Scary Monsters Magazine (1991) Collection Overview

2 months ago

Welcome back boils and ghouls to the Comic Crypt of Castle Hills. Today, I would like to share with you, my Scary Monsters Magazine collection. The Real Monster Magazine.
Published by Dennis Druktenis Publishing and Mail Order.
Stories and art by Dennis Druktenis, Greg Chappell, Justin Humphreys, and C.J. Winston. Publisher Dennis Druktenis and other lifelong monster fans celebrate the creatures of classic horror and sci-fi cinema with still photos and fond memories. This issue ranges from classics like Horror of Dracula to Z-movie greats like From Hell It Came and Attack of the Crab Monsters. Also, the First Year of Warren Publishing's Eerie Magazine; and plastic monster models. Attack of the Crab Monsters; Day the World Ended; From Hell It Came; Horror of Dracula; Invasion of the Saucer-Men; It Conquered the World; It! The Terror from Beyond Space; Warren Publishing's Eerie Magazine: The First Year; Plastic Monsters Are Back; Invasion of the Giant Saguaros; The Beginning; Scary Movie View. 8-in. x 11-in., 32 pages, B&W. Cover price $3.50.

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