CIA Agent EXPOSES Planting Fake News In Mainstream Media - 1983

2 months ago

Former CIA agent, Frank Snepp, turned whistleblower and exposed the intelligence agency's regular practice of planting, and often outright commanding that mainstream media outlets such as ABC, CBS and NBC run fabricated news stories. This would also later include outlets like CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times. So what this means is that the CIA told American news outlets (including the even still respected Dan Rather) to run stories that were either completely fabricated, or had key pieces of information intentionally changed to fit whatever narrative they wanted to be heard (and believed) by the public. This is literally Fake News, or Disinformation by definition.

It has all but been blatantly stated that this happens with ALL mainstream media outlets, some regional and local news outlets, and yes even today's "alt-media" has been co-opted by the CIA under what we know today as Operation Mockingbird. Even though the CIA stated in the 1976 Church Committee Hearings that they no longer run the program, there was nothing ever provided to genuinely confirm they did indeed stop. Only their word. I'll leave you to decide how much that is worth.

Check Video Below!

Video - 1976 Church Committee Hearing, CIA Mockingbird Testimony:

CIA Agent EXPOSES Planting Fake News In Mainstream Media - 1983

CIA, Operation Mockingbird, Mockingbird, Covert Operation, Fake News, Disinformation, Misinformation, Mainstream Media, Intelligence Community, Conspiracy, Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracies, News, US History, History, Forgotten History, Whistleblower, CIA Operation, Black Ops, Propaganda, Central Intelligence Agency, Brain Washing, Brainwashing,

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