2,241 Sq Mt Panoramic Oceanview Property For Sale in Loma Alta - Cabrera, DR

2 months ago

Listing Price: $123,250

Link: https://www.dominicanrepublicrealestate.org/property/2241-sq-mts/

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This is definitely a rare find in Cabrera’s growing market. Located in Loma Alta just 2.5 miles from downtown Cabrera there’s a parcel that contains just three lots on a private access road. None of these interfere with each other. You’ll never be able to see the other two adjacent properties. TOTAL unobstructed panoramic ocean view forever. NO ROOFTOPS will be seen from any other homes in front of these lots. They were sub-divided purposely to achieve that result. Now that’s a rare find nowadays!!! I’d love to show it to you and see the look on your face once there. The approach road to the property can be fitted with the appropriate foliage for an exceptional tropical look. It’s a spectacular half-acre plus homesite!!

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#realestate, #forsale, #vacantland, #lot, #oceanview, #lomaalta, #Cabrera, #realtor, #cabrerard, #barryindr, #rd, #dr, #caribbeanisland, #caribbeanlifestyle, #tropical, #island, #tropicalisland, #dominicanrepublic, #caribbean, #domrep

Artist: HookSounds, Title: Action Sport Energetic Percussion
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