United Nations: New York City The 4th Sovereign City-State

2 months ago

The United Nations has taken control of New York City through a treaty that enables it to "widen" its territory. This affects banks, police, taxes, and more in NYC. Birth certificates end up at a UN corporation, exchanged for immunity in operating legal fictions against people.

UN documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights have replaced constitutions and courts globally with UN tribunals. The US is a UN corporation and "judges" are UN administrators.

The only way out seems to be expatriation and canceling the birth certificate legal fiction. The World Government of World Citizens operates outside the UN system.
The UN itself only owns a small wildlife refuge island, so its global authority stems more from agreements than territory. The Vatican refuses to join the UN to avoid ceding legal power. So the UN manages the real world government through treaties and legal fictions.

They have a global citizen ship called a United Nations National. Yes. A UN National.

20 CFR § 422.103 (b) (2) https://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/text/20/422.103
_"(2) Birth registration document. We may enter into an agreement with officials of a State, including, for this purpose, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and *New York City*"_
Proof in law that New York City is like DC, not part of the 50 States.

0:00 Intro
0:09 Sovereign City-States: Vatican, City of London, DC
0:33 4th City-State: United Nations take over of New York City
1:00 📜 UN Headquarters Agreement Widened Their Territory to NYC + beyond
1:37 Effects: Demilitarization, NYPD, Int'l Banks outside US Law, ∞ rehypothecation
2:59 📺 NYC Mayor Gulianni: "Capitol of the World"
3:24 📺 Rep Allan West FL-R: "US is a [UN] Corporation"
3:47 NYC B-Cert outside of State, Donald Trump = NYC B-Cert
4:20 UN National identities are "issued" by the UN
4:47 UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights is Slavery
5:17 UN Replaced all local Courtrooms with Military Tribunals
5:57 📞 Washtenaw Head Prosecutor Brian Mackie P-25745
6:27 📞 Brian Mackie P-25745 "Masters" are the UN
6:57 Solutions: Expatriation, Cancelling B-Cert
7:18 World Government of World Citizens: Non-Legal Private Identity
7:39 7 Different Definitions of the US, We Use UN Definition
8:18 Rat Fact: Why the Vatican Refuses to Join the UN
8:43 Rat Fact: Only Land that the UN "owns' Outright is U Thant Island
9:03 Outro

55 Truly Stunning Facts about the United Nations
The “United Nations” is a singularly unique thing in the world. Here are some truly stunning facts about the United Nations:
31. All the Major Banks are incorporated in the CITY OF NEW YORK making them totally immune to all US L

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Governmental Corporation Watch - https://www.bitchute.com/video/mcaom6vKKhms

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