House of Caetani Gaetani D’Aragona (Bourbon Two Sicilies, Gotti, Gambino, Viola, Parma, Trump)

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House of Caetani Gaetani D’Aragona (Bourbon Two Sicilies, Gotti, Gambino, Viola, Parma, Trump)

Southern Italian Mafia. They put Pope Francis in. Farnese does have a play here.

Orsini Supporter. Boncompagni, Gaetani, Massimo, Colonna, Orsini and Ruspoli families control the Italian Mafia. New York against Chicago.

Eldest certain ancestor was Mattia Caetani (+ after 1260), from him descend the families Caetani and Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona. His descendant Goffredo Caetani (+ 1335), lord of Sermoneta, was created Conte di Fondi on 16-10-1299. Cristoforo Gaetani, 5.Conte di Fondi (+ 1441) assumed the surname Gaetani dell'Aquila. His son Onorato got permission from the King of Naples to add d'Aragona to his surname. His grandson Don Onorato Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona, 7.Conte di Fondi (+ 1528) was created Principe di Altamura in 1506. Don Nicola Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona, 9.Principe di Altamura (1663-1741) sold Altamura in 1715 and was subsequently created Principe di Piedimonte on 2-9-1715.

Prince Roffredo Gaetani is a top owner of the Gottis, Gotti-Agnello's, and the Philly Mob with Joey Merlino and he is close friends with Donald Trump and dated his ex wife Ivana Trump for years. People have been claiming that Prince Roffredo and the Gambinos have some kind of videotape blackmail on Donald Trump which they probably do because that is what the mafia does. That does not excuse Trump or any criminal for doing more crimes because they are blackmailed for doing another crime. That makes them more evil.

The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies was since 1816 the formal name of the since 1734 unified Kingdoms of Naples (peninsular Sicily) and Sicily (the island) under the Bourbon Dynasty. Sicily had been part of the territories of Aragón and later Spain since 1409 and Naples was Spanish from 1504 until 1714. After the invasion by Garibaldi in 1860 the Kingdom became part of the new Kingdom of Italy and the Bourbons lost their crown. There are at the moment two pretenders; Pedro Prince of Bourbon, Duca di Calabria (1968) and Carlo Prince of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duca di Castro (1963). Former descends from the main line, but his grandfather renounced his rights to the Sicilian throne on 14-12-1900 because of his marriage to the - at that moment - heiress presumptive of Spain. Pedro´s grandfather reclaimed his rights in 1960 and was supported by Spain.
The Bourbons are part of the dynasty Capet, with as eldest certain ancestor Robert le Fort, margrave of Neustria (+ 866), probably a descendant through the counts of Hesbaye of another Robert who was dux in Neustria between 654-677.

The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and House of Bourbon-Parma are Italian royalty and Templar military bloodlines as sovereigns of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George (SMCOSG) which oversees the Jesuits. The Italian Bourbons are Knights of Malta and Rome's military hierarchy is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, and the Society of Jesus or Jesuits. The Italian Bourbons are also the owners of the Boston crime family through the DiNunzios, Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia, and they are part owners of the Trafficante crime family and the Cuban Mafia. It was the Italian Bourbons, Boston crime family, and Jesuit Boston police commissioner William Evans working with the corrupt federal agencies that staged the Boston Marathon Bombings. The extremely evil YouTube shill Richie from Boston works for the Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies is the Sovereign head of the SMCOSG, Prince Pedro is the Grand Master of the SMCOSG, and Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Parma is the Sovereign head of the Parmese SMCOSG. The Bourbon-Two Siclies and Bourbon-Parma families are the continuation of the Farnese family which authorized the Jesuits through the papal bull called Regimini Militantis Ecclesiae (Military Regiment of the Church) under Pope Paul III or Alessandro Farnese. Elizabeth Farnese married the Bourbon King Philip V of Spain and that established the Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Bourbon-Parma families of Italy. The Farnese family were the Dukes of Castro, Parma, and Piacenza and Castro was given to the elder Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Parma and Piacenza were given to the younger Bourbon-Parmas. The Chigi family are the Princes of Farnese and the Chigis manage and oversee the Italian Bourbons. The Jesuits headquarters called the Gesu Church in Rome has the name Farnesivs engraved on it for the Farnese family. Larry Farnese is a member of the Pennsylvania Senate and a high level political authority working under the Italian Bourbons. The Farnese family were a military bloodline and lived in a pentagonal fortress called the Farnese Caprarola. Jesuit alumni and professors dominate leadership positions in US military and intelligence. The Farnese fortress is the architectural basis for the US Pentagon. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Bourbon-Parma families have Jesuit agents infiltrated all over the US military and intelligence agencies. This is criminal and treasonous. Jesuit educated CIA Directors include Robert Gates, George Tenet, Leon Panetta, Michael Morell, David Petraeus and John Brennan. Former CIA Director James Clapper was a professor at  Jesuit Georgetown. Robert Gates is still a very high level authority over the CIA today. Jesuits are a Roman-Vatican intelligence agency that infiltrates politics, government, law, education, media, banking, and especially military in foreign nations. The Italian-American businessman Ray Dalio is worth 18 billion and is an agent of various Italian nobles including the Bourbon-Parmas. Ray Dalio's Bridgewater Associates investment firm manages 124 billion in assets. Ray Dalio's father was named Marino Dallolio a variant of Dell'Olio which derives from the town of Ponte dell'Olio which is located in Piacenza ruled by the Bourbon-Parmas the Dukes of Piacenza.

The Italian Bourbon families are the owners of the Boston crime family also called the New England crime family through the DiNunzio family. The DiNunzios are involved in rigging professional sports, running prostitution rings, child trafficking, drug trafficking, extortion, and murder. The New England crime family works with the Zionist billionaire Robert Kraft who owns the New England Patriots. Robert Kraft has donated to two Jesuit colleges and has been arrested for involvement in a prostitution ring. They work with the Irish Mafia and they have infiltrated the New England Patriots and Boston Celtics. Anthony DiNunzio is a top member of the New England crime family. The New England crime family has a close alliance with the Gambino crime syndicate and they run prostitution rackets and work with strip clubs. Anthony's son is Louis Dinunzio and he is a made man of the New England crime syndicate. The DiNunzios work with Stephen Pagliuca who is a co-owner of the Boston Celtics. Stephen Pagliuca worked for KPMG a service company based in the Netherlands. The House of Bourbon-Parma is currently married with the royal family of the Netherlands and are members of the Dutch royal family. They rig NBA games for mafia bets. They work closely with Larry Lucchino the former CEO and President of the Boston Red Sox. Count Pietro Pietro Lucchesi-Palli married Princess Beatrice of Bourbon-Parma and Larry Luchino is one of the Lucchesi-Palli's agents. The owner of the Patriots is the Zionist billionaire Robert Kraft who has made large donations to the Jesuit schools Boston College and College of the Holy Cross. Zionists and Romanists are working together. Robert Kraft was charged for soliciting prostitutes who were part of a large sex trafficking operation in Florida. The YouTube shill Richie From Boston works for the New England crime family an he is extremely disgusting, depraved, and evil. The Italian Bourbons are part owners of the Trafficante crime family of Florida and Cuba as well as part owners of the Cuban Mafia which have large operations in Florida. The Fanjul brothers are Cuban-American billionaire sugar merchants that traffic cocaine disguised as sugar. Alfonso Fanjul is worth about 8 billion and was Jesuit educated from Fordham. Under the Roman-Catholic CIA Director William Colby who was nicknamed the "Warrior Priest" the CIA employed Santo Trafficante Jr. with infiltrating Cuba and to help "assassinate Fidel Castro." The Trafficantes have owned several casinos in Cuba. The Castro family migrated to Cuba from Spain with origins as nobles from Castro, Italy and Castro, Spain. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies family are the Dukes of Castro and they manage the Cuban Castro family. The CIA was really assisting Fidel Castro in staying in power while pretending to be against him which is why the Castros have continued to rule there. The House of Bourbon-Parma married with the royal family of Luxembourg with Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma as the husband of Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg. Prince Felix's grandson and current monarch of Luxembourg is Grand Duke Henri who is a Prince of Parma and the husband of Grand Duchess Maria Teresa who was born in Cuba and from the Batista family. The Batista family also ruled Cuba and they are agents of the House of Bourbon-Parma. Prince Michel of Bourbon-Parma was Jesuit educated in Montreal and his family has residences in Florida.

