The Rejection of Jesus Christ by the Jews

2 months ago

Religious Jews have denied Christ and in doing so have no part in Him. The reality is the only way anyone can be saved is to completely trust in Jesus for salvation. There is no other way. No amount of work or sacrifice can't do it. We are saved by grace through faith ALONE.

That means Jew, Greek, Isrealist, Gentile, Catholic, etc, the name and or label has no bearing on your salvation. Jesus Christ saves to the Uttermost.
Trust in Jesus Christ today!

Jesus paid it all.

If you have any questions please feel free to comment or reach out!

The sermon this clip was taken from is linked at the end. You can also find it on the channel.
"Steady Outstretched Hand"

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203 Rhyne Oakland Road,
Gastonia, NC, 28098

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