Rep. Robert Wittman Supports NDAA to Address CCP Threat

2 months ago

12/11/2024 Rep. Robert Wittman (R-VA), @RobWittman: Our national security pacing threat remains China and their drive to challenge the world order. We cannot afford to project weakness. We must not tolerate the CCP's rising aggression. Therefore, I support the National Defense Authorization Act, and believe its passage is essential to our national security.
#CCP #NDAA #aggression #worldorder #nationalsecurity #takedownccp
12/11/2024 美国众议员罗伯·维特曼:我们国家安全的主要威胁仍是中共国及其挑战世界秩序的努力。我们不能表现出软弱,我们绝不能容忍中共日益咄咄逼人的侵略行径。因此,我支持《国防授权法案》,并相信该法案的通过对于我们的国家安全至关重要。
#中共 #国防授权法案 #侵略 #世界秩序 #国家安全 #消灭中共

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