The Italian Bourbons are owners of the Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia clan of Sicily, Montreal, Aruba, and South America. Stefano Sollecito is a high level boss of the Montreal crime family or the Rizzuto-Cuntrera-Caruana syndicate and Francesco del Balso is another high level Montreal gangster. The De Balsos owned a construction empire in New York City during the 1930's up to 1960. The Cuntrera-Caruanas are nicknamed the "Rothschilds of the Mafia" because of their banking networks and involvement with money laundering. They established money laundering operations in Switzerland, made deals with drug cartels in South America, and they established a headquarters in Aruba where they purchased various businesses for criminal fronts. Aruba is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Cuntrera-Caruanas still have criminal operations there including child sex trafficking operations. The House of Bourbon-Parma is currently married with the royal family of the Netherlands which are the monarchs of Aruba. Prince Carlos the Duke of Parma, Prince Jamie the Count of Bardi, Princess Carolina the Marchioness of Sala, and Princess Margarita the Countess of Colorno are Bourbon-Parma Italian nobles and also members of the Dutch royal family through their mother Princess Irene of the Netherlands. Princess Carolina is married to Albert Brenninkmeijer. The Brenninkmeijers are a Dutch family worth tens of billions as owners of Coffra Group which is involved with retail, real estate, and financing. Prince Jamie of Bourbon-Parma was the Dutch Ambassador to the Holy See. The Cuntrera-Caruanas have a joint headquarters with the Rizzuto crime family known as the Montreal crime family which have drug trafficking networks with Venezuelan drug cartels and  the Sinaloa drug cartel of Mexico. The Roman House of Ruspoli are the owners of the Rizzuto crime family and Prince Lilio Sforza Ruspoli has vacation resorts on the Venezuelan island of Margarita. The name Rizzuto refers to the poison called ricin which is produced from the Caruncle of the Castor Bean plant. Caruana refers to Caruncle. The Rizzutos established official residences in Venezuela. El Chapo the former boss of the Sinaloa Cartel and some corrupt Venezuelan government agents have been seen having meetings on the island of Margarita. Prince Lilio Sforza Ruspoli and Prince Francesco Ruspoli are members of the Grand Magistrate of the Italian Bourbon's Sacred Constantinian Military Order of Saint George and they own the Rizzuto crime family which has an alliance with the Italian Bourbon owned Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia. The MMA fighter Georges St-Pierre is a ruthless mafia enforcer and friend of the Canadian gangster Jimmy Cournoyer who works with the Rizzutos and Cuntrera-Caruanas. Jamie Caruana is a Spanish banker, former Governor of the Bank of Spain, former General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements, and current member of the Group of Thirty. Jaime Caruana is a Bourbon banking agent, money launderer, and criminal financier. Carl von Rothschild of the Rothschild Naples branch was a banker and knight under the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. A piggish female gang stalker named Susan Grenier works for the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and she sacrificed and cannibalized her husband. Susan Grenier is a disgusting and blasphemous pig which is the theme for the Bourbons. Bourbon like boar. Susan Grenier is an abomination of pure evil and is getting increasingly more evil.

Prince Carlo is the uncle of Prince Jean Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte who is a the Vice President of the Royal Deputation of the SMCOSG. John Viola is a Fordham Jesuit educated US Delegate for the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George in the United States and has been the President of the National Italian American Foundation. His father is Vincent Viola a billionaire and mafia associate who is also a Knight of the SMCOSG. Prince Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Calabria is the President of the Council of the Spanish Military Orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcantara and Montesa and he is the link between the Italian Bourbons and the Spanish Bourbons which rule today as monarchs of Spain. The Spanish Orders of Calavtrava and Montesa are continuations of the Knights Templar of Spain and the Bourbon's Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George are continuations of the Italian Templars. The Knights Templar use the Red Cross of Saint George. Prince Pedro the Duke of Calabria is an owner of some Ndrangheta mafia clans which are based in Calabria. The House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies have some shares in the banking conglomerate Intesa Sanpaolo which has over 700 billion in assets and has bought up dozens of old Italian banks. The Templars were mercenaries and bankers. It was Pope Innocent II or Gregorio Papareschi who issued the Templars through the papal bull Omne Datum Optimum. The Papareschi family established the Paparoni family which merged to become the Cerretani-Bandinelli-Paparoni family. Count Lando Cerretani-Bandinelli-Paparoni is a current member of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. The Paparonis are part managers of the Boston crime family with the Patriarcas which have been top bosses of this mafia. Papa like Patriarch which both refer to the word father. The Cerretani-Bandinelli-Paparoni family are also part owners of the Papalias of Toronto. Prince Salvatore Caputo is an agent of the Italian royals including the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and he has residences in Italy, United States, and Toronto where his company Caputo International was founded. His ancestor Don Giovan Battista Caputo was a military commander for the Kingdom of Two-Sicilies. The Papalias, Musitanos, and Luppinos are Italian Ndrangheta crime families based in Ontario and Toronto and they are owned by the Cerretani-Bandinelli-Paparonis, Crencenzi-Ottobani-Serlupis, and Caputos. Prince Domenico Crenscenzi-Ottobani-Serlupi is a top officer of the Commission of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George of Tuscany. The name Luppino refers to Lupo which means wolf. The Crenscenzi family have a wolf on their coat of arms. The Crenscenzi family are owners of the Luppino crime family and are top commanders of the SMCOSG. The Roman Catholic Justin Trudeau is the current prime minister of Canada and an agent of the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies which are the Dukes of Castro. Justin Trudeau went to College Jean-de-Brebeuf a former Jesuit school. The Trudeaus have a close relationship with the Castros of Cuba and some believe Justin Trudeau is the illegitimate son of Fidel Castro.

Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and his family visited Donald Trump and at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. Donald Trump was Jesuit educated at Fordham and Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump were Jesuit educated at Georgetown. Bill Clinton was Jesuit educated at Georgetown. The pedophile and former Vice President Joe Biden has two honorary degrees from Jesuit colleges and he is an agent of the Italian Bourbons. Many military leaders are Jesuit educated and through Jesuit infiltration the Bourbon-Two Sicilies oversee GITMO in Cuba which they use for torturing people to extract adrenochrome and filled blood. A psychotic and arrogant military gang stalker named Adam Ross Hoyt worked at GITMO torturing prisoners and he is an agent of the Italian Bourbons. Adam Hoyt is the most insolent creature on the planet. There is no greater arrogance than his and his stupidity almost matches his level of arrogance. Adam Hoyt is a major sadist that wants society enslaved so he can rape, murder, and cannibalize women and children and he was imitated into this evil at GITMO. Adam Ross Hoyt is the most insolent creature on the planet. He is the essence of insolence. Prince Michael of Kent of the House of Windsor and the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England is a Knight of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Anthony Bailey of England whose familycurrently run the Bank of England is a high level Knight of the SMCOG. The body builder and psychopath Eddie Hall is a bodyguard for the Bourbon-Two Sicilies. The mercenary executive Erik Prince who founded Blackwater referred to himself as a Christian Crusader just as the Bourbon's SMCOSG is the continuation of the Italian Knights Templar. Erik Prince was born in Holland, Michigan named after Holland in the Netherlands just as the Bourbon-Parmas are members of the royal family of the Netherlands. Erik Prince is a covert Knight of the Parmese Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and today he runs the mercenary company Frontier Services. Giovanni Ferrero is an Italian billionaire worth 22 billion and he is an agent of the Italian Bourbons and a criminal financier of Jesuits. Members of the Bourbon-Two Sicilies family include Prince Carlo the Duke of Castro, Princess Camilla, Princess Beatrice, Prince Antoine, Prince Francois, Prince Casimiro, Prince Luigi Alfonso Maria, Prince Alessandro Enrico Maria, Prince Gennaro, Princess Maria Annunziata, Prince Adrian Philip, Prince Gregory, Princess Carrie, Prince Christian Peter, Prince Raymond, Prince Pedro the Duke of Calabria, and Prince Jaime the Duke of Noto. Members of the Bourbon-Parma family include Prince Carlos the Duke of Parma, Prince Jaime the Count of Bardi, Princess Carolina the Marchioness of Sala, Princess Margarita the Countess of Colorno, Prince Sixtus Henry, the recently deceased Prince Michel, Prince Erik, Princess Sybil, Prince Charles-Emmanuel, and Prince Amaury. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Bourbon-Parma families are very large royal bloodlines and members have residences in Italy, France, Monaco, Switzerland, Netherlands, Africa, and Brazil, as well as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the United States.

Donald Trump owned casinos in Atlantic City including casinos built by the Philly Mob and Merlino family which run the Philly Mob today. The Gambinos, Gottis, and Philly Mob specialize in construction rackets and infiltration of businesses and they launder their criminal profits in Atlantic City casinos.

Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families and they want the wall at the border because they do not like the drug cartels cutting in on their territory.

Donald Trump used the Genovese and Gambino owned S&A Concrete for building his condos in Manhattan. Donald Trump purchased property from the mafia hitman Salvatore Testa to build his casino in Atlantic City. Trump used Roy Cohn as an attorney who also worked for former mafia bosses John Gotti and Tony Salerno.

The Genovese crime family have infiltrated much of Wall Street and extort businessmen.

The mafia are the ones doing the human trafficking and controlling most of the politicians through blackmail. The US military and intelligence agencies have been running the opium fields in Afghanistan and shipping a portion back into the United States and handing it over the Five Families which then cut it into heroin and have it sold on the streets.

The Italian Mafia use the Albanian Mafia and street gangs for doing most of their dirty work. Prince Mario Chigi Albani della Rovere and his son Prince Flavio Chigi Albani della Rovere own and control the Albanian Mafia. The Albani family were an Albanian papal nobility. Italian and Spanish princes call themselves dons just like mafia bosses.

Atlantic City has been fully controlled by the Italian Mafia since the Atlantic City Conference in 1929. Donald Trump is a front man for the Five Families of New York City and they are controlled by the Italian Nobility.

Donald Trump’s ex wife Ivana Trump even dated Prince Roffredo Gaetani D’Aragona. Members of the Gaetani crime family include the vineyard owner and “wizard of wine” Gelasio Gaetani D’Aragona Lovatelli, Don Ferdinando Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona, and Don Bonifacio Gaetani Dell’Aquilla D’Aragona. Don Roffredo Gaetani-D’Aragona de Laurenzana Lovatelli apparently faked his death and has been hiding out in Venice and may be in Switzerland today.

The Mexican Mafia use MS-13 as their street soldiers and they are ruthless. The House of Bourbon and Spanish Nobility like the House of Alba de Tormes control the Mexican Mafia and drug cartels.

King Juan Carlos of Spain spent Thanksgiving at the Bush ranch several years ago as a cover for a business deal involving organized crime. The House of Savoy and the Italian Nobility like the Boncompagni, Gaetani, Massimo, Colonna, Orsini and Ruspoli families control the Italian Mafia. The Massimo-Brancaccio family run most of the Sicilian Mafia. Brancaccio is a neighborhood in Palermo Sicily where Las Cosa Nostra originated.

The Italian Nobility thatImage result for Prince "Dado" Ruspoli, godfather III have Spanish ties like the Colonna, Ruspoli and Massimo families have some ownership over the Chicago faction. Prince “Dado” Ruspoli was even an actor in the movie.

Godfather III and he had Brazilian ancestry. The Italian Mafia also control the drug cartels in South America. The Jewish Mafia works closely with the Italian Mafia and most of the Jewish factions are controlled by the Colonna and Orsini families of Rome. Arnold Rothstein was the founder of the Jewish Mafia and he was serving the Orsini family. The Orsini family of Rome are intermarried with the Jewish Rosenberg nobility of Austria. The name Rothstein originates from Rottweil Germany and Rottweil’s twin sister city is L’Aquila Italy. The Orsini family ruled parts of L’Aquila and owned a castle called Rocca Orsini. The German word Stein and the Italian word Rocca mean rock.

The Philly Mob is really part of the Gambino crime syndicate which is the most powerful mafia on the planet. The Gambino crime syndicate are much bigger and wealthier than what the FBI and authorities admit.

Most known mobsters are low level and most known mafia bosses have higher level bosses which don't get their hands dirty and are more like covert overseers and these higher level bosses are often wealthy Italian businessmen involved with restaurants, bars, car dealerships, law firms, and banking.

These high level mafia overseers are often legitimately worth tens of millions or up to hundreds of millions but are never worth billions to keep attention off of them. There are at least tens of thousands of members of the Italian Mafia inside the United States. The mafia is massive. The Gambinos are the most dominant mafia in the United States because they use violence and force to control others. The Gambinos also have sophisticated intelligence networks connected with the Vatican and Jesuits.

The Gambino owners like the Gaetanis and Massimo's use mafias to blackmail and intimidate businessmen, bankers, and politicians and this creates a layer of protection. Philadelphia is nicknamed the "City of Brotherly Love" and Roffredo's entire last name is Gaetani-D'Aragona-Lovatelli. The Gaetanis are married with the billionaire Agnelli-Elkann family and the Agnellis rig soccer matches through Juventus for mafia bets.

