Gut health "debate"

3 months ago

I just randomly had the inspiration to make a video in response to seeing what a nutritionist & gut-health influencer were "beefing" about online lol

Like my herb raps say... "keep that beef high-qual or end up toothless!" ahaha

I feel like I can add to the discussion & help them understand each other a little better.

Each of them is partially correct in my opinion... but also could probably learn from me!

The gut-health lady needs to learn to re-introduce foods & 100% correct the microbiome & the nutritionist seems to not understand WHY this woman is afraid of starches. Some ppl NEED to be, but temporarily...

Hence my agreement with the nutritionist too... I was actually pleasantly surprised she knew about prebiotics & the microbiome at all. ;)

Even though I trigger ppl & am annoying ahahahah they *miiiight* like my content/thoughts on the topic of gut-health... so I'll be sharing & seeing what these ladies think... lolllll gotta F around find out!

Anyways just a random health themed commentary-style video I decided to make...

More videos where I teach "protocols" coming soon ;) But I saw this video Charlotte Dobre made & couldn't resist... she made me want to put my thoughts out there!!!!
Here's her video if you want to see:

I will prob put out a small clip of this video & all my videos but I like to get into the details & dig deeper than surface level- it takes time to do that! :)

PPL may not like me all the time but I just speak what I believe Truth is...

As my raps say... "only real sh*t comes out my mouth & only REAL Witches are WITH IT!!!!" ;) Leave that doc on red; come try something NEW... keep it on airplane mode so none of them EMF's come through!!!!" ugh that's a goooood herb rap but I can't share the whole thangggg here lol it's from "I do" by Cardi B

Anyways, hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think of my perspective on gut-health or if you have anything to add to the discussion... let's gooo!!!!! LOL :)

P.S. If you'd like to get access to exclusive content then join my locals Coven by clicking the red "join" button below my videos... that's how you can join my Natural Health Coven & even chat with me (& others as the Coven grows... *hopefully*! lol) in the private Coven over there too! You'll understand more about how it works when you're in... lol it's like a secret Natural Health club for Bad Witches & Warlocks ONLY! REAL Witches ONLY! Self-Optimizers ONLY! hahah k I'll stop with the herb rapping & ranting now. I'll see you in the video & maybe... in the "Locals" Coven! ;)

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