The Sky Is Falling! Part 1

3 months ago

The Sky Is Falling! The Sky Is Falling! Bible Sense About Signs. Man, if it ain't one thing it's another! Blood moons, total solar eclipses, unique coinciding of stars, planets, sun, and moon...that could only mean one thing! DOGS AND CATS, LIVING TOGETHER, MASS HYSTERIA! In fact, during the recent "Great American Eclipse" MILLIONS of people drove to the line of total eclipse to watch a 2-minute event! They must think there's something to this! There's no denial, we have seen some interesting and rare celestial events. Many people, not just Christians, believe these as God-sent signs. Are they? What makes them genuine signs from heaven's throne room? If they are, why does God use such signs and what is He saying? Are the signseekers just blowing smoke to raise money and followers? Join the Truth Barista and Amazing Larry as they take on this controversial subject of the signs of the times - Bible Sense About Signs. | Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista |

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