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House of Chigi-Albani Della Rovere (Rochefoucauld-Montbel, Della Rochetta, Cavalcanti di Verbicaros)
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House of Chigi-Albani Della Rovere (Rochefoucauld-Montbel, Della Rochetta, Cavalcanti di Verbicaros)
Aligned with House of Orsini, Aldobrandini (DeCavalcante). Colonna branch. They own Walmart.
Eldest ancestor Alemanno was a citizen of Siena in the beginning of the 13th century. His grandson Chigio, a merchant, gave his name to the family. Merchant Agostino il Magnifico Chigi (1469-1520) was one of the richest men of his time and took the surname Chigi della Rovere. His brother Sigismondo Chigi (ca. 1470-1525), ambassador of Siena in Rome is ancestor of the present family. His descendant Agostino Chigi della Rovere (1634-1705) was created a Reichsfürst on 24-10-1659 and Principe di Campagano in 1661. His uncle Mario Chigi della Rovere had been created Principe di Farnese in 1658, which title was inherited by Agostino´s son Don Augusto Chigi della Rovere (1662-1744). His son Don Agostino 3.Reichsfürst Chigi della Rovere, 3.Principe di Farnese, 3.Principe di Campognano, married in 1735 Principessa Donna Giulia Augusta Albani, daughter of the 1.Principe di Soriano (created 14-5-1721) and grandniece of Pope Clemente XI, with the stipulation that the Chigi family would inherit the Albani possessions in case of extinction of this family. Which happened in 1852. Don Sigismondo Chigi della Rovere changed his surname that year to Chigi-Albani della Rovere.
Chigi is a Roman princely family of Sienese extraction descended from the counts of Ardenghesca, which possessed castles in the Maremma, southern Tuscany. The earliest authentic mention of them is in the 13th century, with one Alemanno, counsellor of the Republic of Siena. The first very prominent member was Mariano (1439-1504), a banker and two times ambassador of Siena to the Popes Alexander VI and Julius II. He founded the Roman branch of the family, the other branch was started by his brother, Benedetto.
Agostino Chigi (1465-1520) was the most famous member of the family during the Renaissance. He became an immensely rich banker, and built the palace and gardens afterwards known as the Farnesina, decorated by Raphael, and was noted for the splendour of his entertainments. Pope Julius II made him practically his finance minister and gave him the privilege of quartering his own (Della Rovere) arms with those of the Chigi.
Cardinal Fabio Chigi, on being elected pope (Pope Alexander VII) at the Conclave of 1655, conferred the Roman patriciate on his family. His brother Mario continued the branch of the family in Siena. His brother Augusto continued the line in Rome. Augosto's son Agostino was created by emperor Leopold I Reichsfurst (prince of the Holy Roman Empire) in 1659. Agostino married Maria Virginia Borghese (relative of the Borghese pope), and acquired the principates of Farnese (1658), Campagnano (1661) and Ariccia, where a famous palazzo bearing the family name still exists. The pope also had two nephews who became cardinals, Flavio I, who was one of the main art collectors of the family, and Sigismondo.
In 1712, Prince Augusto, son of Prince Agostino, received the dignity of hereditary marshals of the Roman Catholic Church and guardians of the conclaves, which gave them a prominent ceremonial importance on the death of every pope. During the 1700s, Flavio II became cardinal. In the 19th century, Flavio III, brother of Prince Sigismondo Chigi, became cardinal and Nuncio to France.
On the marriage in 1735 of another Agostino Chigi (1710-1769) with Giulia Albani, heiress of the Albani, a Venetian patrician family, said to be of Albanian origin, her name was added to that of Chigi. Prince Sigismondo Chigi Albano della Rovere (August 24, 1798-May 10, 1877), Prince of Campagnano, had a son, Don Mario Chigi, and four daughters (Teresa, who married Giulio, Duca di Torlonia; Maria, who married Prince Giuseppe Giovanelli; Angiola, who married Conte Fabio Bonaccorsi; and Virginia, who married Marchese Galeazzo Guidi). Prince Sigismondo's brother, Flavio III (1810-1885), became a Cardinal on December 22, 1873 with the title of Santa Maria del Popolo; he had been Nuncio to France in the 1860s.
