The Best Part Of Nancy Pelosi Getting Heckled For 2 Minutes Straight Is Watching Katie Couric Squirm

2 months ago

Posted • December 12, 2024: It's rare that we see karma catching up with horrible people in real time, especially on video, but luckily someone was already recording when Nancy Pelosi sat down with Katie Couric and the protesters started yelling at her. And while it's fun to see Pelosi try and pretend it doesn't matter or bother her, Couric's obvious discomfort as she squirms and keeps saying, 'All right,' is DELICIOUS. -- Raucous scene during Nancy Pelosi's book tour as anti-Israel protestors interrupt the event for multiple minutes. Hellooooooooo karma. Not a synapse between the two of them. Nancy Pelosi and Katie Couric are having a rough night in NYC. The booing and heckling is hilarious. Hilarious and deserved. Oh, how heartwarming! Just imagine, Nancy Pelosi, the queen of eloquence, receiving a standing ovation—only it’s in the form of jeers. Truly, democracy in action at its finest! (…)

• More at: Twitchy - BEST Part of Nancy Pelosi Getting Heckled for 2 Minutes STRAIGHT Is Watching Katie Couric SQUIRM

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