Mom Vacuums Toddler’s Bangs While She Eats

6 years ago

Making toddler eat everything from the plate is not an easy job. If you have a kid, you’d know that more than well. But this mom found a creative and a bit a silly way to make her kid eat her lunch. When this resourceful mom saw that her kid made a total mess, she took a vacuum cleaner and started vacuuming her bangs! LOL! You must admit, this is the craziest lunch ever! And the kid loves it. The little girl enjoys this unusual hairstyle so much, she smiles all the time. You can see that she is having the time of her life. Well, toddlers are just like that. You can buy them the best and the most expensive toys, but they will always find some common household appliance more interesting. However, this has to be the craziest use of a vacuum cleaner ever! I applaud this mom for her creativity!

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