Adnan Rashed The Mosque Where Jesus _Became_ God_ Nicaea 325(1080P_HD)

3 months ago

The First Council of Nicaea was a gathering of Christian bishops in 325 CE that established the Nicene Creed and resolved the controversy of Arianism:
The council was held in Nicaea, which is now the city of Ä°znik in Turkey.
The council was called by Emperor Constantine I to address the controversy of Arianism, a heresy that claimed Jesus was a created being and not divine.
The council's main accomplishments were:
Establishing the Nicene Creed, which is still recited in churches today
Affirming the orthodox belief in the Holy Trinity
Condemning Apollinarism, the teaching that Christ had no human mind or soul
Mandating a uniform observance of Easter
Promulgating early canon law
The council was the first of seven ecumenical councils, which were called to reach a consensus on Christian beliefs and doctrine. The Nicene Creed established a precedent for subsequent councils to create statements of belief and church law.

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