Newly leaked Pfizer docs. Major adverse reactions known by Pfizer and FDA by Dec. 1, 2020

30 days ago

A Pfizer whistleblower just leaked documents showing that over 158,00 reports of adverse reactions to the Covid jabs were made to Pfizer from Dec. 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021. The FDA was well aware of the issue and approved the jabs anyway.

During the initial court case, where Pfizer was ordered to release all of it's documentation, Pfizer requested a SEVENTY FIVE YEAR TIMEFRAME to release it all! By that time they figured, anyone injured would be long gone.

The Judge said no and gave Pfizer a timeframe that spanned the course of eighteen months to get everything out in the public.

A whistleblower couldn't wait and let a few cats out of the bag.

The papers showed SERIOUS ADVERSE REACTIONS included:
Spontaneous abortion
Massive Heart attacks
Neurological issues

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