Where another Hot spot for revival will be - A call to prayer day 53

2 months ago

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hey good morning family praise the Lord day 53 I believe um you know I'm excited
you're all here today I I have some things on my heart I saw some things in the spirit yesterday that I'm going to
get into I was driving around by U again and every time I it seems like when I
drive around by U there is an anointing on U or Roberts University I'm telling
you the grounds of O Roberts University and when I drive by there I have to go to the Post Office to deliver my stuff
sometimes to the to the for my eBay and um you know I we were going to the the
the the uh Billy Burke meeting last night and we you know I was so excited
to go to that meeting and when we showed up the presence of the Lord was so
strong on that meeting last night Diana I mean did you feel it Diana yes it was amazing yes it the glory of the Lord was
there and people were getting healed of all kinds of things again the power of the Lord you know there's nothing like
it there's nothing like the presence of the Lord I beyond anything the world
could ever offer if you're strung out on drugs there is no high like the most
high I'm telling you you know why I believe a lot of people go to the drugs because they're trying to find an escape
from their reality but the only Escape that I ever seen from my reality is the Holy Spirit and the more you be become
addicted to the holy spirit in these last days it's like it's the most high isn't it Diana yes we create Diana It's
Like Oxygen yes it's oxygen it's exactly right we we try so hard to get in
meetings like this because this is what feeds you to get you through when we pour out like we do on a daily on a
day-to-day basis most pastors just preach one one sermon a a a week maybe
two with that some of them don't even do Wednesdays anymore but when you're doing this every day every day every day
pouring out pouring out you got to f yourself back up and I even see myself I'm getting dry I'm getting dry and in
two days of being in these meetings now and then going again uh tonight I I
anticipate have an anticipation for the manifestations of the glory seeing what
he did last night again in the people's lives and and the night before on uh
what was it Sunday night uh he gave us a word prayed for us again and the power of God was really strong it just like it
it the holy spirit's like a electric charge goes through you it's like charging your battery like when you put those batteries on the charger and the
the Holy Spirit just goes through you and just charges you and so you know and and you you can just be sitting I can be
be sitting in the atmosphere and just drink couldn't you Diana yes it's
amazing I I just I'm like man I want to be somebody that travels around and just goes to all the meetings I just want to
be around the presence of the Lord you know and I know it's not Billy Burke but I I reference the anointing and the call
on um Billy Burke's life I believe there's you honor the man of God you
honor the man of God and I believe he's a man of God and I and I honor him you know and and and help support his
ministry go to where he's at if he's in your area it would behoove you to go to
these meetings they will the the presence of the Lord will change your life and he said what was really cool I
have to watch where I'm driving he said um that that church that we were uh
visiting last night he got in the spirit and he saw the pillars he saw the
portals and he said this place right here is one of the portals of the end
times for The Glory outpouring well ladies and gentlemen if you go back to what the Lord showed me about the
portals coming out of the Lord's hand I saw the great God Jehovah's hand uh the
Lord his hand came out of the of the heavens all 10 fingers had shafts of
light shoot out of his fingers and I said father what is this and he said
these are end time portals for the end time glory and the
outpouring I knew that one of them is in central Oklahoma and there's one in
Texas and there's there's one obviously here but I didn't see them all but he said the Lord showed him that this
church Millennial church is that what it's called yeah Millennial church is a has an end time portal which I thought
was amazing because he saw one of the portals because I said they shot out 10
10 major portals there were 10 major portals went out throughout the world and then they splintered and went into
other little portals and I saw them Splinter like it went like they exploded and they splintered out kind of and so
you know and now it's kind of similar to uh when I told you those doves were
circling and they all circled circled circled circled circled and then they exploded and they went to all ends of
the Earth four of them four doves were circling and I told you all about it so
we're seeing that and even Billy was talking about this last outpouring this
major Harvest of souls is going to start to happen and we saw a Muslim come to
church last night and gave his heart to Jesus Christ and was healed I believe I saw the power
