2 months ago

WWE2K24 Universe mode Digital Wizard style. We have skipped GM Mode for the time being to focus on Universe and I think we are better for it.
Join us for WWE2k Updates and News. We will be taking a look at each update to let you know exactly what has changed.
We will be doing a DLC, Community Creations update etc h week and look at on or two of the most frequently downloaded.
We use a full roster and a Single created character. The Digital Wizard of course. In this episode we will see a couple wrestlers I really wanted for example the new Bloodline, Andrade. new American Made tights. I had to learn the hard way because I would be flat out lying, many content creators were giving warnings. I honestly thought they had to have done something wrong or it was a figment of imagination. Initially it was great I had not noticed any issues. I was forced to reset MY Universe matches and content for unrelated reasons. When I began my next season I began to notice issues.Certain things were either extremely difficult to do for instance taking your opponent backstage in a falls count anywhere match something already difficult to do was now impossible. I made the decision to drop community content starting next show when I could not power bomb off the Hell In a Cell Match cage I had enough.

So now were reset, and ready for action. In the future if you would like to see My Rise Content, My faction time, or have a challenge just let me know in the comment section below. My self I'm not interested in the pay to play set up going on with My Faction. I like the alternative costumes or skins but when I analyze cost for content we should get free anyway.
Don't forget to drop in to catch any content from the next iteration wwe2k25. as they are released trailers in the future.

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