The Agnellis are also married with the Brandolini d'Adda family and they are married with the French Rothschilds. Prince Gherardo Gaetani Dell-Aquila-D'Aragona is another high level member of this family and a mafia owner that has command over the Gotti-Agnello's with brothers John, Carmine, and Frank and they manage the Albanian Mafia in New York through the Gambino agent Nardino Colotti and the Albanian John Alite who is a made man in the Gambino crime syndicate.

Victoria Gotti is also a high level female member of Cosa Nostra. Prince Roffredo and his brother Luca faked their deaths and have been hiding out in Switzerland and northern Italy and they did this because Prince Roffredo Gaetani is the preselected President Trump's real boss.

The Gaetani or Caetani family are a bloodline of the Black Nobility and part owners of the Gambino crime family and the Gottis as well as the Philly crime family. The Gottis and Gambinos are the most murderous group in the United States and they need to be completely exterminated out of existence. The Gambino crime family run underage prostitution rings and have been convicted of this. The Gaetani ancestry goes back to the Tribe of Getae in the Black Sea region which moved into Rome establishing the Duchy of Gaeta. The Getae were originally from the Massagetae clan of Scythia. The Massimo and Gaetani families both originated from this clan. They migrated into Italy and mixed in with Roman gentile families like the Maximii, Catii, and Anicii families. The Cattaneo family of Genoa and Naples also have a similar ancestry as the Gaetani or Caetani family. Prince Bonifacio Gaetani-Dell'Aquilla-d'Aragona is a member of this nobility and is married to Ginevra Elkann of the Agnelli-Elkann billionaire family. The Gaetani family are part owners of the Gambino crime family through the Gotti family. Gotti means Goth and the Gothic tribes were often connected with the Getae tribe and Geats of Gotland that settled up in Scandinavia. The Goths and Gaeta have been intermixed for thousands of years. The Gaetani family also established the Gatti-Grami family of Lombardy in northern Italy likely through a marriage with the Gotti family. The earliest documented Gotti was Vincenzo Gotti from northern Italy during the 16th century and he migrated to Rome and then to Naples. John Gotti Jr. works under the Gaetanis and also works under the Gambinos which are owned by the Massimos. When I first went after Gotti Jr. he got scared and pointed at Prince Roffredo as his boss. Prince Gianluigi Gaetani D'Aragona is a member of the Naples branch of Gaetanis and the consul to South Africa. Prince Gherardo Fedrigo Gaetani Dell’Aquila Aragona is a high level member of the Roman Gaetanis. The Gotti family of the Gambino crime family originated in San Giuseppe Vesuviano, Naples. Prince Roffredo Gaetani dated Ivana Trump and is friends with Donald Trump. Donald Trump has several connections with the Italian Mafia and Gambino crime family like using the mafia lawyer Roy Cohn and using the Genovese-Gambino owned S&A Concrete to build his Trump Towers in Manhattan. Prince Roffredo Gaetani-d'Aragona-Lovatelli paid off people on the internet to spread rumors that he died which is not true. His brother Luca Gaetani of L'Aquila d'Aragona Lovatelli also faked his death just over a year after Roffredo's fake death and they are hiding out in Switzerland and northern Italy. They need to be hunted down and violently executed. The Gaetani-d'Aragona-Lovatelli family are owners of the Philly Mob with Joey Merlino as the top boss. Philadelphia is nicknamed the "City of Brotherly Love" similar to Lovatelli. Brotherly love really refers to homosexuality which is common in prisons. Gangsters use rape to dominate over other men. That is what faggotry really means.

The Gaetani family had two popes with Pope Gelasius II or Giovanni Gaetani of the 11th century and Pope Boniface VIII or Benedetto Gaetani of the 13th century. Pope Boniface VIII was taken out of power for opposing the French monarch which was allied with the Colonna family of Rome. The Gaetani family have often conflicted with the older families of the Black Nobility. The Black Nobility have run the foreign monarchs as proxies which they use against their rivals. In more recent centuries the Gaetani family have married in with the House of Colonna. Pope Boniface VIII created Sapienza University in Rome. Valter Mainetti is an Italian billionaire that owns the international real estate company Sorgente Group which owns Flatiron Building in Manhattan with Veronica Mainetti as the head of Sorgente USA. Vincent Viola is an Italian-American billionaire worth over 2 billion and is really a white collar agent of the Gottis. Vincent Viola works closely with Anthony Bonomo who is another high level white collar Italian mobster. The Gaetanis have been the Dukes of Sermoneta in Lazio, Italy. This family gained more power by marrying in with the Aragona family of Spain which ruled in Sicily establishing the Gaeatani-d'Aragona name. They became the Dukes of Laurenzana a town in southern Italy. The Gaetanis had two marriages with the Canossa family of northern Italy and have an alliance with the Canossas today with Marquis Sigifredo di Canossa as the current head with his wife Ghilla Gaetani dell'Aquila d'Aragona. Onorato Gaetani was a mayor of Rome in the 19th century and Prince Michelangelo Gaetani was a governor of Rome and gained more power by supporting the House of Savoy. Michelangelo's daughter established the Gaetani-d'Aragona-Lovatelli family branch today with Prince Roffredo Gaetani-d'Aragona-Lovatelli and Prince Gelasio Gaetani-d'Aragona-Lovatelli. Prince Gelasio Gaetani refers to himself as the "Wizard of Wine" and he is involved in trafficking of adrenochrome and human blood. Prince Onorato Gaetani was Minister of Foreign Affairs in Italy during the 20th century and his son Prince Leone Gaetani worked in the Italian government and traveled to the Mid East making various connections. Leone's mother was Lady Constance Adela Bootle-Wilbraham of British nobility and Leone later moved to Canada. Ndrangheta clans have large operations in Canada. The financier Prince Andrea Cattaneo-Della Volta founded Zenith Energy which is headquartered in Canada and does business in Azerbaijan. The Cattaneo della Voltas own Azerbaijani mafias which specialize in kidnappings and extortion. The Cattaneo family of Naples are also covert managers of some Ndrangheta and Camorra clans. The Gottis are both Camorra and Sicilian Mafia and current members include John Gotti Jr, Victoria Gotti John Gotti-Agnello, Carmine Gotti-Agnello, Frank Gotti-Agnello, Peter Gotti Sr, Peter Gotti Jr and his son John Gotti as well as John Gotti III the MMA fighter. John Gotti Jr. can be seen associating with the gangster rapper 50 Cent who is a covert boss of East Coast street gangs like the Bloods and the Crips. Jimmy Iovine is an Italian from Brooklyn, New York and he is a covert agent of the Gottis and their Brooklyn faction headed up by Louis Vallario. Jimmy Iovine is worth about 1 billion and he works with the gangster rapper Dr. Dre who is a top boss of the West Coast Crips.

