The Nephilim Giants, Part 1

3 months ago

Did giants really roam the earth in Noah's day or didn't they? It depends upon your world-view and view of the supernatural! One of the trickiest things about reading and studying the Bible is when to take a section figuratively or literally. Sometimes, both can be applied. Isaiah 7 is one such double interpretation verse. On one hand, Isaiah prophesies about a physical son as a sort of "timer" of Aram's destruction (Aram was threatening Jerusalem). On the other hand, time has proven this same section as pertaining to a coming Messiah. "See, the virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel." (Isaiah 7:14) Well, Genesis 6 is a puzzler as well. Were there giants in Noah's day, offspring of spiritual beings (the Watchers) and human women? Take a listen to part 1 of a two-part series on the Nephilim, the giants, of Genesis 6! | Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista |

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