Prophetic Word Unto My International People, Amen!

2 months ago

Prophetic Word Unto My International People, Amen!
“To My people overseas, why aren’t you obeying Me, says the LORD? I called you unto evangelism, and instead you just sit around doing nothing like the Church in the West. I Am highly displeased with My Church in India, and they will be reduced in numbers through starvation. I Am not well pleased with My Church internationally, except in a few places where they serve Me with their whole heart. You’ve had many opportunities to serve Me, but squandered them on self. For that you will be judged, and that most severely. A global famine is coming followed by economic collapse. Do not expect to stay alive if you do not serve Me with your whole heart and serve Me doing My will, Oh International Church of Mine! Oh, My people overseas, why do you refuse to serve Me and reach the masses? Look unto the harvest, they are white unto harvest, the fields are full of grain, and yet you sit around doing nothing. Oh, My Indian Church, you will be judged most harshly, and be punished most severely, and few survive My wrath for what is coming. You have had the Gospel for years, even centuries, and still idolatry abounds in your land while you sit around doing nothing about it. Oh, My Indian Church, take a lesson from China and evangelize the masses. I Am pleased with them, for they will obey Me, Oh My Underground Church! Obey Me while you have the time, Oh My Westerners, for the time is coming when darkness is covering the Earth and no man can work. Oh, My International Church, repent quickly from where you have failed Me through cowardice and lack of all things, for you depend on money to get My will done, not on My will, for I Am sufficient for all things. Oh, My International Church, take My lesson from Korea, for they are willing to do My will, not you. You will be punished most severely if you don’t get up and do My will. Oh, My people, the global pandemic is coming, and many of you will be eliminated unless you do My will and get the Golden Glow for your lives. You will not survive My wrath against you unless you seek Me and do My will in global evangelism, Oh My people! Shake off your cowardice and do My will with that you have, and go into My world and evangelize My lost. Your LORD has spoken, Oh My people. Amen.”

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