LIVE! Thu.Dec.12,'24 8pm//3:05am//10:10am ET: PART TWO, The Democrats Weaponized the IRS. We are their targets, Tyranny and Election Rigging are their objectives. They want our assets, so as to disable our rights and beliefs.

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LIVE! Thu.Dec.12,'24 8pm//3:05am//10:10am ET: PART TWO, The Democrats Weaponized the IRS. We are their targets, Tyranny and Election Rigging are their objectives. They want our assets, so as to disable our rights and beliefs.
for all you night owls !! 24x7 viewing when these shows complete.
The Democrats Weaponized the IRS under Clinton, Obama and Biden, to very partisan TaxLawFare standards against Conservatives and MAGA.
They intend to divide us by race, religion, economics and physical fitness, to create a military class, a police class, a legal class, a hard laboring class, DEI Academics class and so on, so as to minimize the awareness of future populations to recognize what's gone wrong and to maintain a repressive police and military state surrounding the Central Committee Communist Government, to completely control, censor and demonize us into Serf Subjects. .
PART ONE is here on the L4ATV1 Rumble com page.
easily found by searching "L4Atv1" on the Rumble com page or app. and clicking the FIERCE EAGLE IN THE CIRCLE to proceed to our main Show Page and Live Streaming Schedule.

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