Israel’s HIDDEN Plan For For The Next Stage Of Its Wider War?

2 months ago

Right, so as the sham of a ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon passes the 14 day mark, marked only in effect by the fact Lebanon are standing by it, because Israel have at last count notched up almost 200 breaches of said ceasefire in that time, they’ve never taken it seriously, they’ve continued to attack Southern Lebanon with impunity, and with a 60 day clock on that ceasefire anyway, it always sort of bugged me somewhat how quickly and easily this got voted through the Israeli Knesset, with any talk of ceasefires or peace being held against Netanyahu by his far right settler-centric coalition partners as far as Gaza being concerned being completely off the table, unacceptable and gets defeated every time. People in Gaza must have felt utter disbelief when a ceasefire with Lebanon got voted through, wondering if they were ever going to get one, but of course Gaza is completely at Israel’s mercy and Lebanon isn’t, not with Hezbollah, not with UNIFIL, not with the Lebanese army, but all of a sudden a disturbing explanation for that has come to light with more recent events and is the ceasefire simply part of a plan, which would expose the ceasefire not only as a complete sham, gut a deliberate tactic in order to have a second and much successful attempt at invading Lebanon in the near future?
Right, so 14 days of the Lebanese ceasefire if we can call it that, Lebanon has remained under Israeli attack for the entire duration, now having notched up nigh on 200 attacks, the tally stood at 194 as of yesterday, so almost certain to pass 200 today, it isn’t like Israel are suddenly going to stop, they aren’t being made to, they’ve paid no heed to warning shots by Hezbollah and the world is yet again being forced to watch these actions continue as world leaders are too bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby to do anything to stop them.
Of course the mere fact a ceasefire even exists is a wonder having watched so many attempts to get a ceasefire in Gaza passed, failing every time as Netanyahu moved the goalposts, under the orders of his hard right coalition partners who are themselves beholden to the settler movement. In recent days we’ve seen Polish UNIFIL peacekeepers fired at, warned away from areas Israel are still occupying and not leaving, civilians in Lebanon are still being killed, one notable example was in the town of Shamma where, when the Lebanese Civil Defence Force tried to recover bodies, they were chased away by an Israeli helicopter. Massive bombing continues to take place in the town of Khiam where Israeli troops are continuing to demolish buildings, notably civilian homes, because when doesn’t the world most depraved and degenerate army target those and each time there has been warning shots or retaliation from Lebanon, Israel immediately go scuttling off to US and French overseers to wail that they are victims of Hezbollah attacks and use that as justification to continue.
This is not a ceasefire, it’s just giving Israel carte blanche to attack Southern Lebanon without being fired back on. That it has lasted 14 days is a shock quite honestly, I figured Lebanon wanted Israel to expose themselves for not meeting the conditions of the ceasefire, but even where that has happened, nothing has been done and it certainly isn’t getting reported.
But other recent events may indicate that this ceasefire might just have been a stalling tactic so to speak for an Israeli plan B, after all, there was no way the ceasefire was ever going to be permanent, the threats to collapse Netanyahu’s government were made explicit when the 60 day pause, it’s not a ceasefire when it has a clock on it after all, it’s a temporary pause was made.
Almost from the moment the ceasefire with Lebanon came into force, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, HTS, the leftovers of Syrian Al Qaeda and ISIS then chose it’s moment to launch it’s assault on the Assad regime. Given everything they needed to successfully bring down Assadian Syria within just 11 days, a massive ally of Iran, a land route from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon was ostensibly cut off, HTS have made it abundantly clear now that they are allied to Israel and that they consider their enemies to be Iran and Hezbollah. Seen dressed in basically identical clothes to those seemingly always worn by Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, it is almost like the CIA dressed them both isn’t it? And it is possibly no surprise either to hear that Ukraine were a major provider of drones to HTS to fight Russia allied Syria, reports of Ukrainian soldiers aiding HTS in the fighting have been made as well, Western interests, Turkey and Israel all allying themselves with Al Qaeda now, horrifying those of us who remember the war on terror and the need to take Osama bin Laden out, yet now, we’re all friends with Bin Ladenites apparently.
