Evil thru Our Minds, Causing the Biblical Great Delusion

3 months ago

This is the most efficient path way Salvation, biblical silent prayer... 
The latest huge lie...
His lying doctor: there is no 2 centimeter wound and a tiny little mark, no scar, after only two weeks. Why would they lie, unless it was all staged.
Only a small fraction of the actual victims...openvaers.com
*** Just a heads up...there unfortunately is one "spiritual1seeker" person here who I have had to block and delete some vile comments, because they refuse repeated requests to deal with the subject matter of my video. Instead, he goes on and on judging me as insane, and bringing up past TRUE videos to try and prove his weird point. This man is NOT a believer in what Roy Masters taught, and his little band of friends online, that misuse Rumble crazy ability to hide reasonable comments just because they are from me, are all spitefully little people that need to learn to really live from the light, and not the false one.****

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