Spiritual Topic - The Macrolamp

2 months ago

I'm playfully mocking Skywatch Media's narrator in this video. Skywatch Media New is a Youtube Channel that talks about current events. Obviously they had nothing to do with this video, I just felt like mocking that silly voice because that channel just instantly deleted all my comments and never responded. In retrospect, it probably wasn't even them, it mighta been Alphabet at this point,

But anyway , this video talks about what I have seen beyond the Sky of Earth when I have remote viewed out there.

The Earth is a spherical prison, it's density keeping humans anchored down. If you were to fly past the upper atmosphere and pass through that dark veil, you would discover a seemingly infinite paradise, of gradient blue skies, and floating islands of grass and trees. This is a bubble of atmosphere that extends for several lightyears.

The idea of outer space being some infinite black void in a darkmatter gasless vacuum is perpetuated by the People in Charge of this purgatory, to help deter the distracted masses from figuring this out.

Be very cautious when they tell you about rockets going to Mars and the Moon. We all know they're lying by now about all of it. It's a big distraction. Those rockets are interdimensional, ready to transport slaves to labor colonies that are in fact deep underground in HELL. They will tell you you're going up, and they'll have holograms and sound effects for rocket launches, and even fire, but really, that thing is going DOWN to a fictional Mars under the crust of the prison you walk upon.

I will talk more about how to reach the Macrolamp, if I'm able. One way is to seek out the "Mega Tree," one of the last remaining giant trees , possibly on the otherside of the borders of Ant Arctica, but I dont know that for sure. The Mega-Tree is so large, it's trunk so thick, that you can walk up the bark of it, and the gravitational field will keep you walking upright on the trunk, all the way out and past the veil. There is a brief pass-through of the radiation belt, but if you can survive through that, the whole sky will be like one big gigantic med-bed rife machine vibration. You will become immortal, youthful, and will no longer need food.

Sadly, I must admit that there are many monsters on Earth who might taint that paradise, hence the veil, the designed ignorance. You have to shed all your vengeful thoughts, and love your enemies, at least enough, before you can go there.

Very rarely, some stars, or would-be stars of the public of Earth, end up rising to a place in the Macrolamp, because they were too pure, too nice, and were unable to sell out to secret socieities. Deep State Lizard Ops could never successfully bribe certain energies, and those energies find sanctuary in a place called Star Haven.

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