On Judgement Day 😳😥😢😔😭

3 months ago

Beloved of GOD ALMIGHTY,

Is anyone sure, 💯 sure of their calling 🤔?... I believe it's best we seek Our LORD JESUS CHRIST 👑🙏 ,each of us in our own private quality time with Our LORD in all humility, and ask HIM what is our ordination, destiny, purpose, plan, path, assignments on this Earth...what were we called to do on Earth?..before we go to meet HIM over yonder one of these fine days...and if we are on the wrong path, we ask HIM to forgive us and align us on the correct path..

I believe HE is waiting for us to seek HIM and ask these important questions.

I pray that everyone gets to do and accomplish the GOD-given purpose, assignment, ordination they were called to do on Earth🙏..#beaworthysteward💪

I am 💯 certain, HE will answer and reveal that which we are supposed to do on this side of Heaven (Earth) and also equip and empower us to carry out that purpose, ordination, plan, assignment.

#isyourlifeworthyofthegospel? #beaworthysteward #allaboutGOD

Video Credit 🎥; sthama vundla (TikTok)
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