you were in a car accident, and you have been in debilitating pain, you are overly overwhelmed and frustrated, and you're, you're, You're thinking about ending your life because you can't get out of that nerve pain.

Well, I command that nerve pain to stop in the name of Jesus Christ, and any damage that was caused by a shattering of a disc, or any damage that was caused by the nerves because of that accident, I break that pain right now in Jesus name, and that crippling spirit that's been over you, in your body. And I command that pain to go, and healing to flow right now in Jesus name.

There's also somebody that has been dealing with migraines. Debilitating migraines. You're laid up for days on end. You have to be in the darkness, and it's something that you cannot get away from. No matter what the doctors say, no matter what the cause is, it doesn't matter what the cause is. That cause is from the pit of hell, and the name of Jesus is far above the name of a migraine.

So I break that migraine and the cause of that

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