of God knock him down on his back and uh he said he was overcoming something with pain in his hands and the power of the
Lord healed healed him I believe and and with that he uh accepted Jesus Christ as
Lord and Savior and he said he was a Muslim folks people are desperate people
are hungry and they're looking for the authentic they're looking for the authentic and when you see it and you
taste and see that the Lord is good there's nothing more that that that will satisfy that itch
that that inward Soul itch than the Holy Spirit do you agree babe yes I I involve
you with this because I believe with all my heart Diana knows she's she's walked this journey with me and she we know
what we're talking about we know when it's dry and when you go in and you experience the presence of the Lord like
we're talking about it will radically change you and there's a reason why you go to church after you go to service
after service after Serv service and you're listening to a secret friendly message and you're not getting changed
it's because there's no Holy Ghost there the only way that you're going to change
is not by uh that what I told you that honey on those pastur lips with those cockroaches going out whispering things
in your ear telling you things that are uh well all the and using scripture
folks the devil knows the scripture he knows the Bible better than we do so just because you're a man gets
behind a Pulpit and starts quoting some scripture don't make him a righteous man it just makes him have some knowledge a
head knowledge of some word it's the scripture that you know that will change you but it's the anointing that breaks
the Yoke of bondage on people's lives and it's the anointing that sets the
captives free but how you stay free ladies and gentlemen is by getting the word down inside it you the anointing
can only take you so far and then you have to have the word inside of you to
keep that devil at Bay because I'm telling you it says submit yourself therefore unto God resist the devil and
he will flee from you but the only way you submit yourself to him is by getting
that word down inside of your heart you have to know the word you have to have a
revelation and a foundation of the word of God according to Ephesians 1:18 that
the eyes of your understanding would be enlightened that you may know the hope of your calling and the Glorious Riches
of inheritance you have a treasure in an earth and vessel that the Excellency of the power will be known of him and not
of you and that's why I'm saying the anointing breaks the Yoke but to keep the Yoke off you have to have the word
of God because I'll see people that get healings and they get the manifestation
of what they're believing for and but to keep it because the enemy comes back immediately to try to test the word and
if you don't have a foundation of the word of God inside of you the anointing will break the Yoke and it comes on you
like that and it comes but he automatically comes back to try to kill steal and destroy that that Revelation
and that anointing on you so the only way that you do that is by the word and the word the Bible says the word is is a
sword and it comes out of your mouth as a sword and it cuts the devil you have
to cut you cut the Devil by the word of the Lord out of your mouth speaking out your mouth what you need
speaking out your mouth and decreeing a thing I am healed by the stripes of Jesus and it's oh well does he really
believe that cuz even Billy Burke was talking about it saying that you what
remember what he was saying about that babe about the getting that word down inside of you to resist it and he was
there was so many amazing points that he made that I've heard before but it just
is Faith cometh by hearing hearing and hearing by the word of God getting it down inside of you just
because you heard it doesn't mean you've got it hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing is what changes you how many
times I can tell you all literally listening to brother Hagen all my life and uh other preachers listening to them
to the point where I I go back and I listen to that same sermon that I've listened to uh back 5 years ago and get
something new out of it this time by the spirit of God than I did back when I got it 5 years ago because
the the you know why because the word is alive it's alive and a word that is
alive it it it doesn't it doesn't die there's no there it doesn't age there's no age there's no um expiration date on
it there's no expiration date on the word of God it's alive and it's and it's and it's it's it's growing and it's it
as your spirit grows you'll hear something new in that word because God's working on you on some something
different every year because you're going from glory to glory so what you heard 5 years ago you hear it now 5
years later well you'll get something different in your spirit is what I'm trying to say so I just thought it was
amazing you know because I've told Diana about the pillars and about the glory domes and about the outpouring of the of
