Reimagining America's Dream

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Author of "Reimagining America's Dream, and Entrepreneur Bernard Mullins joins Jerry and Rose. The American dream has become increasingly unattainable for many of this country’s citizens. And as that dream fades, so the fabric of our nation begins to fray.
 Bernie Mullin arrived in the United States in the 1970s, and saw America as a land of unrivaled opportunity. He went from small business owner to senior roles at some of America’s most beloved sports institutions. Pittsburgh Pirates to name one! As his own star rose, he watched in alarm as the ties that bind America together began to come loose. Reimagining America’s Dream is his prescription for the fever that is pulling America apart.
To realize an ever-more perfect union, we need a common purpose, a shared story that anyone can write in the pages of their own life. 
Bernie discusses how every American can realize the fruits of their talents and labor. Your life is in your hands - take control of it. Invest in youth in America for the future of America 

BOOK: ⁠ReimaginingAmerica's Dream⁠
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