Well that victory in Syria saw sudden moves from Israel as well didn’t it? They entered the Golan Heights which they already occupy, but didn’t stop there, they kept on going, they kept on going. They entered the demilitarised zone and took Quneitra and then kept going, pressing into Syria itself. Netanyahu declared the Separation of Forces Agreement of 1974 null and void to justify his push into Syria and why not? Nobody ever stops him do they? Nobody ever forces him to abide by international law and not invade sovereign state territory, but then the people you want to hold him to account are likely the same global powers behind the push to remove Assad! It’s all a horrible depressing mess.
Having expanded Israel occupied territory down the entire Syrian side of the already occupied Golan Heights, all the way down to the border with Jordan, Israel moved northwards expanding the occupied territory towards the Syrian capital of Damascus, firing on that city as they have, without HTS firing back at all, because they’re all on the same side, with Israel destroying Syrian military posts, weapons dumps and research facilities, destroying the Syrian Navy, but as they did so, they’ve crept up along the Syrian Lebanon border, occupying more land, in the few days since Syria fell and Israel moved in, Israel have taken land equating to some three times the size of the Gaza Strip.
Now initially when I was observing this, as the world has been observing this over the last several days, it was being remarked upon that Israel would keep on moving up around the border with Lebanon to isolate it completely, surround it, but their northward expansion hasn’t quite continued in the same way it initially started, it’s slowed and I was looking at this and knowing Israel have huge designs on Lebanon as we do, all of a sudden it dawned on me that Israel have presented with an alternative course of action where it comes to resuming atrocities on Lebanon that bypasses UNIFIL, bypasses the demilitarised zone south of the Litani river as laid down in UN resolution 1701 and by passes the geography that has given Israel such an issue in decades past each time they’ve tried to invade Lebanon before.
Here's a topographical map of Lebanon. It’s a country broadly shaped like an upside down spear head, not especially wide, but narrowest at the border with Israel and combined with what is still tough terrain there, hilly and rough, areas where we know Israeli tanks have struggled to get through which has enabled Hezbollah to take out nearly 60 of these normally feared Mirkava tanks before the sham ceasefire came into force. Well what if they now have an option for another route?
Along the entire length of Lebanon’s border with Syria lie the anti-Lebanon mountains and the highest point of this range, is Mount Hermon, just north of the Golan Heights and an area Israel made a beeline for to seize control of upon HTS seizing control of Syria.
Although far more mountainous than the south Israel were trying and failing to enter Lebanon by, they already control this southern end of the mountain range now and although there will be associated logistical problems entering Lebanon that way due to that, once overcome, it’s all downhill from there into the valley of the Litani river, north of the area covered by UN resolution 1701, north of the area patrolled by UNIFIL, Israel may now have a backdoor in. From there they can approach southern Lebanon from the north and the areas they are still refusing to leave from the Israeli border area and Israel could consolidate from there. It’s a terrifying prospect, but the sequence of events we’ve borne witness to over just the last two weeks in both Lebanon and Syria and Israel’s own actions in both, make this I think a not at all impossible scenario. Alternatively Israel could just keep seizing more Syrian land around Lebanon and come down the coastal strip from the north, it’s all still Syria after all.
Without a permanent ceasefire deal, with Israel continuing it’s atrocities in Lebanon, they were always going to come back full force. They can now do so from another direction, hitting Lebanon from two spots and Israeli expansionism will continue with nobody prepared to stop them and those who should arguably enabling all of this instead.
Israel’s invasion of Syria being part of the plan for their ever increasing expansionism, as well as the apparent disarray this leaves the likes of Iran and Hezbollah in was covered in another video here as your suggested next watch, if you care to delve into this more deeply from the Syrian perspective, please do hit like, share and subscribe as well if you haven’t already done so too, it all helps to support the channel and is massively appreciated and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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