Gedonia 1 survival mode, agility build ep4

2 months ago

The clips aren't out of order. I skipped ahead to grab better equipment to make earlier area fights not take 3 minutes per singular enemy. I couldn't pilfer what I was hoping to find, but it's good enough to not instantly die when I get around to properly fighting enemies.

start~04:07=looting darklands
04:07=go to desert, which is still much higher level than me
05:53=entering desert, from the wrong way
07:38=wave 4 starts
09:41=monsters fighting each other
10:34=field boss
12:37=finally killed that boss
12:46=loot and run
14:08=infiltrating bandit camp
15:30=now using 1h+shield instead of daggers
16:09=more practice as a warrior instead of assassin
20:17=onto tougher foes

Eventually, my plan with this character is to switch from daggers to archery. Now that I know the enemies spawned in waves are copy-pasted from the world-mode part of this game, I know that I'll need the epic-tier equipment set that makes archers great, and obnoxious enemies obliterated.

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