The House of Gaetani have part shares in the businesses of the Caltagirone family with Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone worth over 2 billion. The Caltagione family own Cementir Holding which runs subsidiaries involved with international cement production with a large operation in Scandinavia. Flavio Cattaneo is a board member of Cementir. The Cattaneo family are a similar bloodline that ruled in Genoa with Prince Carlo Gregorio Catteneo and Prince Andrea Cattaneo-Della Volta as current members. The Cattaneos of Naples currently have numerous members working in politics and journalism. Prince Carlo Gregorio works in construction and he oversees Camorra clans. The Cattaneo family operated as debt collectors for Genoese bankers. The Italian Mafia has been continually connected with concrete, cement, and construction companies. They use these types of businesses for disposing of bodies and also so they can construct hidden ways to infiltrate into buildings for espionage, assassinations, and extortion. Around 2013 there were dozens of "suicides" of bankers. The mafia were throwing bankers off of buildings to cover up an international banking scandal including the Libor Scandal. The mafia often build banks and business buildings with secret underground entrances. In Italy the mafias like Ndrangheta have constructed entire towns with hidden passage ways, underground bunkers, and tunnels for hiding out, escaping, and storing drugs, weapons, and contraband. Michele Zagaria was a top boss for Camorra and was found hiding in a reinforced bunker under his home. Ndrangheta boss Francesco Pesce was found living in a bunker underneath a junkyard and equipped with high tech surveillance and a trap door.  John Travolta who played Gotti Jr. in a movie is secretly related to the Cattaneo della Volta family and the Gaetanis and Cattaneos manage Hollywood actors who are also made men in the Italian Mafia including Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Paul Sorvino, Arthur Nascarella, Domenic Chianese, Tony Sirico, Michael Imperioli, and Steve Buscemi. They are both Hollywood actors and made men in Cosa Nostra. The Gaetanis are married with the Howard British and Roman Catholic nobles which are loyal to them. The Gaeatani family are top management and command over the international Ndrangheta clans and they manage the gatekeepers which protect the Black Nobility and higher level mafias. Ndran-gheta like Gaeta. The Gaetani family manage some mid level Italian nobles which operate as gatekeepers for higher level families like the Savoy, Massimo, Colonna, Borghese, and Torlonia families. The Gaetanis pretend to be the head of the Black Nobility. They are not. They also manage gatekeepers for Switzerland and the Bank for International Settlements which is financing their criminal agenda and their attempt at taking over. Gaetani refers to gate.

See image 1

Prince Roffredo Gaetani d'Aragona Lovatelli is an owner of the Gambino-Gottis and Philly Mob headed up by Joey Merlino. Prince Roffredo Gaetani and his brother Prince Luca Gaetani faked their deaths within about 1 year of each other and they have been hiding out in Switzerland and have been working closely with the Savoys. The reason Prince Roffredo faked his death is because he is the preselected President Trump's real boss.

Roffredo Gaetani of L'Aquila d'Aragona Lovatelli

​Death: December 26, 2005 (52)

Luca Gaetani of L'Aquila d'Aragona Lovatelli

Death: April 02, 2007 (51)

Caetani, or Gaetani, is the name of an Italian noble family which played a great part in the history of Pisa and of Rome, principally via their close links to the papacy.

The Caetani, or Gaetani family has Roman and Gothic origins. According to family tradition they were descendants of the Dukes of Gaeta, and traced their maternal ancestry to the Roman gens Anicia through the Counts of Tusculum.

The Massagetae, or Massageteans,[1] were an ancient Eastern Iranian nomadic tribal confederation,[2][3][4][5] who inhabited the steppes of Central Asia, north-east of the Caspian Sea in modern Turkmenistan, western Uzbekistan, and southern Kazakhstan.

Many scholars have suggested that the Massagetae were related to the Getae of ancient Eastern Europe.[10]

In Central Asian languages such as Middle Persian and Avestan, the prefix massa means "great", "heavy", or "strong".[13]

In their dress and mode of living the Massagetae resemble the Scythians.

Translate Goti To English

Goth, member of the Goths, member of one of the Germanic tribes that invaded the Roman Empire

​Vicenzo Gotti (c. 1580 – 1636) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period.

He was born in Bologna, where he initially had been, alongside Guido Reni, a pupil of Dionysius Calvaert. At the age of 20 years, he moved to Rome with Reni. After some time, he moved to Naples, where he became a prolific painter. He died at Reggio Calabria.

See image 2

John Gotti Jr. is still an acting boss of the Gotti faction of the Gambinos. Gotti Jr. is one of the biggest pedophiles on the planet. Gotti Jr. rapes little boys and like many of these Italian mobsters he dresses up as a woman while he does it. John Gotti Jr. and most criminals use faggotry for control. Faggotry is men raping other men to dominate them. The word faggot and fasces both mean a bundle. Fasces is where the word fascism derived from. Fascism means a centralization of power and the bundle of sticks with an axe is its most common symbol. During WWII the Italians were fascists. Corrupt militaries also use faggotry and is how they get soldiers to submit. John Gotti Jr. is a faggot that rapes other mobsters like his nephews the Gotti-Agnellos. Italian mobsters are faggots which are men who rape other men for control. I am not talking trash about him. Gotti Jr and many mobsters are literally faggots and pedophiles. John Gotti needs to be dragged out of his Long Island mansion and burned alive. That is the only way to deal with mobsters especially cowardly mobsters like Gotti Jr. who when I first started exposing him he quickly pointed his finger at Prince Roffredo however his higher level boss Prince Fabrizio he would not mention. Gotti Jr needs to be slowly tortured to death in the most painful way possible.

PREET BHARARA, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and GEORGE VENIZELOS, the Special Agent-in-Charge of the New York Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), announced today the arrest of 14 members and associates of the Gambino Organized Crime Family of La Cosa Nostra (the "Gambino Family") on charges including racketeering, murder, sex trafficking, sex trafficking of a minor, jury tampering, extortion, assault, narcotics trafficking, wire fraud, loansharking, and illegal gambling.

OREFICE, DIFIORE, MANZELLA, SCOTTO, EISLER, MAIURRO, and PORCELLI are charged with sex trafficking and sex trafficking of a minor. From 2008 to 2009, the defendants operated a prostitution business where young women and girls—including an underage girl who was 15 years old at the time—were exploited and sold for sex.

See image 3

Anthony Bonomo and his business partner Vincent Viola who co-founded Virtu Financing. Viola is the owner of the Florida Panthers NHL team. Vincent Viola was also knighted by the Italian House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Bonomo and Viola are both from Brooklyn and are covertly connected to the Gambino crime family and its Gotti faction. Viola is worth over 2 billion and one of his sons is Travis Viola and his other son John Viola is the United States Delegate for the Sacred Constantinian Order of Saint George a knighthood of the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. Vincent Viola and Anthony Bonomo are also involved in horse racing and they rigged the Kentucky Derby in 2017 and won with their horse. There was 139 million in official bets on the 2017 Kentucky Derby and that does not include illegal bets. The mafia likely made at least tens of millions on one horse race. The Kentucky Derby is located at the Churchill Downs named after the Spencer-Churchill family who own the land and the Spencer-Churchills are currently business associates of the Massimo family which are also owners of the Gambinos and Gottis.

