"Goth Girl" - A music video by Robert Dada

2 months ago

"Goth Girl" - A music video by Robert Dada

From the album, "Being Out Of Time"

All words, music and video ©2023 AAP Illusions/Robert Dada
Goth Girl

Where does she go after the show?
Does she know anyone you might know?
She looks over at you or so you think
Was I the target of a flirtatious wink?

What does she do during the day?
She couldn't possibly be seen out that way
All dressed in black with ripped nylons
What employer would ever permit that on?

Does she have a job to make ends meet?
Is she educated or living on the street?
The Kafka tells me she's very well read
Making me want to get inside of her head

Does she have a partner or live alone ?
I always see her talking on her phone
Maybe it's a girlfriend or even her mother
If it's a guy's voice, perhaps her brother

Her face alone says she has a history
But right now, it’s nothing but a mystery
One thing is certain, she’s definitely broken
The goth girl at the show you love to soak in

 Not a bit of leather, vegan I'm guessing
Odd then that fangs she would be possessing
Cape, and gown with a thin black gauze
Blood red polish poured on well-manicured claws

She's really cool always in the front row
She's always seen at your favorite shows
Sometimes you spy a look at her singing along
To even the most obscure of the band’s songs

The ink and the piercings says she’s legit
That and the fact she’s slamming in the pit
Customized her t-shirt from 3 tours ago
Fabric paint and marker of the band’s logo

Finally worked up the nerve to say hello
But someone came to tell her that it’s time to go
A sharp pivot in a boot size 7
She kicks a look sending me straight to Heaven

Her face alone says she has a history
But right now, it’s nothing but a mystery
One thing is certain, she’s definitely broken
The goth girl at the show you love to soak in
Skeleton Dance Sequences Courtesy:
Licensor's Author Username: VideoMagus

Licensee: AAP Illusions

Item Title: Skeleton Funny Dance

Item URL: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGRfbm5nTzhYeFM5OVhWNl9MMmRTUkRyZmhQQXxBQ3Jtc0tsUVlvdDN4SExEbHlSSG53a2hNS3c0aFVTWmhpeFRWQ3E4NkFUM3hkaVZkU3BhNnVCbUJpcWFTNGNyczhiUnFqOW1pUDhPa3ZWLUlPNExienVyeDdUSW9UbW9Db0pqdElLbDRaU2dUVG45ZDBSbWN4aw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fvideohive.net%2Fitem%2Fskeleton-funny-dance%2F1558243&v=bMPJn7g4XkY

Item ID: 1558243

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