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⭐ Rosary LIVE ⭐

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⭐ Praying the Holy Rosary LIVE "Every Day" since March 19th, 2020 when the lockdown began... the lockdown ended... we have not.. JOIN US! How can we pray for you

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  • (1) The biblical gospel — Admit to Jesus Christ (God the Son) that you're a sinner. Accept His gift of salvation & total forgiveness of your sin debt through His sacrifice on the cross. (2) Believe on Jesus as your Lord and all-sufficient Savior, He died on the cross for you and rose from the dead. You'll forever be saved & spend eternity with God. Our works cannot save us, that includes any religious acts such as attending mass, getting baptized, taking communion, praying, giving, helping poor, etc. Only Jesus can pay a person's sin debt, because the Jesus of the Bible is the only one qualified. He's the only acceptable sacrifice to pay the penalty we individually have incurred through our sins.