Vincent "Vinnie" Viola (born 1956) is an American billionaire businessman, philanthropist[citation needed], and U.S. Army veteran. He was for several weeks President Donald Trump's nominee for United States Secretary of the Army, before withdrawing from consideration.[2] He is the former chairman of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), and the founder and chairman of Virtu Financial.[3] Viola is the owner of the Florida Panthers, a National Hockey League (NHL) ice hockey team.[4] He is also the owner of St. Elias Stables and co-owner, with fellow Brooklynite Anthony Bonomo, of the 2017 Kentucky Derby winner Always Dreaming.[5]

Colonel Meriwether Lewis Clark Jr. (January 27, 1846 – April 22, 1899) was the founder of the Louisville Jockey Club and the builder of Churchill Downs, where the Kentucky Derby is run.

His mother was Abigail Prather Churchill, from one of the first families of Kentucky. The Churchills had moved to Louisville in 1787 and bought 300 acres (1.2 km2) of land in a rural area south of the city.

How Much was Wagered on the Kentucky Derby & Attendance This Year

As far as the actual race itself, there was $149.9 million bet across all-sources. Another new record, beating the 2017 mark of $139.2 million.

See image 4

John Viola the US Delegate for the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George. John Viola was also the former President of the National Italian American Foundation. John Viola is extremely evil and sadistic and he protects the mafia through mafia agents that have infiltrated police and judicial systems.

A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., and a graduate of Fordham University, Viola was hired as the foundation’s Chief Operating Officer in February, of 2012, and elected president a year later. He is the first president in the Foundation’s four-decade history elected from its Board of Directors. Viola is also the United States Delegate for the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George, one of the oldest Chivalric Orders in the world.

12/19/16: Congratulations to our distinguished confratello, Vincent Viola, a Knight of Merit in our Order, on his nomination today by the President-elect as Secretary-designate of the Army. No finer nor better candidate could have been proposed. He brings keen intelligence, a background in the military with recognized accomplishments and self made success in the world business and commerce. A proud son of Two Sicilies immigrants, he is the patriarch of a dutiful family of principled leaders in our country. We congratulate him and are overjoyed for our consorella, Dama Theresa Viola; our delegate, HE Cav. John Viola, confratello Cav. Michael Viola and Travis Viola

See image 5

Joey Merlino the boss of the Philadelphia Crime Family and he has criminal operations in Florida with a home in Boca Rotan. There is a Kabbalah Centre in Boca Rotan and the name Merlino refers to Merlin the Wizard. The Philly crime family are really headquartered in Atlantic City and they use casinos for money laundering and criminal financing. Many casinos in Atlantic City including Trump's went bankrupt because the mafia pocketed the profits.

See image 6

Donald Trump with his ex wife Ivana Trump and her former boyfriend Prince Roffredo Gaetani. Trump owned casinos like Harrah's which was built by the Philadelphia crime family including by the Merlinos. Salvatore Merlino and Lawrence Merlino through their Nat-Nat construction were working on Harrah's about a year before Trump completed his purchase of Harrah's or Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino.

See image 7

Prince Roffredo Gaetani with Ivana Trump. Prince Roffredo Gaetani claims to be the head of the Illuminati yet he was so scared he faked his death and went into hiding. Prince Roffredo is a top member of the Black Nobility but he is not the leader. Prince Roffredo is a top owner of the Philly Mob and part owner of the Gambino crime family especially the Gotti faction. 

See image 8

Prince Roffredo Gaetani with his arms around his ex-girlfriend Ivana Trump and a 15 year old Ivanka Trump. Donald Trump prostituted his underage daughter to Prince Roffredo. Donald Trump is working for the Gaetani family and is really colluding with the Black Nobility, Vatican, Jesuits, Cosa Nostra, and other European and Middle Eastern royals. Donald Trump is now threatening to start a global war beginning with Iran in defense of his bosses the Black Nobility.

See image 9

Prince Giovanni Gaetani-Dell'Aquilla-d'Aragona with his wife Ginevra Elkann who is from the Agnelli-Elkann family which own Fiat-Chrysler through their Exor holding company. The Agnelli-Elkann family are worth tens of billions. Ginevra Elkann is a psychotic devil and ruthless child murderer that tortures people with witchcraft. She looks completely sadistic. Prince Bonifacio is a part owner of the Gambinos and the Casamonica mafia clans.

See image 10

Prince Gherardo Gaetani is a top member of the Gaetanis and an owner of the Gotti faction of the Gambinos and an owner of some Camorra mafia clans. Prince Gherado manages John Gotti III. Prince Gherardo Gaetani is a part owner of the Gotti and Gotti-Agnello faction of the Gambino crime family.

See image 11

John Gotti III is an MMA fighter and is infiltrating the MMA for the mafia to rig fights and recruit enforcers. John Gotti III is extremely evil and ruthless. John Gotti III is the most violent member of the Gambino crime syndicate. John Gotti III needs to be killed.

See image 12

The female mafia boss Victoria Gotti with her sons Frank Gotti-Agnello on the left and Carmine Gotti-Agnello, and John Gotti-Agnello on the right. Victoria Gotti is a hate filled sadist and child murderer. The Gotti-Agnellos have been managing the Albanian Mafia since the Gambinos took it over in the United States. They have been training as mob bosses by managing the Albanian Mafia through Gambino-Rudaj agents John Alite and Nardino Colotti. The Gotti-Agnellos are extremely evil and ruthless. Mobsters do not need to be imprisoned and instead need to be executed. The Gotti-Agenllos need to be killed.

See image 13

John Gotti Jr. with 50 Cent who is a gangster rapper and really a crime boss of the East Coast Bloods and Crips. 50 Cent and his G-Unit associates Lloyd Banks and Tony Yayo traffic guns and cocaine and prostitute women in New York City. 50 Cent has been arrested for illegal gun possession twice and for drug possession with intent to sell and never did any time. 50 Cent was signed to Interscope Records founded by Jimmy Iovine. Notice how Gotti Jr has his arm behind 50 Cent's back. 50 Cent is one of the most ruthless thugs in the rap industry. He is a violent faggot-rapist. 50 Cent needs to be killed.

See image 14

Philly Mob boss Joey Merlino with the gangster rapper from Philly Meek Mill and notice how Joey Merlino has his arm behind Meek Mill's back and the submitted expression from Meek Mill. Meek Mill has been convicted of drug dealing and gun possession. Meek Mill is a criminal and he manages some Philly street gangs and serves the Philly Mob and Joey Merlino.

See image 15

Jimmy Iovine who is worth about 900 million with Dr. Dre who is worth over 700 million. Jimmy Iovine is an Italian-American and Roman Catholic from Brooklyn, New York and he is a criminal associate of the Gambinos and Gottis through Louis Vallario a Brooklyn mobster and close associate of the Gottis. Dr Dre is a West Coast Crip and works with other high level Crips like Snoop Dogg who is a member of the Rollin' 20 Crips and worked with Suge Knight a convicted criminal. Dr Dre is also a faggot who rapes men for control and this has been exposed in the rap industry. Dre and some West Coast Crips are involved in trafficking children. Dr. Dre is a major pedophile and cannibalistic monster that needs to be killed.

Louis Vallario, also known as "Big Louie" and "Big Lou" (born 1942), is a member of the Gambino crime family who was a top aide to boss John Gotti and Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano in the late 1980s.

Vallario joined the Gravano crew of the Gambino family in the Bensonhurst and Red Hook sections of Brooklyn.

