VSRF Live #156: The Sepsis Epidemic

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This week on VSRF LIVE we will host a very special program on the sky-rocking number of sepsis cases occurring throughout the world, and discuss what, if any, connection this disturbing trend may have with COVID19 disease and its associated injectables.

Joining us for this important discussion are two of the best experts in the field on this topic, including leading virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who has predicted for years that in the aftermath of the C19 devastation we would continue to see increases in serious diseases such as sepsis, as the global population's immune systems weaken and populations are are stricken with autoimmune disease. We will then bring on Dr. Paul Marik, M.D., one of, if not the world's most preeminent doctor on sepsis treatment to explore his ideas about what could prove to be the connection between the increasing rate of the deadly disease and the C19 debacle.

Join us for this fascinating and timely discussion and learn how to keep yourselves and your lived ones safe this winter. And as always, please share this link and bring some friends!
Link to Full Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche: https://rumble.com/v5ypp8n-geert-vanden-bosshe-phd.-full-interview-with-steve-kirsch.html

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