Have A Heart And Do Your Part

2 months ago

Part of the reason that this vision has taken so long is that it's hard to get your ducks in a row and collaborate with people who have the skills and connections when you are isolated or not "plugged in". InCircle Us (ICU) and TLC (The LORI Company) is about joining circles together for win win solutions. InCircle Us members are like links in a chain and become stronger when hooked up. This has been a labor of love and I am grateful for those who helped. Stay tuned, the best really is yet to come. Pray and sing. Celebrate and pass down memories, photos, keepsakes and stories. We are finally after 20 years of hard labor, at the good part. xoxo Lori Bella and the L team, A Team, Team Resolute and Company B. Here is the live link. When you see the Canva in the url link, it's live. That is not the case with the videos here and on You Tube. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFwcLiDhPE/wDnn2cjmTK-uue6KL659bg/edit

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