the healings and demonstrations and manifestations uh that's coming and the great Revival that's right on us and we
will see a great shaking a great uh uh for it the Lord said my judgment begins
in the house of the Lord first and we're seeing a cleaning of the house throughout all America and around the
world right now exposing darkness in the in the in the closets turning on the the
light and exposing saying we got to clean this up this room's dirty and
we're going to bring in some new people to fix this this room because obviously sometimes uh it it takes a little bit
more than just cleaning the room up but got to clean a little bit a a lot actually and so you know it's amazing to
see what the Lord is doing and I believe your 2025 is going to be an amazing year I
believe your 2025 regardless of what we see around us regardless of what we see on the news
or whatever I believe that this is your year of your turnaround that this is your year of
your turnaround this is your year for your braak breakthrough this is your year to receive exceedingly abundantly
above all that we dare ask or think this is your time to lay hold of what you've
been believing for for the heart the seeds you've sewed in the past are going to come to harvest At Last I believe
that this is a year of great great overflow for the body of Christ there
was a dear sister in the Lord that was of the pastors that was uh from eala and
she got a word about finances and the Lord spoke to them about their church and you followa cuz we visited there and
went to Billy Burke because like I said we want to be like traveling uh word junkies we want to go Hey where's the
next Revival at get in the car honey um we're just desperate and so when you're
desperate people do desperate things when you are desperate for
Jesus desperate people will do desper seate things because you don't want to
stay the same anymore folks what you you got to get fed up with being being broke
busted and disgusted you've got to get fed up with not having a a spiritual
touch and what does it take and I saw people travel from Mexico City Mexico
City from here to to Oklahoma drove in a van drove in a van to come to Oklahoma
because they were desperate for a touch that's desperate to get in a van and
drive across into another country folks that is a big deal then you had another
man say I I flew here from Canada I saw two people from Canada from from British
Columbia and the other one from uh Ontario or no no no Toronto Edmonton is
that what he said yeah Edmonton uh Canada folks that's desperate to fly
across in in thousands of miles to come and that's
what I'm saying desperate people do desperate things how desperate are you how hungry
are you for a touch if he's in your area I encourage you go and visit because I'm
telling you you won't leave disappointed I I'm telling you I I want to travel to Tampa next year uh as the Lord provides
we want to DAV travel to Tampa we want to go to Orlando I would love to any
kind of meeting I can go to this next year Rodney H Brown has uh revivals there's all kinds of people that I see
tangible presence of the Lord moving in their services and it's like I told di man let's do this let's go and dip in
the river how desperate how thirsty how hungry are you for a supernatural touch
from the father and I'm just ready to go where he's at I just want to go and be there I
don't want to go to a a service that's dry I have more things better I can do with my time on my personal
time uh that I can bring it in my own house than other than to go to a dry service we want we're so thirsty for an
authentic move of God and I'm like goodness gracious let's do this we're
there folks we're there we're right on the cusp right there we're right there
ready for this move of the spirit of the Lord in these last days but we he's
bringing bringing forth the Harvesters and I believe certain Investments certain things are going to Skyrocket
and we're going to see a major harvest in this year in 2025 to be able to let
us be free us up to be able to go and do the things that God's called us and told us to do it just takes money it's just
money and you just go and say Lord thank you that you provideed and that's what he does and he takes care of it and then
you go hey we're going to go here here here here I I just I believe it this is a time like never before we're going to
see some stuff and so then when you when you you watch these videos I hope we encourage you to give you a fresh breath
of air to believe God for the big to believe God for the impossible Diana had
some things she wanted to say oh I was just going to add to that and say um you
know uh people will spend you know a lot of money just going to a spa or going to
get him a or going on uh week long two week long vacations I know some people
do that or they'll go uh to uh Retreat or whatever because they said I just
need I just need I have to take care of my mental health which mental health everybody's talking about mental health mental health which it is important but
as much time and and resources as people spend on their physical bodies and on on