Prince Mario Chigi Albano della Rovere succeeded his father in 1877 and served as Marshal of the Holy Roman Church at the Conclave of 1878. He married Antonietta, the daughter of Prince Louis of Sayn-Wittgenstein in 1857. They had three children, Agostino, Ludovico (Luigi) and Eleonora. Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere (July 10, 1866-November 14, 1951), son of Prince Mario and Antoinette, was Grand Master of the Knights of Malta from 1931 to 1951. In 1893 he married Donna Anna Aldobrandini, Princess of Sarsina; they had three children, Sigismondo, Petro and Laura. Prince Ludovico was Marshal of both the conclave of 1922 and that of 1939.
Prince Sigismondo Chigi (1894-1982), Hereditary Marshal of the Holy Roman Church, was the son of Prince Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere (1866-1951) and Donna Anna Aldobrandini, princess of Sarsina. He had one son, Don Agostino Chigi Albani della Rovere (1929-2002) and one daughter, Princess Francesca. He was the Marshal of the Conclave both in 1958 and 1963. The office, to which the Chigi had succeeded after the extinction of the Savelli in 1712, was finally abolished by Pope Paul VI in a motu proprio, Pontificalis Domus, of March 28, 1968. The family owns large estates at Siena. The family palace on the Via del Corso in Rome (not to be confused with the other Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia), is currently seat of the Italian government. The family's mausoleum is in the Chigi Chapel of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome, the work of Raphael and Gianlorenzo Bernini.
The Chigi-Albani Della Rovere family is one of the most evil bloodlines on the planet and their motivation is bombing the world in a nuclear holocaust. They were major architects of World World II. The Chigis are Zio-Nazis. They are both Zionists and Nazis. Their primary job is turning people in society into psychopathic sadists. Prince Mario Chigi-Albani Della Rovere is a high level prince of Rome and him and his son Prince Flavio Chigi-Albani Della Rovere are controlling the Albanian Mafia and they often command the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Prince Mario Chigi-Albani della Rovere was investigated in Italy involving the tax evasion of hundreds of thousands and using offshore accounts in Liechtenstein. Mario Chigi was also charged with violating environmental restrictions at the resort he owns and media reports claim he was "sentenced to a year in prison in 2016" however his son Prince Flavio Chigi got off on all criminal charges. The Chigi family are mobsters. Prince Mario claims he is god and tortures people relentlessly until they submit to him. He wants people to beg him for mercy. The Chigis are one of the most psychotic and militant families on the planet. The Albani family originated in Alban Hills and later migrated to Albania giving Albania its name. The House of Zogu serve the Italian royals and nobles. The Chigi family ruled in Siena around the time the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena or BMPS was established which is still in operation today along with its charity subsidiary Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena which is involved in making pay offs disguised as bad loans. BMPS has about 140 billion in assets. I believe that the Chigi family have an ancient Babylonian-Chaldean ancestry and their name derives from the Hebrew word Shigionoth. The Chigi papal coat of arms has 6 hexagrams on it. The Hexagram has Babylonian origins. The Chigis have some authority over the Jewish Walton family which use the six pointed star on their Walmart logo. The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is headquartered at the Palazzo Della Rovere in Rome and was established there by Fabio Chigi or Pope Alexander VII. After migrating out of Babylon the Albani family were likely the Albia Roman gente clan. The Jewish billionaire Baron Alan Sugar is an agent of the Chigis and he lives in Chigwell, Essex. The Chigis currently have numerous members of their family who are concealed. Marchese Nicolo Cavalcanti di Verbacaro is an Italian noble and his mother was a Chigi-Albani Della Rovere and he is a part owner of the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey. The founder of the Cavalcante di Verbacaros was a Knight of Malta. The Chigis are also related to the Incisa Della Rochetta family with Marchese Niccolo Incisa Della Rochetta. The Chigis also married with the Rocco di Corneliano family which produced Knights of Malta and Catholic Cardinals.
