WEF: Covid is Critical because this is what Convinces People to Accept Total Biometric Surveillance

2 months ago

#humancontrol #covidtruth #wefagenda #ai
According to WEF 'agenda contributor', Yuval Noah Harari on Oct 4, 2020: "Covid is critical because this is what convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance", enabling "the Stalins of the 21st century" to analyse and monitor "the brains of all the population, all the time".

#人类控制 #covid真相 #世界经济论坛
世界经济论坛 "议程撰稿人"尤瓦尔·诺亚·哈拉里(Yuval Noah Harari)曾在2020年10月称:"COVID(新冠病毒疫情)至关重要,因为它能说服人们接受全面的生物识别监控",使 "21 世纪的斯大林" 能够 "无时无刻不在分析和监控所有人的大脑"。

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