Scarborough: The FBI Screws Up on Both Sides, They Are Politicized on Both Sides

21 days ago

SCARBOROUGH: “... politicians that are going into the White House or people that are going into the White House, the intel community is going to get you coming And they’re gonna get you going. You get out to George W. Bush about that during the Iraq war, you know what, people that — it was like split, half of the CI agents who are against it, going ‘Oh, yeah, this yellow cake stuff, that’s bulls*it,’ and it’d be leaked to The New York Times.’ You know, Barack Obama’s targeting people like himself personally, that gets leaked to ‘The New York Times.’ Like there’s a split. In the 2016 campaign — and this was so wild about the whole idea, ‘Oh, it’s politicized. It’s for this side or it’s for that.’ No. The New York office You know, they were against Hillary Clinton. They didn’t like Hillary Clinton. We knew that during the 2016 campaign. The D.C. office didn’t like Donald Trump. And Donald Trump got elected the first time because James Comey After not indicting Hillary Clinton decides he’s going to hold a press conference and say ‘Yeah, yeah’ — for the first time by the way — ‘Yeah, yeah, she’s not guilty. But oh, she’s politically guilty.’ Which was just an outrageous norm, and then 10 days before the election, we know exactly what he did. The FBI screws up on both sides. They’re politicized on both sides. You can look at James Comey and look at the mistakes that he made. Ask the Clintons today about what he did and how he elected Donald Trump. You look at what happened afterwards, The Steele Dossier which we said from the very beginning was nonsense. They — they’re — they’re — they’re doing the Steele Dossier, the Carter Page FISA app. Those were — they screw up the human beings. But there are people who like Republicans in the FBI and who like Democrats in the FBI. And that in Trump world running around saying what they’re saying, it’s just absolutely ridiculous, Willie, because they have short-term or long-term memory loss. They don’t know what it is now. It was the FBI. It was James Comey who gave Donald Trump basically a life raft to paddle to shore and win the election 10 days before end. It was over until James Comey did what he did.”
GEIST: “I think you might have heard about that from Bill Clinton a few days ago.”
SCARBOROUGH: “I did. I did.”
GEIST: “You sat down with the president. That — that — that lingers for obvious reasons.”
SCARBOROUGH: “They do — they do not forget.”
GEIST: “No, they do not forget.
SCARBOROUGH: “For a good reason.”

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