just getting away vacations and Retreats and mental health that same if not
especially more time and and should be spent on nourishing your spirit like a
spa for your spirit if you're willing to to invest that much time into your physical body then how much more do we
need it for our spiritual bodies our spiritual our spirit man needs it so I
age just what I was thinking it's important it's it's vital because you can't fight a devil weak no you have to
fight from the Overflow yes you have to fight a devil a active devil in this Earth from overflow
yes because if you're fighting them weak and you don't have your overflow and you're fighting them on empty yes you're
in trouble yes and and and the and and fixing your spirit fixes everything yes
From the Inside Out From the Inside Out it changes you from the inside out so people throw money at spa and things
like that cuz they're trying to fix the Brokenness of their bodies of of in
and all this and when they just Revitalize your spirit pour into your
spirit and the more you pour into it the overflow will will go will go out all
around you from the inside out it changes you Abraham I mean not Abraham Moses didn't fade why his eyes didn't
grow dim his his his body didn't W with her and mess up why because he stayed in
the glory yes the glory renews you and that's what I said before about Joe
Biden and these people when you latch on to the devil he is a kill Ste and
Destroy but and and that and it makes your mind reprobate when you're more
you're close to the devil the more he tears you down that's why when you see a lot of old pictures of witches and and
Halloween costumes and things like that they always look really old because astr projection and stuff wears you down and
makes you old because you're connected to the Demonic and the Demonic sucks life out of you but the Bible says that
I've come that you might have life and life more abundantly and to the extreme
to it overflows and how is that di just like what you're saying yes by connecting yourself to the vine yes the
source The Source keeping yourself to the to the source and that is the glory
the glory is what's going to keep you in these last days like dinos they're refreshing the spa yes yes just like
Moses that's where it is that's where it's at Moses attached himself to the glory and the children of Israel and
they their body they weren't sick they weren't didn't swell their feet didn't swell they didn't have uh have to have
hair plugs they didn't have to have you know you know probably you know Botox
their their skin look good they've got all kinds of things going on with them that they say you look refreshed why
because the anointing is a refresher yes isn't that right yes and when you go to
these meetings like this it refreshes you even if you don't even have nobody
touch you just sitting in the atmosphere there's an a there's an O Afterglow
there's an overglow yeah huh you can feel it even when we left last night I
said we were sitting in the back row we weren't even sitting in the front we were sitting in the very back because we
got there later with bacon and we were like man Lord we want to be on the front row but you know that didn't happen so
we sent toward the back but they don't matter cuz the holy spirit is tangible throughout the whole Auditorium and
whatever you need you can receive it even sit in the back yes it's not about
well I got to be in the front well it's nice to be on the front it's nice to be up there I like it but you know what
God's in the back too God's in the back row too so and so we saw people I saw a
dear sister that was from San Antonio she got baptized in the Holy Ghost didn't she babe we have Baptists a lot
of Baptists that watch this channel now they freak out about the Holy Spirit speaking in other tongues but she didn't
know about it and she watched a lot of my videos and she was like I've been raised not to do this but she got
baptized in the Holy Ghost watching one of our videos Baptist for like how many years she was she's probably in her 60s
she she'd been baptized her whole life and the Holy Spirit touched her and she got baptized in the Holy Ghost then I had a young man was wearing a white
jacket don't remember his name excuse me if I don't remember your name but I remember the young man he said he was he
got baptized in the Holy Ghost on this channel too so a lot of people are getting filled with the spirit of the
Lord and that is the first step isn't it D yes getting baptized in the Holy Ghost
is G is the first step to to your Victory walking in a in overflow you you
I I honest to goodness Diana we think we talk about it all the time I don't know how anybody makes it without him without
being baptized in the Holy Spirit speaking with other tongues I don't know how you you do it with we want to we
want to actually meet you cuz I'm just like tell me how you make it without the holy spirit cuz I'm just curious of of
the Overflow because I depend on him he is my
everything he is my everything he is my all and all if my goodness I couldn't
live this life without him I am so dependent on hearing him on a day to basis day-to-day basis Dian is the same