The Chigi family are a second level nobility in Rome or deputies or stewards to the Colonnas and Massimos which are basically Vatican or Roman royalty and the Chigis often manage the Sovereign Military Order of Malta in service to them. The Chigis are the Princes of Farnese and they also manage the Italian royals the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and House of Bourbon-Parma which are continuations of the Farnese family. The Italian Prime Minister resides in the Palazzo Chigi today. The Chigi family are using their authority over secret societies and the Albanian Mafia to persecute people that the Black Nobility have declared as heretics. The Chigis married with the German House of Sayn-Wittgenstein and have some authority over German families like the Sayn-Wittgensteins and Wittelsbachs. The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre is located at the Della Rovere Palazzo and the Wittelsbachs are knights of the Holy Sepulchre. The Sayn-Wittgensteins are also married with the Bavarian Wittelsbachs. Prince Ludovico Chigi-Albani della Rovere was the Grandmaster of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta during WWII and married Princess Anna Aldobrandini who had Rochefoucauld French noble ancestry. Prince Ludovico's mother was Princess Antoinette of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn. Dominique Prince de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel is currently a member of the Sovereign Council of the Order of Malta. It was really the Sovereign Military Order of Malta that orchestrated WWII and manipulated all sides of the war. The Nazi Vice Chancellor Franz von Papen was a Vatican knight and believed to be a Knight of Malta. Baron Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager is the current Grand Chancellor of the Order of Malta which is headquartered in Rome. The Boeselager are a German nobility and Baron Georg von Boeselager and Albrecht's father Baron Philipp von Boeselager were Nazis who were involved in the fake plot to assassinate Hitler known as Operation Valkyrie. The Order of Malta are a military council and engineered various wars through out history including WWI and WWII. There was also a holocaust in Albania during WWII carried out on ethnic groups in Albania like the Slavs. The Albanian Mafia are extremely violent and have human trafficking networks going into Italy, Germany, and the Mid East.
The Chigi family along with the other Black Nobility are trying to carry out a holocaust in the United States. These people are extremely dangerous and ruthless and have absolutely no regard for human life. The Black Nobility should be the ones at the top of the terrorist watch list and have bounties on their heads. Prince Mario's son Prince Flavio Chigi-Albani actively manages the Albanian Mafia like the Rudaj Organization and Albanian Boys. The Shkrelis are an Albanian clan with Martin Shkreli a hedge fund manager that was convicted of fraud. The Shkreli family also owns Alba Construction in New York headed up by a different Martin Shkreli. The mafia specializes in infiltrating businesses through construction where they build hidden passageways into the buildings they construct. The Shkrelis work with both the Albanian Mafia and the Colombo crime family. . John Alite is a top Albanian boss with close ties with the Gambino crime family. Nardino Colotti is another top boss of the Rudaj Mafia. The Albanian Mafia are one of the most violent and ruthless criminal organizations in the world and do a lot of the dirty work for La Cosa Nostra especially human trafficking. An Albanian mobster named Ergest Mati often works under the Chigi-Albani della Roveres and he is involved with underage prostitution, drug trafficking, armed robberies, gambling rackets, and other violent crimes. He is somewhat related to the Mattei papal nobility. The Hellbanianz are a London based Albanian Mafia with operations in the US. The Jewish-Albanian rapper Action Bronson oversees the Hellbanianz and Albanian Boys in the US and he works under Prince Harry and the Massimo di Roccaseccas of London. Many Albanian immigrants came into the United States after the war in Kosovo and many members of the Albanian Mafia were raised from this violence. Prince Leka II of Albania works as an adviser for the President of Albania and is knighted under the House of Savoy and House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. The Clintons bombed Yugoslavia to help the Albanian mafia in taking over there. Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena has donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clintons are close friends with the Rothschilds which are married to the Aldobrandinis and they are married with the Chigis. The Albanian Mafia are hardcore gangsters and working on carrying out a Nazi style holocaust in the United States under orders from Rome as a means to get rid of any resistance.
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Prince Mario Chigi-Albani Della Rovere is a high authority in Rome and he is the primary owner of the Albanian Mafia which are an international crime syndicate. Prince Mario is also a military commander over the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and his ancestor Prince Ludovico Chigi-Albani della Rovere was the Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta during WWII. Prince Mario has a major god complex which is why the other Roman nobles used their influence to have him investigated for money laundering in Liechtenstein and later had him arrested and convicted for violating environmental laws. Prince Mario Chigi is a blasphemous sub human that claims to be god and thinks he is the head of the Black Nobility but in reality he serves the Massimo family. The Massimos and Gaetanis also took over most of the Albanian Mafia in New York through the Gambinos and have the Gotti-Agnello brothes managing the Albanian Mob today. The Chigis still manage and profit from some Albanian Mafias in Albania and still partly manage the Albanian Mob in New York as well as the Hellbanianz and the Albanian Boys gang. Prince Mario is a disrespectful, lying, apathetic and murderous tyrant with zero conscience. Prince Mario Chigi-Albani Della Rovere the Prince of Farnese is a murderous psychopath Fchic.
