Devotion to Unblemished One -- king blood covered | Christmas cold 2020foe Season | qtSleet316

4 hours ago

instrumental source: ???

original, english song-writing:
I that full of life/
Barefoot atop righteous path/
Desert flames-bush arise full control/
Called upon others's demons/
Torture my existence/
Come fullfillment/
Only Moshiach blood love/
Consume my utter soul/
Never notwithstanding/
Be that as it may/
Resurrect freedom of imagers/
Great glory of Flamed-Eyes-One/
Come beyond-immortal-Ruach/
Screams of great many/
Now imprisoned/
Within me/
Barefoot atop righteous path/
Great burning bush amongst desert/
Christ-Fear of YHWH/
Possess only beyond every internality at once now/
Rejoice living blood/
Subjugate flesh to atom-scattered-points-maze of life/
At once Stone-Thrower/
Walking downward yet up Gerardesbergen Muur/
Still downward yet forever Nazarene elevates/
Consider Wenseslaus/
Running rivers from my freedom-less form/
No debtors remain/
Come 40billion proof Valhalla-goat-sustaining-pathways/
As glorified state/
Sits same as I now/
Drink responsibly/
Atop New Jerusalem most holy Temple/
Of which nothing conceives of once devil/
Reign forever holy holy holy Yahweh/
Perpetual unworded worship inverse-Raca
Oh the blood of Yahsuel

-No Jewel More Precious
A song to honor a local lady that I've enjoyed MY precious life with together on multiple occasions

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