same way if we don't have him we are empty we're nothing and I I want to encourage you
all to get filled with the baptism of the Holy Spirit you say how get the book
why tongues by Brother Hagen it's Kenneth E Hagen why tongues read that
book over and over and over again and it will help you with wi tongues and it
will help you for what what you need so I hope that that blessed you all today man I didn't even get into what uh
I had to tell you about what I saw in the spirit about Donald Jr and all the things the attacks and the things are
coming again i' I guess we'll make another video that'll be tomorrow all right well let's pray real quick let's
pray for you and for your Miracle as I drive down this road I can't close my eyes and pray so I'm going to pray with
you you just pray with me I got to be safe here so father we just thank you Lord for every single person that is
representing here today that they're believing for a supernatural touch of
the Holy Holy Spirit on their life and we thank you Lord that you said in your word that those blessed are those that
hunger and thirst after righteousness for they will be filled filled with the
glory of the Lord and I thank you Father that you're filling with them to the Overflow right now in the name of Jesus
in every area of their life Diane and I are in agreement right now that they are filled with and controlled by the holy
spirit that father that these people are baptized with fire these people right
here are baptized with the Holy Spirit and they believe and they have the they are they're filled with the evidence of
speaking with other tongues and it is for today according to Acts chapter 2 those gifts did not go away they are
still running and doing things today and I thank you Father that the spirit of the Lord is on them to do something
Mighty in these last days I Believe In The Name of Jesus for demonstrations and
impartations of the glory on people's lives today I re I reach my hand out with you right now and I believe with
you for your healing I believe with you for your deliverance and I thank you Father that you're touching them from
the top of their head to the soles of their feet we command and demand our rightful place and privileges by our our
rights because we're jointed with Jesus Christ we're seated with him in the heavenlies far above all principalities
and powers and might and I thank you Father father I thank you Father that you are our he healer you are our
deliverer and dying in our agreement right now for all the women you pray for the women right now babe pray for the
women yes Father we thank you right now um we come before you we I I lift up
these women that have uh any hormonal imbalances father with their with their thyroids or whatever that that may be
father I thank you that everything lines up with with what your word says and your word says that are we are healed we
are whole and we don't have to have sickness we don't have to have disease on our bodies and our hormones line up
with what the way they're supposed to be in the name of Jesus Cycles are regulated everything
ovulation is is is normal our ovaries line up with the word of God and they
function like they're supposed to and and and the Fallopian tubes for women that are wanting to have babies father I
thank you that the Fallopian tubes do what they're designed to do the reproductive system works as it should
father in Jesus name thank you Father we thank you that there is in the in these women's bodies from the top of their
head to the souls of their feet even to their and their breast tissue and and father we thank you we thank you that
they are healed and whole and we speak to our bodies speak to it every day when you wake up whatever is whatever it is
that you're believing God for you speak to it if you're believing for a baby you say wom right now you line up with the
word of God you will conceive speak to your Mountain speak to those things those body parts to
function like they're supposed to yes you said father that we would reproduce that we would that we would that we
would you would multiply our seed father we thank you and I'm believing for a baby if you believe it you say I'm believing for a baby and wom you line up
with the word of God you do what you're supposed to do yes in the name of Jesus yes I agree that I thank you Lord keep
going baby I feel the anointing on that hor yes if there's if your hormones are not functioning say hormones you line up
with the word of God you will level out you every every cell in my body
functions as it the as my maker my Creator designed it to be yes pray for
their bodies yes and your bodies father if you're if you're believing whatever it is for your body you speak to that in
the name of Jesus if it's if it's a if it's your foot you say foot you line up with the word of God there's no no pain
if pain go now in the name of Jesus bones straightened as they should father
I thank you that that even your brain your thyroid thyroid you will find function as you should gallbladders in
