Jakoba's Reign of Terror (pt 75)

2 months ago

Sockness attends a MUFON meeting and returns with tons of information about alien contact with Earth from a contactee named James Bartley. Jakoba learns about Military Labs and abductions conducted by their research programs. Bartley is aware of higher ranks about the Ciakars, but does not know who. Jakoba plans to manipulate these forces with Operation Fire Storm. Rokat authorized the Draco to shoot down research craft for the humans in a secret deal that led to the Roswell crash in 1947. Bartley says the humans were able to open the crashed ships in their custody and gained access to the technology. The humans and the GFL are planning breakaway civilizations in case the Rokat are successful in conquering Earth. Jakoba and Gimosu are talking about evacuation of Earth by the GFL since the Rokat pose a massive threat to the planet. Jakoba wants to investigate Puthade’s trade network with Earth to find out how far they have gone with the corruption of humanity with their trade of sex slaves. The ascension is just a plan to trick the humans into accepting death in a lost war. Jakoba learns about the first-hand accounts of Milabs experiencers and it would seem Rokat technology is immune to interference from human and Reptilian technology. Jakoba thinks he can replace the Milab’s controllers with himself and direct them as an army to build an offshoot of the Rokat Empire on Earth.

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