Pass to Heaven

2 months ago

🔷️ Everything in this world has a beginning and an end. We live in a flow of different events: we earn money, build relationships, rejoice, and feel sad. This is how our days and years fly by... And we don't think about what happens after we leave this world. Will we go to Heaven? Is there Heaven, and where to find it?

In this video, you'll find information about what happens to a person after death.

📍 Shocking traditions of different nations to commemorate the dead nowadays
📍 Who is not allowed to attend the funeral and go to the cemetery
📍 Ancient knowledge of what a human lives for and who he really is
📍 Scientific research that confirms that the life of a person does not end with the death of the body
📍 What is a subpersonality
📍 How to find peace and not go to hell?
📍 Indulgence. How corruption conquered sin

💠 "The Mystery of Sacred Structures" | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30 (Part 1)

💠 "The Mystery of Sacred Structures" | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30 (Part 2)

💠 "The Mystery of Sacred Structures" | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30 (Part 3)

#ALLATRA #KaleidoscopeofFacts #Heaven #AfterdeathFate #CommemorationofDead

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