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  • “He makes a lot of good points”. Man, I sure hope he’s right. Just remember; Talk Is Cheap. And Trump talks a lot. I’m more interested in actions, so I’ll take a “wait and see” approach.

  • Hey Doc, your suspicions are correct....We gonna take Mexico & Canada under our wing. It will be called the United States Of North America! Too fucking cool! Follow me back.

  • More terror more pain for God in heaven…the better the drug

    1 like
  • Doc, if you dare…Look into a company AmplifyBio. You’ll be surprised to see who its investors are. BTW, love your channel!

    1 like
  • In Bastrop Texas we have a company called the "Boring company" it's an Elon Musk company. They are building a network under ground. (Boring company. com) look it up.

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  • To have trust in a politician today in America is completely NIAVE. Like believing the actors of Hollywood movies are not acting but being a true representation of themselves? Politicians lie to us on camera cuz they in general think we are dumb, also cuz they can get away with it. Face to face. Most are cowards with no moral principles. Doc. I haven’t found your new channel?

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  • Trump and Trudeau were the same height at Mara Lago..... just sayin

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  • You have to make all of your clips with the same volume dude

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  • 42 more days !

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  • Eric Adams you’re a hypocrite backstabbing bitch

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  • Hay Doc, I think all of England is now American country. Australia, Canada, the virgin islands, i think america grew a lot

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  • Not positive but I think it’s Norway that is the only self sufficient country in all ways

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  • BOOMS - moths ago three deep, thunderous booms which shook all of Laguna Beach. Felt like huge bombs booming beneath ground. What shocks me the most is how nearly all residents I asked about it were like, "oh yeah, I heard that too" ... just sleeping sheep

  • Why can’t everyone be like you?

  • Taking over Canada isn’t cool . Part of the UNs agenda for North America over twenty years ago was to combine Mexico , Canada and the US as on continent under one ruler as part of the world takeover. It was talk about during the NAFTA negotiations back then . It’s part of Prophecy where the world is divided into ten sections with ten kings , that will in one hour hand over power to a one world leader the Antichrist. That’s why they created the European Union , they are joining all the worlds countries into ten sections which will align with prophecy.