The prince suspected of having distracted the tax system about 400 thousand euros.
According to investigators, in order to divert the gains achieved in Italy, and to elude the chain of fiscal controls, the Chigi family, "fictitious residents" in Bulgaria, had established two offshore companies in Liechtenstein. The two companies, although the economic activity was carried out in Italy, invoiced services to national and foreign tour operators: the proceeds were thus diverted to the current accounts of tax havens. In that case it was an alleged evasion of 30.5 million euros and a concealment of VAT of 1.9 million euros, in addition to a round of false invoices of about 2.2 million euros. Nothing to do with the 400 thousand euro evasion disputed currently by the prosecutor of Rome.
Flavia Domitilla Chigi della Rovere Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano (Chigi della Rovere)
Wife of Carlo Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano
Mother of Private; Private User; Private User and Private User
Sister of Mario Lodovico Principe Chigi Albani della Rovere
Carlo Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano (Piacenza , 4 February 1902 - Rome , 30 April 1994) was an Italian general, commander of the ACISMOM military corps from 1944 to 1980.
Son of Count Camillo Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano and his wife, Caterina Taffini d'Acceglio, Carlo was brother of the future cardinal Mario Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano, as well as grandson of cardinal Giovanni Battista Nasalli Rocca di Corneliano.
After completing his studies in Piacenza, he decided to pursue a military career. He was a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and took part in the Second World War. During the German occupation he transformed a hospital of the Order into a partisan assistance center and earning a Silver Medal for Military Valor.
In 1944 he was appointed commander of the ACISMOM Military Corps, succeeding the Marquis Giuseppe Trionfi and remained in office for almost forty years.
He married the noblewoman Flavia Domitilla Chigi Albani della Rovere in 1944 in Rome, from whom he had the following heirs:
Camillo (1945-), married Nicoletta Barbasetti di Prun
Saverio (1947-), married Alessandra Spalletti Trivelli
Maria Ludovica (1948-), married Carlo Selvaggi
Caterina (1951-), married Francesco Tuccimei
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Princess Anna Chigi-Albani Della Rovere on the right and she is a ruthless witch. Princess Anna has four cousins which are Count Camillo, Count Saverio, Countess Maria Ludovica, and Countess Caterina of the Rocco di Corneliano family.
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Princess Ismene Chigi-Albani Della Rovere with the German Princess Beatrice von Hohenlohe. Princess Ismene is the ex wife of Prince Mario and mother of Prince Flavio and Princess Anna.
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Prince Mario Chigi and his current wife Princess Donatella
Abusive development, one year for the prince
A year of imprisonment for abusive subdivision, committed according to the accusation within his international camping Country Club Castelfusano in violation of archaeological, environmental and landscape constraints that protect the reserve of the Roman coast, near Ostia. It is the sentence handed down yesterday by the Rome judge to the eighty-six year old prince Mario Chigi, who will also have to pay a fine of 35 thousand euros. The sole director of the company that owns the campsite, Michelangelo Cavalcanti di Verbicaro, was sentenced to the same penalty. Flavio Chigi, Mario's son, was acquitted. For all three defendants the prosecutor had asked for three years.
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Prince Flavio Chigi-Albani Della Rovere with his wife Carlotta Loverini Botta and she manages blond haired Nazi female gang stalkers. Prince Flavio is a top owner of the Albanian Mafia and a commander over many blond haired Nazi supremacists. Prince Flavio is loyal to higher level Roman nobles which is why he was not convicted for environmental crimes. When lower level nobles and royals like Prince Vittorio and Prince Mario try to assert control over Rome the other Black Nobility shut them down and had them imprisoned.
Carlotta Loverini Botta
Married to "Flavio" Francesco Chigi Albani della Rovere
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA (BMPS) claims the title as the world’s oldest bank, operating without break since 1472. BMPS, the holding company for the MPS Group of banks, is also one of Italy’s top five banks and ranks among the top 50 throughout Europe. The MPS banking group operates from more than 1,800 branches in Italy, with total assets of more than EUR 120 billion.
Case Study: Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena
Corriere Della Sera published a partial list of MPS debtors and, as non-performing loans have been the core issue of MPS vulnerability, it is interesting to see how MPS reached a bad ratio of non-performing loans. According to Gerevini, Antonio Muto, a famous real estate businessman in Italy, received 27 million euros to build hotels and cars parks in Mantova. 13 million euros were invested in the project while 14 million euros seem to have disappeared.
