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Drones Over East Coast: Mystery Solved?


  • 0/2000
  • They arrested a Guy that fired one round at one $3 k damage

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  • They're only unidentified because we are told they are unidentified. I'm sure there are a few who know what's going on and it doesn't bode well for humanity. Some "sources" claim it's a psyops. We're being set up for a "fake" alien invasion in order to "unite" us under a digital economy. Perfect enslavement eh? Only "weak" countries are always threatened. Strong powerful Countries are never "threatened" by anything. Whatever they are telling us is a lie or just corrupt enough enough to prove detrimental. I never really believed in the depopulation thing, until the Georgia stones were set up. Now I am a believer. We ARE going to be depopulated with our childish games of win/lose, our substandard diets that render us ball-less and brainless, and the vaccines of course. Soaking in Baking Soda water to decontaminate I'm told could work. But what do I know. I do that anyway. They told us that "it" was what was going to happen and they believe if we don't do anything about it, it's all OK. And look at us believing anything we are told in order to feel "secure". I no longer feel secure about anything today. One grows accustomed to the condition and living free with my insecurity is all I can do about it. Right? I'm dead anyway so what's it matter? I have no control over the sun, the government, the vile evilness that directs our affairs at the moment. I can only accept it and in that manner the "change" is within and personal. I was once "trapped" in the rain under an underpass with a wounded bear in the vicinity and the authority warning everyone to stay indoors and lock everything up. I accepted the fact that I could become bearshit, rolled out my sleeping bag and went to sleep. It's all about acceptance eh? Once we accept the fact we are collectively on the wrong path, we can do something about being on the wrong path. BUT! Only "losers" are on the wrong path and we can't accept the fact that only the people who practice the win/lose paradigm deserve it.

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