Live Mix II

3 months ago

raw. one take. no overdubs.

i warming up 00:00
ii a change of pace 08:40
iii electronic instruments 09:25
iv section breakdown 20:40
v introducing pads 23:45
vi cohesion begins 25:23
vii the best and final section 31:00

pretty fraught second session here, few tech issues*

i recommend at least listening to the last ten minutes where there’s some flow state going on
-had a b*stard of a time trying to balance guitar amp volume with my headphone mix resulting in my playing being a bit locked up.

-turns out the drum machine wasn’t recording into the mixer so I had to blend the video audio with the properly recorded tracks, making the final mix you’re hearing less than ideal.

-lastly the final section got cut short due to the mixer sd card reaching capacity

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