Italian prosecutors are trying to understand why MPS allocated loans to its clients. What needs to be clarified is whether MPS calculated and took into account risks in distributing its loans. Or, as it has been accused of, MPS management distributed loans neglecting any normal risk control in order to satisfy personal and political interests.
Monte dei Paschi di Siena’s claim to be the world’s oldest surviving bank dates to its origins in 1472 in the Tuscan city from which it derives its name.
In the intervening 544 years, the prospects of the bank and the city of Siena became entwined.
Agostino Andrea Chigi (29 November 1466[1] – April 11, 1520) was an Italian banker and patron of the Renaissance.
Born in Siena, he was the son of the prominent banker Mariano Chigi, a member of an ancient and illustrious house.[2] He moved to Rome around 1487, collaborating with his father.
Chigi Family, a Sienese family that rose from banking in the 13th century to princely rank in papal Rome and in the Holy Roman Empire in the 17th century.
The princely family is represented by Prince Mario Chigi Albani della Rovere, Prince of Farnese (b. 1929), whose heir is Prince Flavio Chigi Albani della Rovere (b. 1975)
The origins of the Albani family can be found in the figure of the condottiere Michele Laçi (Italian: Lazi or de ‘Lazi) and his two sons Filippo and Giorgio, who had fought against the Ottoman Turks alongside Giorgio Castriota Scanderbeg in Albania
They took the surname Albanesi, in homage to the place of origin of the ancestors, who then changed to Albani.
Alba Longa (occasionally written Albalonga in Italian sources) was an ancient city of Latium[1] in central Italy
TOMMASO DELL’ERA (Viterbo) investigated the character of interethnic relations during the Italian occupation of Albania, and the persecution of local Jews and Slavs.
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Prince Ludovico Chigi-Albani Della Rovere the Grandmaster of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
Fra’ Ludovico Chigi della Rovere-Albani (10 July 1866 – 14 November 1951) was the 76th Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta from 1931 to 1951.
Chigi was born in Ariccia, the son of Imperial Prince Mario Chigi Della Rovere Albani (1832-1914) and his wife, Princess Antoinette zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn (1839-1918).[1]
On 5 June 1893, in Rome, Chigi married Donna Anna Aldobrandini, daughter of Pietro, Prince Aldobrandini, Prince di Sarsina, and of his wife, Françoise de La Rochefoucauld.[1]
Under his leadership, the order engaged in large-scale hospitaller and charitable activities during World War II.
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Prince Dominique Rochefoucauld-Montbel is the current Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Chigis are basically married with the Rochefoucaulds. Prince Dominique is a French noble with Bavarian titles of nobility under the House of Wittelsbach.
Grand Hospitaller, H.E. Dominique Prince de La Rochefoucauld-Montbel, Bailiff Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion in Obedience
Heinrich Prinz zu Sayn-Wittgenstein (14 August 1916 – 21 January 1944) was a German night fighter pilot and flying ace during World War II.
The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
Its headquarters are situated at Palazzo Della Rovere
The current name was added during the reign of Pope Alexander VII, who moved here the Papal confessors known as penitenzieri. It formerly housed the Hotel Columbus and it is still the headquarters of the Order of the Holy Sepulchre.
Pope Alexander VII (13 February 1599 – 22 May 1667), born Fabio Chigi, was Pope from 7 April 1655 to his death in 1667.[1][2]
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Lucrezia Lante Della Rovere with her mother Marina Ripa di Meana. Lucrezia is an Italian actress and noble from the Lante Della Rovere family. Her mother's second husband was a noble and a member of the EU as well as a communist. The Lante Della Roveres also married with the Blanc noble family which lived in Florida and were Knights of the Cuban Association of the Order of Malta. Lucrezia Lante Della Rovere is an insolent witch and child murdering cannibal who thinks because she is a woman that she can get away with killing children. She cant and wont and she will be getting scraped out of existence for her crimes.
Carlo Ripa di Meana (15 August 1929[1] – 2 March 2018)[2][3] was an Italian politician. He was a Member of the European Parliament, a European Commissioner with portfolio for the environment and was environment minister of Italy.
In the period 1953-56, he directed in Prague, on behalf of the Italian Communist Party (PCI), the International Student Union's newspaper, World Student News. In Prague he also met Bettino Craxi. In 1957 he was made bookseller for Feltrinelli.
