RWB 47 Damon Ise

2 months ago

Reality with Bruce de Torres 47 Damon Ise

A conversation about the deep state.

Damon Ise, a pilot and flight instructor with a 50-year career as an aviation professional, researched the death of John F. Kennedy Jr. and found that John was a skilled pilot, the weather was fine around Martha’s Vineyard and an explosion brought down the plane.

Damon co-wrote, with Gary Fannin and Tim Brennan, JFK JR., MARKED FOR DEATH: The Murder of America’s Prince, available at and the usual sellers.


Damon describes how wealthy families in medieval times used serfs for workers. One queen, perhaps Russian, took baths in the blood of virgins, supposedly to help her stay young. Not all the elite are evil but there is a contingent that pushes into very dark things and cannibalism seems to be part of the deepest secrets of some of the so-called elite.

Bruce reflects on child sacrifice as an ancient practice and describes the rise of monotheism as an opposition, as described in A HISTORY OF THE GODDESS by Edward Dodge.

Thomas Jefferson, late in life, observed that the banks were beginning to run the country. Secret societies rose in America – Skull and Bones at Yale University perhaps being perhaps the most well known – and many members continue to help each other reach the highest positions of wealth and power.

The Bohemian Grove private club in northern California is discussed, along with its ritual sacrifice of a child in effigy, a stick figure, burned at an altar in front of a giant owl (representing the god Moloch, many suspect). Powerful politicians and corporate leaders have been going there for over one hundred years. That ritual reminds one of the initiation rites of Scull and Bones, which seem to entail getting in a coffin, maybe being closed therein for some time, and perhaps sexual practices that bind members in loyalty and secrecy.

The goal of the deep state according to many is world domination, perhaps indicated by President George H. W. Bush when he extolled the virtues of a “new world order” so many times.

With the USA Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, the emergency status reaffirmed year after year, we no longer live under the Constitution, which means we are no longer America. It would take many Americans understanding that and working to resurrect America, by becoming active in civil affairs, working daily, weekly, monthly to pressure our representatives to work for us with honesty and accountability, etc. Otherwise, the tyranny seems likely to increase.

Books about the deep state are discussed:

THE POWER ELITE by C. Wright Mills. THE SECRET TEAM by L. Fletcher Prouty. NATIONAL SECURITY AND DOUBLE GOVERNMENT by Michael J. Glennon. And Bruce’s GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free.

Damon describes a powerful tactic that parents can use to win their kids away from the media that can capture and corrupt them. And he concurs with Bruce’s assessment that school is an unnatural trauma inflicted on children, being ripped away from parents and imprisoned during your formative years.

Point being, birds must fly to become successful birds. And humans must be free to learn by satisfying curiosity and by playing. Trap them inside and you traumatize them. There they learn to shut up and obey authority, because we learn what we do, not what we’re told.

Our children, during their formative years, learn to initiate nothing. To create nothing. To be obedient, to be please authority, none of which has anything to do with the vision of the American founders, nothing to do with being free, sane, happy, independent, self-governing. We are meant to be people who respect ourselves and respect the rights of all others while ensuring that our government only enacts laws with our consent.

Damon has met many young people who think really straight, who think really good things.

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