Climate Engineering: Beneficial Or Dangerous?

2 months ago

1. What Is Climate Engineering?
2. What Are The Potential Benefits?
a. Prevention of Damaging Weather
b. Slow Global Warming
c. Drought mitigation/Rainfall Enhancement
3. Examples of Climate Engineering
a. CO2 Removal
b. Solar radiation management
c. Mimicking volcanic eruptions
d. Iron fertilization of our oceans
4. Does Our Government Have the Ability To Control The Weather?
a. Weather as a military weapon
b. UN Treaty preventing the use of weather as a weapon
c. Weather Modification Patents
5. Further the Climate Change hoax
a. Hurricane modification
b. Control storm tracking and direction
6. What are the Health Risks
a. Human Population
b. Plant and Animal Life
7. What can you do?
a. Pray God's protection over your life and family and your nation.
b. Do your own research. Share the content with as many as possible.
c. Write to your state representatives requesting a ban on Climate
Engineering in your State.
d. Sign the petition to ban Climate Engineering. Go here:
e. Make Jesus the Lord of your life. Go here:

Articles and Websites for your reference.
1. Real Climate Science (Tony Heller):
2. Alex Jones (InfoWars): Weather Wars Documentary
3. Dane Wigington - Lead Researcher at GeoEngineering Watch
Watch Video-The Dimming->Here:
4. Epoch Times Article:
5. The Guardian Article:
6. The Guardian Article:
7. Texas Rain Enhancement:
8. UN Resolution Banning Weather Modification During War:
9. Texas Licensing and Regulation for weather modification:
10. Tennessee Bans Climate Engineering:
11. National Science Foundation Document on Weather and Climate Modification: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/

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