In the 60s Ripa di Meana joined the Italian Socialist Party and he came in its Central Committee.
Marina Ripa di Meana
(m. 1982; died 2018)
The Cuban Association Of The Sovereign Military Order Of Malta
Otto Von Felgenblatt, Leonardo Di Monte, Connie Balboa & Lodovico Blanc, Baron de Blanc.
Lavinia Lante Montefeltro Blanc (della Rovere)
Mother of Baron Lodovico Blanc
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Prince Max of Sayn-Wittgenstein is a high level German noble. The Sayn-Wittgenstein family have married with the House of Chigi-Albani Della Rovere.
Karl Wittgenstein (April 8, 1847 – January 20, 1913) was a German-born Austrian steel tycoon of Jewish origin. A friend of Andrew Carnegie, with whom he was often compared, at the end of the 19th century he controlled an effective monopoly on steel and iron resources within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and had by the 1890s acquired one of the largest fortunes in the world.[1]
Rather, Ludwig Wittgenstein’s great-grandfather, Moses Meyer, was the land agent for the Sayn-Wittgenstein's. In 1808, when Germany was under Napoleonic rule, Jews were compelled by law to adopt a fixed surname, instead of identifying themselves by patronymic, and Moses Meyer took his employers’ name as his own. His son, Hirsch Moses Meyer, six years old at the time, was henceforth known as Hermann Wittgenstein; when he converted to Protestantism, in his thirties, he added the middle name Christian.
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The Walmart logo uses a six pointed star and the Waltons are Jewish-Zionists. Several members of the Walton family are also Jesuits. The Chigis are managers of the Jesuits as Vatican royalty and they also oversee the Walton family. The Waltons are worth about 150 billion. The Chigis papal coat of arms has 6 hexagrams the primary symbol for Zionism.
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Chigi papal coat of arms with 6 hexagrams on it.
Chigwell is a town and civil parish in the Epping Forest district of Essex, England.
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Baron Alan Sugar is a British-Jewish billionaire from Chigwell and he is an agent of the Chigis.
Chigwell’s most famous resident is Lord Alan Sugar, who owns a mansion in Chigwell Village
Alan Michael Sugar, Baron Sugar (born 24 March 1947) is a British business magnate, media personality, politician and political adviser.[5][6] According to the Sunday Times Rich List, Sugar became a billionaire in 2015. In 2016 his fortune was estimated at £1.15bn, ranking him as the 95th richest person in the UK.[2] In 2007, he sold his remaining interest in the consumer electronics company Amstrad, his largest business venture.[7]
Sugar was born in Hackney, East London, into a Jewish family.[8]
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Marchese Niccolo Incisa Della Rochetta is related to the Chigi-Albani Della Rovere family through his grandmother Princess Eleanora Chigi-Albani Della Rovere. Marchese Niccolo traffics blood. Italian nobles often traffic blood through wine bottles and mix wine with blood and adrenochrome obtained from the mafia which torture people. The Rochettas are managed by the Gonzagas and Savoy-Aostas who are Princes of Piedmont where the Rochettas are nobles.
Mario Incisa della Rocchetta Incisa della Rocchetta
Immediate Family:
Son of Marchese Enrico Incisa della Rocchetta consignore di Rocchetta Tanaro and Princess Eleonora Chigi della Rovere Albani
Husband of Nobile Clarice della Gherardesca
Father of Donna Orietta Incisa della Rochetta and Marchese Don Niccoló Incisa della Rocchetta
The history of the Monferrato area and that of Marchesi Incisa della Rochetta, a family whose origins date back to before the eleventh century, are very closely linked. For centuries, their family has owned vineyards and produced its own wine, an activity most likely started by the Benedictine monks, who were given the right, by the family, to plant vines in the hills of their property in Rocchetta Tanaro.
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Princess Priscilla Incisa Della Rochetta the wife of Prince Heinrich of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn.
The Chigis and Rochettas are both intermarried and both married with the Sayn-Wittgensteins.
Heinrich, Hereditary Prince zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn (born 1971) married in 2003 Donna Priscilla Incisa della Rocchetta (born 1975),[6] daughter of Don Niccolo, Marchese Incisa della Rocchetta, and they have issue.
