The Sane Way Forward

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A few weeks ago. On November 20, U.S. Rear Admiral Thomas Buchanan, speaking at the Center for Strategic and international Studies regarding possible thermonuclear war confrontation between the United States and Russia, said, “I think everybody would agree [that] if we have to have an exchange, then we want to do it in terms that are most acceptable to the United States … that put us in a position to continue to lead the world, right?”

“Buchanan’s statement is, in its enormity, so unbelievable that you would really think that this should have been the number-one news item all over the world,” said Schiller Institute founder, Helga Zepp-LaRouche. “But it was completely covered up. No Western media found it worth discussing. No politician in the West thought it was necessary to comment on. I think that that is so unbelievable, because in all aspects, it is a violation of the Nuremberg Code: that you cannot prepare a war of aggression, and for sure not one with nuclear weapons, which means the end of all life on the planet if it comes to that.”

Both the Ukraine and Southwest Asian theaters are the obvious cockpits for igniting thermonuclear war. In contrast, LaRouche forces have proposed the Oasis Plan and other physical-economic development proposals as the sane way forward out of the fog and quicksand of war. What must all Americans do, now, in the next days, not only to bring the treasonous and/or criminally insane elements of the United States’ Anglo-American establishment to justice, but to commit this nation to a new security and development architecture?

SPEAKERS: Cliff Kiracofe, Dennis Speed

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