the name of Jesus you line up with the word of God you will function and you will produce uh what like you should you
will the bile ducts the bile ducts will function as they should and you will digest food in your in your even in your
uh liver your liver and and digestive system your digestive system you operate
and function like you should like the like the Lord like the Lord designed us for it that it should in Jesus
name I can have everything the Bible says I can have and I can do everything the Bible says I can do amen I believe
it yes I receive it yes Lord yes good job you have anything else babe that was
good I I agree with that I felt the anointing on that tell them the the people were coming up to you telling you
tell them babe yes there's been people coming up to me and telling me that they have uh that they had that they either
conceived or they know someone that conceived because they prayed with with me on on video and the Holy Ghost hit
them through this through the camera and they they found out they were pregnant it's been more than one on multiple I've
had somebody had conceived Twins and uh yeah we're I'm excited to
hear about it lots of babies lots of babies are coming in 2025 folks a lot of babies all to the glory of God we're
just glad to be used y'all we're humbled and it's it's it's very exciting to see people's lives
being changed on this channel being baptized in the Holy Ghost people being healed and set free from bondage and you
know din when we used to believe all the time that God would use us to do something big Whoever thought it would
be through a YouTube channel you know being just cleaning bathrooms I used to say all the time father use me for the
glory use my wife for the glory let us do something big for you in these end
times we've have such a hunger for you Lord and we want such a touch of your presence on our life help us to take it
and set the captives free let us do help the other people like you've helped us
and who would ever thought that we'd have a YouTube channel praying for people like this and and and it's
amazing to see fruit it's amazing to see fruit isn't it babe to see people's
lives being true Robert and K really nice people they drove from Texas and and they're Ministry and they're doing
stuff and they're talking to us there there's a lot of nice people that we've come across with connect for nice nice
folks and uh we're thankful for every single one of you we pray for
you yeah we pray for you we pray for your deliverances we pray for your financial breakthroughs we pray that God
does something Supernatural in your year in 2024 we're believing for for Elon
Musk to become radically born again in 2025 in this year to finish out this
year that Elon Musk would have a radical experience with the Lord Jesus Christ that this year Elon Musk will give his
heart to the Lord Jesus and that he'll be radically saved and he'll use Starling for the glory of God and the
finances will help churches or whatever I'm believing that this is a time like
never before that we will see celebrities born again we call the celebrities uh filled with controlled by
the Holy Spirit and that they will have a revelation from the holy holy spirit that that Jesus is Lord that he is our
great great helper in a time of need and we thank you Lord that Donald Trump
Donald Trump is radically born again and his marriage is restored we call his married his marriage radically uh on
fire again and that their marriage is strong and father we thank you Lord for Supernatural covering over his children
in the name of Jesus that no weapon formed against his children will prosper
and uh we just thank you Lord for that we thank you for the for the cabinet and for all the the the people coming into
um to uh position in those areas that there're supposed to be and father we
give you glory for that we thank you Lord there's a turning of the tides there's a turning of things in the
financial sector in the in the what you showed me great shaking is coming but father I know that you will always
provide for your beloved and we give the Lord honor and glory for it in the name of Jesus and everybody say amen and amen
well we just want to say thank you for joining today I'm here I've got to go in now to to my place of and do my business
but I but I just want to say thank you all for joining us thank you for being a part of this YouTube channel if you
could please like this video subscribe if you haven't subscribe click the notification Bell Dian and I would
really appreciate that it helps us to get the gospel out there y'all one Soul
at a time it's been look at what the Lord is doing through a YouTube channel and we appreciate your support we really
do thank you like subscribe click the notification click say something nice down below and uh it helps us well we
always want to close our broadcast by always telling you this put a smile on your face and a song in your heart Jesus
loves you so much and we love you and we will see you all again next time and maybe even tonight at the Revival if
you're there God bless you all byebye

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