07 Genesis 1:1-25 (Days 1-6a)

3 months ago

Ordered Blessing
Genesis 1:1-25
I. Review
II. Days of creation
Colossians 1:16-17
2 Peter 3:5
A. Day One (1:1-5)
1. Space, time, and matter (1:1)
2. A watery, formless, earth (1:2 / 2 Pe 3:5)
3. Light & darkness (1:3-5)
4. Evening, morning, first day (1:5)
B. Day Two (1:6-8)
1. Expanse / Canopy / Firmament (1:6)
2. Separation from the waters above and below (1:6-7)
3. The expanse was called ‘sky or ‘heaven’ (1:8)
4. Evening, morning, second day (1:8)
Genesis 7:11
C. Day Three (1:9-13)
1. Gathered waters, called ‘seas’ (1:9)
2. Dry land, called ‘earth’ (1:10)
3. It was good (1:10)
4. Vegetation, plants with seeds, fruit trees (1:11)
5. According to its kind (1:12)
6. Bearing fruit (1:12)
7. It was good (1:12)
8. Evening, morning, third day (1:13)
D. Day Four (1:14-19)
1. Light in the expanse (1:14)
2. Discern night, day, signs, seasons, days, and years (1:14)
3. Lights in the expanse of heaven to give the earth light (1:15)
4. Two great lights—Sun, moon, and stars (1:16)
5. The celestial bodies were set in the expanse to rule night and day (1:17-18)
6. It was good (1:18)
7. Evening, morning, fourth day (1:19)
E. Day Five (1:20-23)
1. Swarming creatures in the water / birds of the air (1:20)
2. Great and swarming sea creatures / birds (1:21)
3. Be fruitful and multiply (1:22)
4. No statement ‘it was good’
5. Evening, morning, fifth day (1:19)
F. Day Six A (1:24-25)
1. Living creatures—livestock, beasts, reptiles, insects (1:24)
2. It was good (1:25)
III. Issues
1. Review of Genesis options
2. Day age theory
Psalm 90:4
IV. How should we then live?
A. Be blessed by accepting God’s boundaries.
B. Be blessed by accepting God’s kinds.
Leviticus 19:19
C. Be blessed by accepting God’s order.
1 Corinthians 14:33, 40

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