We Solved The Mystery Of The Pyramids

2 months ago

Explore the role of technology in advancing international development goals in the Master of Science in Global Technology and Development. Create solutions by focusing on history, social science concepts, government policies and development projects from around the world. https://asuonline.asu.edu/online-degree-programs/graduate/master-science-global-technology-development/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=video_paid&utm_content=sh-scishow-video&utm_campaign=-sh_global_technology_ms&ecd22=&utm_term=

The Pyramids of Giza have fascinated and confused us for hundreds of years, and while we know a lot about who built them and how they were made, one question that has remained is why they are where they are. And the answer to that question lies in an ancient, long-dried out riverbed buried in the desert.

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