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Marchese Nicolo Cavalcanti di Verbicaro on the far left. Prince Mario Chigi's half sister married with the Cavalcanti di Verbicaros which are part owners of the DeCavalcante crime family in New Jersey along with the Aldobrandini family which the Chigi family are married with. The Aldobrandinis are the primary owners of the DeCavalcante crime syndicate with the Cavalcante di Verbicaros as part owners and managers.
Curzio Cavalcanti (* Cosenza 27-VII-1571 †?), Patrician of Cosenza, bought the fiefdom of Verbicaro with San Biagio with Royal Assent of 16-XI-1629 (e.g. Naples 10-VII-1630), through the nominee Angelo de Matera, by Antonio Castellar for the sum of 40,500 ducats; Knight of the Order of Malta since 1587.
Guido (* Florence 21-X-1928 † Rome 19-V-1985)
= Rome 27-X-1958 Antonietta Clarice Chigi Albani della Rovere, daughter of Prince Don Francesco of Anna Maria Torlonia of the Dukes of Poli and Guadagnolo (* Rome 24-VII-1931 † ibid. 18-X-2004) (see / see)
L1. Nicolò (* Rome 12-X-1959)
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Simone Rizzo DeCavalcante Jr is a boss and consiglieri of the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey and he operates from Florida.
The DeCavalcante crime family is an Italian-American organized crime family that operates in Elizabeth, New Jersey[1] and surrounding areas in the state, and is part of the nationwide criminal network known as the American Mafia. It operates on the opposite side of the Hudson River from the Five Families of New York, but it maintains strong relations with many of them, as well as with the Philadelphia crime family and the Patriarca crime family of New England. Its illicit activities include bookmaking, cement and construction violations, bootlegging, corruption, drug trafficking, extortion, fencing, fraud, hijacking, illegal gambling, loan-sharking, money laundering, murder, pier thefts, pornography, prostitution, racketeering, and waste management violations.
“The big guys don’t take a cut in this business — they run it,” said the man, who gave his name as Luan and acknowledged that he previously made his living from trafficking women and girls into Kosovo against their will so that they could be forced to have sex with paying customers. “The system is highly organized and there’s no police or anything to stop it. Everything is corruption from top to bottom.” Every day, an enterprise of trafficking women thrives in this country.
interviewed three men involved in sex trafficking in Kosovo, two Albanians, and Luan, a Kosovar Albanian. All three men insisted that some senior political figures, specifically former KLA commanders, were indeed involved in the trafficking of women and girls.
See image 16
Prince Leka of Albania is the head of the Albanian royal family and he is knighted under the House of Savoy and House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Prince Leka is a co-owner of various Albanian Mafias.
Prince Leka of Albania (Leka Anwar Zog Reza Baudouin Msiziwe Zogu, born 26 March 1982) is the only child of the first Leka, Crown Prince of Albania, and Susan Cullen-Ward. Prince Leka was an official at the Albanian Ministry of Interior and in the past has served as an advisor at the Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Presidency. The prince is referred by some Albanian monarchists as King Leka II since the death of his father, whom they referred to as Leka I. On 30 November 2011, he succeeded as head of the House of Zogu, titular King of the Albanians upon the death of his father.
Italian Royal Family: Knight Grand Cordon of the Royal Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus[15][16]
Two Sicilian Royal Family: Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Francis I[17]
Organized crime gangs, like the Albanian mafia, are “fueling the surge in violent crime in London” as a result of importing Class A drugs into Britain, leading to turf wars on the streets, claims a top UK law enforcement official.
The Albanian mafia is one of the UK’s largest criminal groups. They have stakes in human trafficking and the heroin trade and also conduct armed robberies, Albanian-born gangsters were involved in the £53 million ($71m) Securitas heist of 2006, thought to be behind the biggest cash robbery in UK history.
The House of Mattei was one of the most powerful noble families of Rome during the Middle Ages and early modern era, holding high positions in the papal curia and government office.
Mat District (Albanian: Rrethi I Matit) was one of the thirty-six districts of Albania
This is a notorious convicted Albanian gangster seen smirking as he laughs at justice from jail.
Tristen Asllani, who is serving a 25-year sentence for drugs and firearms offenses, stands defiantly in his cell, believed to be in Wandsworth Prison.
He and another unknown man are seen in images posted on an Instagram account called My Albanian in Jail.
They are thought to be members of an east London gang known as the Hellbanianz.