James Iovine (/ˈaɪ.əviːn/; Italian: [ˈjoːvine]; born March 11, 1953)[1] is an American record producer best known as the co-founder of Interscope Records.[2]

James Iovine was born in Brooklyn, New York, to an Italian[4][5][6] working-class family.
Iovine signed Tupac Shakur

Iovine was also responsible for providing distribution, initial funding and financial oversight for the highly successful Death Row Records hip-hop label in the 1990s.

Antonio Iovine (San Cipriano d'Aversa, born September 20, 1964) is a powerful Italian Camorrista and one of the bosses of the Casalesi clan from Casal di Principe in the province of Caserta between Naples and Lazio.

See image 16

Snoop Dogg is a high level boss of the West Coast Crips and here he is doing the Rollin 20's Crip gang sign. Snoop Dogg is a major pedophile and probably the most depraved rapper in this group. Snoop eats male genitals and excrement which are initiations for secret societies. This rat faced devil thinks all women worship him because he acts like a pimp and treats women like prostitutes.

Dr. Dre is Gay!?

A homosexual sounding song and verse from Dr. Dre in "The World Class Wrecking Cru"

​"I'm Dr. Dre gorgeous hunk of a man
Doing tricks on the mix that no others can
The nurses say I'm cute, they say I'm fine
So you better beware because I'll blow your mind
I'll take you to my car, I'll take you to my home
Then up and down your body, my finger will roam
The nurses say that I'm nasty, they say that I'm mean
But when they come to my pad, they're guaranteed to scream

See image 17

Suge Knight with Lesane Parish Crooks or Tupac. Suge Knight is a top boss of the West Coast Crips and Bloods and is a convicted criminal. Suge and Lesane Crooks are looking very homosexual together. Lesane Crooks was also convicted of sexual assault. Suge Knight has been convicted of armed robbery, assault, and was recently sentenced to 28 years for manslaughter or murder.

The rap star Tupac Shakur was sentenced yesterday to 1 1/2 to 4 1/2 years in prison for sexually abusing a fan

In her statement in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, the woman said that Mr. Shakur and the three friends "set upon me like animals."

See image 18

Peter Gotti the brother of John Gotti Jr. is an active capo in the Gambinos and he needs to be executed. Peter Gotti is a relentless tyrant and murderous pedophile.

See image 19

Another John Gotti the son of Peter Gotti and nephew of John Gotti Jr. is a high level member of the Gambinos and was arrested for drug dealing and recently sentenced to 5 years. Prison is often an initiation for mobsters. Prisons are like a gay vacation resort for them

See image 20

Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone gripping the arm of Malvina Kozikowska. Francesco Caltagirone is the owner of Cementir Holdings.

Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone (Italian pronunciation: [franˈtʃesko ɡa.eˈtaːno kaltadʒiˈroːne]; born 1943) is an Italian businessman. He controls the holding company Caltagirone S.p.A. with interests in cement manufacturing, real estate, construction and publishing (with Caltagirone Editore).

As of 2015, Caltagirone was ranked number #894 on the 2015 Forbes billionaire list and #19 in Italy, with an estimated net worth of $2.1 billion.[3]

In 1992 he took over Cementir S.p.A, the fourth biggest Italian company in the cement industry

Board of Directors

Chairman & CEO
Francesco Caltagirone Jr.
Deputy Chairman
Carlo Carlevaris (Independent)
Alessandro Caltagirone
Azzurra Caltagirone
Edoardo Caltagirone
Saverio Caltagirone
Fabio Corsico
Mario Delfini
Veronica De Romanis (Independent)
Paolo Di Bendetto (Independent)
Adriana Lamberto Floristan (Independent)
Chiara Mancini (Independent)
Roberta Neri (Independent)

'Ndrangheta, arrested in Rosarno the boss Francesco Pesce ​

The bunker was about 40 square meters in size equipped with air conditioning and composed of kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, which was accessed through a trapdoor operated by an electro-pneumatic mechanism activated by a remote control. Inside the structure there was an Internet connection, television with satellite dish and a sophisticated video surveillance system.

Camorra mafia boss Michele Zagaria captured in Italy

Zagaria had been hiding in a bunker with a ceiling of reinforced concrete under a home on Via Mascagni, in the town of Casapesenna.

In 2010, police arrested Antonio "the Baby" Iovine, a leader of the Casalesi, after 14 years on the run.

Three bankers in New York, London and Siena, Italy, died within 17 months of each other in 2013-14 in what authorities deemed a series of unrelated suicides. But in each case, the victim had a connection to a burgeoning global banking scandal, leaving more questions than answers as to the circumstances surrounding their deaths.

The footage shows the three-story fall didn’t kill Rossi instantly. For almost 20 minutes, the banker lay on the dimly lit cobblestones, occasionally moving an arm and leg.

As he lay dying, two murky figures appear. Two men appear and one walks over to gaze at the banker. He offers no aid or comfort and doesn’t call for help before turning around and calmly walking out of the alley.

While at least 40 bankers have killed themselves in the 17-month period starting in March 2013 in the wake of the global banking scandal

See image 21

Flavio Cattaneo is an Italian businessman, relative of the Cattaneo noble family, and an agent of the Gaetani family.

Flavio Cattaneo (born 27 June 1963, in Rho, Italy) is an Italian manager, CEO of NTV, Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori, the first private company of High Speed Trains in Europe.

Cementir Holding S.p.A. (independent director and member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Control and Risks Committee, from January 2008 to April 2015).

See image 22

Prince Carlo Gregorio Cattaneo is a high level Camorra overseer and he works in construction.

Carlo de Gregorio Cattaneo

imprenditore - libero professionista - Restitalia

Napoli, Campania, Italy


Torre Mileto, speaks Prince De Gregorio Cattaneo

See image 23

Don Fabrizio Cattaneo della Volta is the president of the Royal Yacht Club Canottieri Savoia.

Cattaneo della Volta

Cattaneo della Volta recent genealogy and current members.

See image 24

Prince Andrea Cattaneo della Volta gripping the arm of this woman.

The Cattaneo family is a noble Genoese family of very ancient origins.

I Della Volta in 1309 with the families Mallone, Bustarino, Marchione, Stancone, Ingone and Libertino (all extinct for some time) constituted the hotel Cattaneo (before these consortium institutions), thus placing before them this new surname.

Like other Genoese families (D'Oria , Imperiale , Serra and Grimaldi ), the Cattaneo, finding themselves in a delicate situation, had to send one of their members to Naples (and also to Madrid) to protect their interests as debt collectors.

See image 25

Prince Andrea Cattaneo della Volta is an international businessman involved in financing and energy and also a part owner of the Gambino crime syndicate and Camorra mafia clans.

Andrea Cattaneo Della Volta

Oilman & Government Advisor

I developed an understanding of the Country whilst negotiating the loan with Vietcombank, short name for ‘Bank for foreign Trade of Socialist Republic of Vietnam’, and by meeting with Government officials. Whilst I was working on this loan the Government asked me if I was interested in trading Vietnamese petroleum.

Zenith was incorporated, as Canoel International Energy Ltd., under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) on September 20, 2007, and fully listed on the TSX-V (Toronto Stock Exchange- Venture) on December 5, 2008. The Company changed its name to Zenith Energy Ltd. on September 30, 2014.

