Trump Owns His PPP Lock-down Fraud with Latest Pick for Deputy Treasury Secretary

2 months ago

Trump Picks Michael Faulkender as Scott Bessent’s Deputy Treasury Secretary -- Faulkender implemented Covid-era Paycheck Protection Program or PPP program – Payroll Protection Program.

PPP funds, or Paycheck Protection Program funds, are forgivable loans that the Small Business Administration (SBA) provides to small businesses to help pay payroll costs and other expenses.

During Covid Trump persuaded Congress to approve $800 Billion, which most of it ended up unaccounted for and went missing.

It is estimated that over 50% of this was STOLEN and now Trump appoints the criminal who was running this SCAM as Deputy Treasurer, under the Soros puppet Scott Bessent.

Only 20% to 25% of all of these funds were used to actually help small businesses as ALL of it was intended for. The rest was stolen.

Trump is the CEO of a Corporation, he isn’t working for the people. His job is help the corporations thrive while he makes private deals with them to put $$ in his own pockets. It is an enrichment opportunity. It is a Feeding Frenzy for all of these Sharks.

Just look at Trump’s cabinet picks from his last Presidency as 75% were Ashkenazi Jews – in case your wondering – those were Cabal puppets, if not direct members of the club.

There was NO oversight and it was supposed to go to Small Businesses but ended up going to big business Corporations.

It was a HOAX. A big Heist of more American tax money. A total waste that was not beneficial to the people who owned small businesses but beneficial to the corporations and Trump supporters are still caught in his charismatic spell of bullshit.

Trump has mentioned the idea of even ending the IRS and replacing it by implementing an “all tariff” policy. The truth is that the IRS is their Money Tree that they shake on a rainy day.

Trump has the b.s. skill of a Charlie Ward – his followers love to listen to him and see no wrong, no matter what the act is.

People believed that total b.s. when Trump said he was going to “drain the swamp” but in fact he IS the swamp and he is enriching the swamp while looking you in the face and stealing your tax funds.

He is a Cabal High Criminal with the gift of gab.

It sure appears our entire government has gone Rogue and it is nothing but a feast of robbing the people and destroying America from within.

It is sickening that the top political choices are all well trained Deep State Cabal Members working for Israel, who is owned by the Rothschild’s who are the supporters of the WEF and UN who are developing the plans for the New World Order – the One World Government.

Susan Bradford said that Trump was groomed by the Rothschild’s at least since 1987 to play this role 35 years later.

By the way, Scott Bessent – Trump’s pick for Secretary U.S. Treasury is a Soros puppet.

Nothing like putting the highest cabal puppets in charge.

How can’t people see what’s going on here?

We are being MAJORLY lied to.

We the people are the swamp according to these Rothschild puppets.

See All My Trump Video Collection – “Trump Truther Videos” →

Source: The David Knight Show --

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END. 12/15/2024 9:00 AM

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