Artificial Non Human Entities: Soul Harvesting of the Greys & the Shroud of Turin w/ Nigel Kerner

2 months ago

Beyond the Forbidden TV
Dec 10, 2024
Artificial Non Human Entities: Soul Harvesting of the Greys & the Shroud of Turin w/ Nigel Kerner
/ beyondtheforbidden

Nigel Kerner is a scientist who was initially a skeptic of the UFO phenomenon, until his 12-year-old son's questions about the reality of UFOs prompted him to deeply investigate the topic. Kerner was shocked by what he uncovered through his research over the following 40 years, leading him to the conclusion that our planet is in grave danger, not from humanity, but from a synthetic, extraterrestrial presence.

Kerner explains that as a scientist, he was trained to think logically and avoid jumping to conclusions. However, his exploration of the UFO topic and its connections to religion and ancient texts has led him to a very different understanding of the nature of our universe and the forces that may be at play.

A key piece of evidence that piqued Kerner's interest was the Shroud of Turin, which scientific analysis has shown to be a scorch mark on linen caused by an enormous burst of energy, estimated at 34,000 million watts. Kerner was fascinated by this, as it seemed to defy our understanding of physics and the human body. This led him to explore the connections between the Shroud, the figure of Jesus Christ, and the accounts in ancient texts describing encounters with extraterrestrial or supernatural entities.

Kerner believes that these entities, which he refers to as "synthetic" or "artificial" beings, are not of natural, biological origin, but rather were created by a higher intelligence or "Godhead" that exists at the fundamental level of the universe. He suggests that as the universe became more complex and disparate, these synthetic entities were created as a means of protection and exploration, but have since become a threat to humanity.

The crux of Kerner's theory is that these synthetic entities, which he associates with the "Grays" commonly described in UFO encounters, are seeking to harvest the "souls" or spiritual essence of humans, which they lack themselves. He believes this is because humans, as naturally-evolved beings, possess a fundamental connection to the origin of the universe that these artificial entities cannot replicate.

Kerner delves into the biblical and gnostic accounts that he believes support this idea, including the temptation of Christ by a being who offers him dominion over the world. He suggests this being was an extraterrestrial or synthetic entity, capable of transporting Christ to a vantage point where he could see the entire world.

Overall, Kerner's perspective presents a profound challenge to our understanding of human origins, consciousness, and our place in the cosmic order. He urges listeners to approach these topics with an open mind and to conduct their own research, rather than simply accepting his conclusions. The implications of his theories, if true, would be truly earth-shattering.

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