'The Two Towers' (1954) by J R R Tolkien

2 months ago

'The Two Towers', is the second volume of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, follows the divided paths of the Fellowship as they continue their fight against the forces of Sauron. The story is split into two primary narratives: Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli’s pursuit of Merry and Pippin, and Frodo and Sam’s perilous journey toward Mordor.

Book Three: The West:
After the fellowship's breaking, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli pursue the Uruk-hai who have kidnapped Merry and Pippin. The hobbits manage to escape their captors in the forest of Fangorn, where they meet Treebeard, an ancient and wise Ent. Treebeard, angered by Saruman’s destruction of the forest, rallies the Ents to march against Saruman’s stronghold at Isengard.

Aragorn’s group encounters the Riders of Rohan, led by Éomer, and later reunites with Gandalf, who has returned as Gandalf the White after his victory over the Balrog. Together, they help King Théoden of Rohan rally his people against Saruman’s forces. At the Battle of Helm’s Deep, they achieve a decisive victory with the aid of the Ents, who simultaneously destroy Isengard and trap Saruman in his tower.

Merry and Pippin, meanwhile, discover Saruman’s treachery and Sauron’s growing threat. Gandalf confronts Saruman, breaking his staff and casting him out of the order of wizards.

Book Four: The East:
Frodo and Sam make their way toward Mordor, guided by the creature Gollum, who seeks to reclaim the Ring but is restrained by his fear and admiration for Frodo. Despite his treacherous nature, Gollum proves valuable in leading them through dangerous terrain. Along the way, they witness the growing power of Sauron’s armies and the desolation of Mordor.

The group is captured by Faramir, Boromir’s brother, who is initially tempted by the Ring but ultimately resists its pull. He allows Frodo and Sam to continue their journey. Gollum leads them to a secret entrance into Mordor via the tunnels of Shelob, a monstrous spider. Gollum’s betrayal becomes clear when Shelob attacks Frodo, leaving him seemingly lifeless. Sam, believing Frodo to be dead, fights off Shelob and takes the Ring, vowing to complete the mission. However, Sam soon discovers that Frodo is alive but has been captured by orcs.

Conclusion: The Two Towers concludes on a tense and foreboding note. Frodo is imprisoned in Mordor, Sam is determined to rescue him, and the forces of Middle-earth prepare for a climactic confrontation with Sauron’s growing might.

Tolkien’s tale delves deeper into themes of loyalty, corruption, and the sacrifices required to resist evil, setting the stage for the epic finale in The Return of the King.

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