
3 months ago

We're talking about baptism today. We're going to talk about what it means to be baptized, who are the people to be baptized, and why is it we do it, and what is the mode or the mechanism for baptism. So I encourage you to come and listen to baptism talk today about baptism. I'm going to make some statements that probably you will agree with. I'm going to make a particular one statement that you're going to go, "huh?" And then I'll show you what the scriptures say about all of this and then we'll be a little more educated on why Baptists look at baptism in a particular way. So the word baptism or what does it mean? It means to dip or to immerse. So that's the meaning and that's why Baptists dip or immerse as a form of baptism and I'll flush that out a little further.

Sermon Notes
Baptize Means to dip or immerse
Baptism Is not a sacrament
Matthew 3:13 –17 Jesus our example
Matthew 28:16 – 20 Jesus commanded us to be and do
Colossians 2:9 – 14 What baptism means – shows what Christ did
Acts 8:25 – 39` An example of one person baptized
Acts 16:25 – 34 An example of a family being baptized

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