Worshipping with sisters Tabitha and Grace- Reading from Matthew 26: 1-75

2 months ago

In this chapter of Matthew, Jesus tells His disciples about His death. Jesus is anointed at Bethany. Jesus institutes the Eucharist. Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane. Judas brings men to arrest Jesus. Jesus is falsely accused and beaten. The disciples abandon Jesus. Even Peter swears that he does not know Jesus. Hallelujah!
Jesus Christ had the right to refuse to enter this suffering and shame. But He chose to do the will of His Father in heaven. Because the will of the Father and the will of Jesus Christ are one. That is, it is also the will of Jesus to enter this suffering so that we can all be saved.
Jesus Christ had the right to call the angels to deal with those who came to arrest Him. But He chose to let them arrest Him in order to do the will of His Father.
Jesus Christ came to this world to be the atonement for our sins and to be the original for us to live in this world. And by willingly entering into this suffering, both missions were accomplished perfectly. That means Jesus Christ willingly died to save us.
Jesus Christ was very close to Peter and loved him very much. This dear friend swore in front of everyone that he did not know Jesus Christ. If we were a friend who we loved very much, doing the same thing to us, when we had no one left, how would we feel?
My dear brothers and sisters, you can apply this 26th chapter of Matthew to your daily life: "My Lord Jesus was beaten for me." Let's meditate and share it to lead to spiritual growth together.
This chapter talks about the high priests who planned to kill Jesus, and Judas came to help make the plan easier. Finally, Jesus was arrested and brought before the Jewish council.
✝️✝️ Jesus Christ told his disciples that he would be executed during this year's Passover, but the chief priests and the elders of the people agreed to arrest Jesus and kill him after this year's Passover.
But no matter what man's plans or schemes are, in the end, God's plan will be fulfilled.
Today!!! There may be some things that seem impossible to happen, but whatever is God's will, it will happen and be fulfilled. Therefore, when we do what is right with God, whatever happens, God is in control and it will be according to God's plan for our lives.
✝️✝️ Mary, the sister of Lazarus She used the very expensive Narada perfume to cajole Jesus. Judas rebuked her for doing something extravagant and wasteful, but Jesus praised her because she did it with all her heart for Him whom she loved.
Nothing is too much to do for Jesus out of love for Him. Even though some actions, from the world's perspective, may seem worthless and pointless, but everything we do for Jesus out of love, is precious in His eyes. What Mary did may seem useless from the world's perspective, but in the spiritual sense, it was valuable and had a great impact. And that is famous to this day.
Today!!! When we do anything for Jesus, do it with all our might and heart.
✝️✝️ Judas abandoned Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, which at that time was the price of a slave, and he lost everything, even eternal life.
Today!!! How much money do we need to turn our backs on Jesus and disobey Him again?
How much money do we stop obeying Him for?
Today!!! What are we afraid of losing? Or what do we want so much that we stop obeying Jesus Christ?
✝️✝️ Jesus' command to prepare to eat the Passover together between Jesus and his disciples was not easy because at that time it was a big festival for Jews from all over the place. All the hotels and restaurants were probably fully booked.
When you consider it, Jesus and his disciples did not have any money. Even to pay for the temple maintenance, they had to get it from the mouth of a fish. Moreover, they were not people in this city. There were not many people they knew and could rely on in this capital city. But when the disciples obeyed and did what Jesus ordered, all the problems were solved easily and unexpectedly.
Today!!! What God's Word tells us to do It may seem difficult or even impossible for us to do, but that doesn't matter. If we obey Him and start doing, the difficult things will become easy and the impossible things will happen.
✝️✝️ While eating, Jesus told his disciples that someone would betray him so that when it happened, they would know that Jesus was not caught by the high priests by mistake, but was according to God's plan.
Whatever happens to us today, whether it is because of our own sins or mistakes or anyone else's, God can still use them to glorify God. We just have to choose to respond to it correctly according to God's word. Then it will turn into a blessing.

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