Zenith operates the largest onshore oilfield in Azerbaijan and has a number of gas producing concessions in Italy. The Company’s Italian operations include the production of electricity and condensate.

See image 26

Prince Raimondo Gaetani-D'Aragona-Lovatelli on the left with James de Rothschild in the middle. The Gaetanis are married with the Elkann-Agnelli family which are married with the Brandolini d'Adda family and the Rothschilds are also married with the Brandolini d'Adda family. Count Guido Brandolini d'Adda whose grandmother was a Rothschild works for the Rothschild bank. 

See image 27

Princess Daniela del Secco D'Aragona is a Roman noble and a high level witch who murders children as sacrifices. The Gaetanis and Orsini's both married with the Spanish D'Aragona royal family which ruled in Sicily and incorporated their name D'Aragona.

See image 28

Prince Gelasio Gaetani-D'Aragona-Lovatelli is a high level sorcerer and part owner of the Philly Mob. Prince Gelasio calls himself the "Wizard of Wine" and says he puts in "special ingredients" in his wine referring to blood and adrenochrome. Prince Gelasio owns a winery and uses it for trafficking human blood and adrenochrome.

See image 29

Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and his wife Princess Camilla of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. The Duke of Castro has residences in Italy as well as in Monaco and him and his wife are mass murderers of children. Princess Camilla is a ruthless witch involved with sacrificing children. Prince Carlo is the head of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and an owner of the New England crime family, Cuntrera-Caruana mafia clan, Trafficante crime family, and Cuban Mafia. Prince Carlo is an extremely evil tyrant and he has prostituted his own daughters including prostituting them to the Belgian royal family and other nobles. Prince Carlo has initiated his older daughter into cannibalism and is still prostituting his youngest daughter. Prince Carlo has the bodybuilder Eddie Hall operating like a bodyguard and managing an army of gang stalkers who defend him. This devil needs to be scraped out of existence.

The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George and the Royal Order of Francis I

Grand Master

H.R.H. Prince Carlo of Bourbon Two Sicilies, Duke of Castro

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Anthony DiNunzio is a top boss of the New England Crime Family which is working with the owners of the Boston Celtics and New England Patriots. The New England crime family is involved with various crimes including murder, extortion, prostitution, sex trafficking, and gambling rackets. The YouTube shill Richie from Boston works under the Boston crime family and Richie said in a video "I've met and I've worked for some New England Patriots."

The Patriarca crime family (pronounced [paˈtrjarka]), also known as the New England Mafia, the Boston Mafia, the Providence Mafia, or The Office is an Italian-American Mafia crime family in New England. It has two distinct factions, one based in Providence, Rhode Island, and the other in Boston, Massachusetts. The family is currently led by Carmen Dinunzio who is part of the Boston faction. They are active primarily in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and eastern Connecticut.

In late 2009, Anthony DiNunzio became the acting boss, after boss Peter Limone was arrested.[20] DiNunzio operates from Boston's North End and is the younger brother to Carmen DiNunzio.[31] In 2010, DiNunzio extorted Rhode Island strip clubs with members of the Gambino crime family.[31] On April 25, 2012, DiNunzio was arrested and charged with racketeering and extortion.[31][32][33] On September 13, 2012, DiNunzio pleaded guilty to shaking down Rhode Island strip clubs,[34] and was sentenced to six years on November 14, 2012.[35]

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Robert Kraft is the owner of the New England Patriots. He rigs games for the mafia's bets and his quarterback Tom Brady was involved in the Deflategate cheating scandal. Robert Kraft was recently charged with soliciting a prostitute in 2019 in Florida. The New England crime family and Italian Mafia run prostitution rings and have large operations in Florida. The Zionist Jew Robert Kraft has donated millions to two Boston College and the College of the Holy Cross which are Jesuit universities. The Italian Bourbon's ancestors officially established Jesuits.

Hiatt and the Krafts went on to endow a pair of academic positions – the Kraft-Hiatt chair in Christian studies at Brandeis and the Kraft-Hiatt chair in Judaic studies at Holy Cross in 1990. Jacob Hiatt died in 2001. In 2002, Robert and Myra Kraft gave $2 million to endow a chair in Christian studies at Boston College after real estate developer John M. Corcoran established the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning there.

The first visit by Kraft was on Jan. 19, police said. He was inside for 39 minutes. During the visit, authorities said Kraft paid two women for sex acts.

Kraft is accused of returning to the spa the following day, Jan. 20, and paying for a sex act inside the spa. The New England Patriots owner then went to Kansas City and watched his team win the AFC Championship game.

The spa charged between $59 and $79 for sexual acts. During the Jan. 20 visit, police said Kraft gave a woman a $100 bill and at one other unidentifiable bill.

Authorities charged Kraft with two counts of solicitation of prostitution. He pleaded not guilty.

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William Evans is the Executive Director of Public Safety & Chief of Police for Boston College a Jesuit school. William Evans was previously the Commissioner of the Boston Police Department and he works with the Irish Mafia and Boston crime family and has provided them with protection. William Evans was involved in the fake Boston Marathon Bombings. They did this as practice for martial law and as an excuse for increasing security for criminal operations in Boston. See my article on Boston Bombings under Psychological Terrorism for evidence that the Boston Bombings was fake.

William Bruce Evans (born February 23, 1958) is currently serving as the Executive Director of Public Safety & Chief of Police for Boston College. Previously, Evans was the Commissioner of the Boston Police Department from January 2014 until August 2018. Evans served as Interim Commissioner from November 2013 until he was permanently appointed by newly-elected Mayor Marty Walsh (politician). He announced his retirement from the Boston Police Department in July 2018.

Evans ran the 2013 Boston Marathon and was at the Boston Athletic Club when he was informed by an officer that two bombs went off. Evans returned home for his uniform and then went to the temporary command post at the Westin Hotel.

Boston College (BC) is a private Jesuit research university in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.

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Carmine DiNunzio is a top boss of the New England crime family and a ruthless tyrant involved with rigging professional sports for mafia bets, prostitution rings, and drug trafficking. Carmine DiNunzio manages Adam Ross Hoyt and Carey Cowles who lives near New London where the New England crime family have a large operation. The YouTube shill Richie from Boston works under the DiNunzios and he is extremely evil. Richie is a high level Christian gang stalking commander involved in murder and cannibalism and he uses Christianity as his shield. This is why Richie never exposes organized crime.

Boss – Carmen S. "The Cheese Man" DiNunzio: the current boss. Dinunzio is said to have taken the reins as Acting Boss when "Spucky" Spagnolo was indicted & has allegedly been named official Boss following the death of Pete Limone. DiNunzio is an East Boston mobster, indicted in 2008 on corruption charges stemming from an undercover operation.[38] In 2009, he pleaded guilty to bribery charges[39][40] and was sentenced to six years in prison on September 24, 2009.[41] Dinunzio was released on parole in February 2015.

See 34

Charles Majuri is a boss of the DeCavalcante crime family and an agent of Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies ancestors the Farneses married with the Adobrandini family and they are the primary owners of the DeCavalcante crime family of New Jersey.

Charles "Big Ears" Majuri (Born December 28

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