2024-12-12 How to Argue with Christians - Student Housing and Orthodontics - Is Faith a Work?

2 months ago

2024-12-12 How to Argue with Christians - Student Housing and Orthodontics - Is Faith a Work?

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AskAChristian, ReligiousDiscussion, ChristianApologetics, Christianity, Bible, Jesus, Clubhouse, atheism, agnostic, religion, spirituality, spiritual, God, Deism, Pagan, church, Apologetics, Podcast, iTunes, Spotify, AAC, NateCunningham, Deist, Deism, Faith,

*DISCLAIMER* All descriptions are generated by AI, and are not always super accurate, although usually entertaining…

Welcome to the latest episode of the Ask a Christian podcast with your host, Nate! Today, we tackle a range of thought-provoking and unexpected topics. First, we dive into how to argue with Christians, offering the opposition some sane and logical arguments to replace the usual non sequiturs and strawmen. Then, we explore the mysterious figure of Melchizedek—who he was and what his significance is in biblical theology.

In a twist, we briefly discuss the student housing market, caps, and even braces (yes, braces!). Then, we wrestle with the question: Is faith a work or a gift? Finally, we examine different evangelism methods, where Calvinists and non-Calvinists debate their approaches.

Join us for these topics and more in another engaging episode. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to the podcast. Visit the Ask a Christian Store to grab some awesome merch and check out the Ask a Christian book—links are in the podcast description!

#Christianity #Faith #Evangelism #BibleStudy #Calvinism #Melchizedek #Apologetics #AskAChristian #ReligionDebate #StudentHousing #FaithVsWorks

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