A God Among MGTOW Michael Saylor

2 months ago

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger and James and I thought I'd continue my God among MGTOW series. Many of you don't know Michael Saylor is but you've all heard of Bitcoin. Saylor runs a company called MicroStrategy and he's never been married and is about to turn sixty years old now. He's been buying billions of dollars of Bitcoin through his company and figured out something called the infinite money glitch. MicroStrategy shares have outperformed Nvidia this year with their gains and again most people haven't even heard of him. He's betting his entire personal fortune and corporate treasury on Bitcoin. Do you really think that he would have been able to do that if he was married? Women prefer safety and not such insane amounts of financial risk. He found a way to buy almost unlimited amounts of Bitcoin by borrowing money at low interest rates of one or two percent in some cases by selling convertible corporate bonds for his company. The companies buying them have the right to convert them if certain conditions are met. For example the price of MicroStrategy his certain price targets the bonds can be turned into shares and incase you haven't been looking at the shares as of scripting this they were up 3800% over the last year or two. On the flip side if you buy those bonds and Bitcoin collapses then you need a way to protect yourself so as an investor your best bet so far has been to short Bitcoin mining stocks and that's why we've seen them do horribly the last year as Bitcoin has been making all time highs. Other companies are starting to do the same thing as Saylor now, issuing bonds, even selling them for a negative yield, meaning people have to pay them to take the bonds off their hands and then pay you interest every month. So far every single time Saylor has issued bonds they have sold out. He takes the money that people pay him in bonds, tens of billions of dollars and buys Bitcoin, 200 thousand a year for the next four or five years if the price stays where it is, which it won't. By continuously buying bitcoin eventually he's going to deplete the supply on the OTC desks. That's the place big buyers can buy Bitcoin in large amounts without bidding up the price on the open market. Then the only way they can get more is to go into the open market and bid the price up over and over again. That causes the price to explode exponentially higher. So how did I figure this out? I've been investing in Bitcoin for five years and have been following Mich

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