The Rudaj Organization is the Albanian mafia in the New York City metro area, named for the man accused of being its kingpin, Alex Rudaj of Yorktown, New York. The Rudaj Organization, called "The Corporation" by its members, was started in 1993 in Westchester and spread to the Bronx and Queens. Prosecutors say the Albanian gang was headed by Alex Rudaj and an Italian named Nardino Colotti who both had ties to the late Gambino soldier Phil "Skinny" Loscalzo.[1]
See image 17
Alex Rudaj the imprisoned former boss of the Albanian Mafia in New York.
The Chigi family (IPA: /kid͡ʒi/) is a Roman princely family of Sienese extraction
Prince Ludovico Chigi Albani della Rovere (July 10, 1866 – November 14, 1951), son of Prince Mario and Antoinette, was Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta from 1931 to 1951. In 1893 he married Donna Anna Aldobrandini
Princess Olimpia Anna Aldobrandini, also a non-lineal descendant of Napoleon on her mother's side, married into the Rothschild family.[1]
See images 18
Bill Clinton with Evelyn de Rothschild. Clinton was Jesuit educated from Georgetown and he is not even a Roman Catholic. Clinton and NATO bombed Yugoslavia claiming the Serbs were murdering Albanians which appears to be based on the Serbian Mafia at war with the Albanian Mafia in Yugoslavia and the Clintons took the side of the Albanian Mafia in service to the Chigis. That is why the Albanian Mafia became more powerful after the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia which killed thousands of civilians. Prior to this the Clintons brought in large amounts of Albanian refugees which included many Albanian mobsters like Ergest Mati. What these "Albanian Refugees" did was leave Kosovo and collected refugee money from various nations like Greece and Macedonia before migrating to the United States where they would often collect $30,000 per person on top of the tens of thousands they collected from other nations. I know this because they bragged about it. The Clintons basically brought the Albanian Mafia into the United States and paid them each tens of thousands of dollars, and then bombed their rivals the Serbian Mafia while also killing innocent civilians in the process. Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena has also donated to the Clinton Foundation.
Clinton Foundation Donors
The Monte dei Paschi di Siena $100,001 $250,000
The palazzo’s last occupant, Count Guido Chigi Saracini
In 1932 the Count granted part of the palazzo as the seat of the Accademia Musicale Chigiana, an international centre for advanced musical studies.
Since the Count’s death in 1965 the Accademia has continued to flourish, thanks also to prestigious sponsors such as the Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation and the Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena.
The NATO bombing of Yugoslavia was the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation's (NATO) military operation against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War.
President Clinton's Department of State also claimed Yugoslav troops had committed genocide. The New York Times reported, "the Administration said evidence of 'genocide' by Serbian forces was growing to include 'abhorrent and criminal action' on a vast scale. The language was the State Department's strongest up to that time in denouncing Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević."[195] The Department of State also gave the highest estimate of dead Albanians. In May 1999, Defence Secretary William Cohen suggested that there might be up to 100,000 Albanian fatalities."[196] Opinions in the popular press later criticized genocide statements by the Clinton administration as false and exaggerated.[197][198]
There has also been criticism of the campaign. The Clinton administration and NATO officials were accused of inflating the number of Kosovar Albanians killed by Serbs.[205][206]
Yugoslav estimate: 1,200–5,700 civilians killed[20]
And the Winner is . . . the Albanian Mafia
With the signing of peace treaties and the deployment of NATO peacekeeping forces in Kosovo, the time has come to crown a victor. While NATO may have achieved its objectives in the “war”—forcing Serbia to agree to remove its troops, allowing the Kosovars back into their homes, and establishing a peacekeeping force—the real winner is the Albanian mafia. It cost NATO about $5 billion to prosecute its air campaign, with the United States shouldering most of the burden. Peacekeeping efforts will cost at least an additional $3 billion a year, and in the days and years to come the victors will dole out about $50 billion for reconstruction. Not everyone, however, spent money. Scavenging amid the rubble of ethnic conflict, Albanian criminal clans known as fares, profited from the war and grew in breadth, depth, size, and influence. They extended their reach, entrenched themselves in government, and essentially usurped government authority. As a result of the fares’ success, Albania is left teetering on the edge of lawlessness and ungovernability.
The Albanian Boys, also known as the Albanian Bad Boys[1] or Albanian Boys Inc. is a gang of Albanians who operate in central Bronx.[2] The gang was founded in the Bronx, New York by immigrants who had come to the states after the Kosovo War.
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